
Problem creating system: SSS Rank Problem to Start

Liang Wei mattered to himself, "While everyone has super systems, I have a Problem Creating System!," Liang Wei is a young cultivator from a family of cultivators who has been admitted to a prestigious sect as an outer sect disciple with the help of spirit stones. However, his poor cultivation attitude makes him the target of ridicule and bullying by his fellow disciples. One day, he wakes up to find himself in possession of a new system called the Problem-Creating System (PCS). With the Problem-Creating System (PCS), Liang Wei can receive randomly generated problems that offer valuable rewards upon completion. Through this system, Liang learns important lessons in determination, creativity, and problem-solving that he applies to his cultivation, impressing his fellow disciples and improving his skills. With the PCS by his side, Liang is ready to face any challenge and become the most powerful cultivator. Liang Wei proudly declares, "While everyone has super systems, I have a Problem Creating System!, bring it on, I can tackle any problems that come my way and grow stronger with each obstacle I overcome."

Topu_Mojumdar · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Jin Hao

Liang Wei's eyes widened as he took in the sight of Jin Hao. He was slim and graceful, with an agility that seemed almost supernatural. Liang knew from the moment he laid eyes on him that he was in for a tough fight.

As soon as the match started, Liang charged at Jin with all his might. However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to land a hit. Jin was just too quick for him. Liang's attacks were either blocked or dodged with ease.

Jin countered with lightning-fast movements, his sword slicing through the air with deadly precision. Liang found himself constantly on the defensive, desperately trying to evade Jin's attacks.

The clash of swords echoed through the training hall as the two fighters battled it out. Liang's determination never wavered, even as he was knocked down again and again. Each time he got back up, more determined than ever to keep fighting.

Despite his repeated failures, Liang refused to give up. He kept pushing himself, trying different strategies and techniques, each time hoping to land a hit on his opponent. But Jin was always one step ahead, his movements fluid and unpredictable.

As the fight wore on, Liang began to tire. His movements became slower and less coordinated, and Jin took advantage of this, striking with even greater speed and ferocity.

Finally, after what felt like hours of intense fighting, Liang's energy gave out. He collapsed to the ground, panting heavily, his sword clattering to the floor beside him.

Jin stepped forward, his sword at Liang's throat. Liang braced himself for the finishing blow, but it never came. Instead, Jin sheathed his sword and extended a hand to Liang, helping him up.

"You fought well," Jin said with a small smile. "I haven't seen someone with that kind of determination in a long time."

Liang was surprised by Jin's kind words, but he still couldn't shake the disappointment of his defeat. However, his spirits lifted when Jin handed him the sword he had been using.

"Take this," Jin said. "This is my first sword it has helped for a long time but now it can't match my level, it might help you in your training. And who knows, maybe someday you'll come back and challenge me again when you're a core formation cultivator."

"I am Jin Hao, a disciple of the prestigious Dragonfire Sect, known for our powerful fire-based cultivation techniques and emphasis on speed and agility in combat. Their sect is located in the heart of the Dragonfire Mountains, where only the most skilled and dedicated cultivators are able to survive and thrive. I hope you will find me" Jin Hao said as he left.

As Liang Wei watched Jin Hao disappear into the distance, he couldn't help but feel a surge of determination. He knew that if he wanted to become a powerful cultivator like Jin Hao, he would need to work hard and never give up.

"Congratulations! You have Solved the Problem: 'get an Intermediate-level sword or higher'.solved rating 'B' As a reward, you have been granted an affinity token for swords. Higher the rating higher the affinity "

Sword affinity token: after use Increases your affinity with swords to 80%. You will now have better control over your sword techniques and your attacks with swords will be 50% more powerful.

"Eh! is this possible?" Liang Wei used the token on Stormcaller as he did he feels closer to the sword and felt like he used this sword for a long time. As he wielded the sword he felt he can also use more power than before.

"How miraculous," Liang Wei thought."No wonder those cultivators with systems are legends"

With his new sword in hand, Liang returned to the Heavenly Sword Sect to continue his training. He spent hours each practicing his sword techniques, determined to master the intermediate sword technique he had received as a reward for completing his mission.

Liang Wei was really surprised by his progress and control of the technique and the sword both felt really familiar to him like he trained for a long time. But his cultivation was letting him down. His cultivation couldn't keep up with the qi consumption, a high-level sword using an intermediate technique is tough with his cultivation. the power so really way beyond his usual but can't sustain for long.

. . . .

"System, show my personal stats," said Liang Wei.

Name: Liang Wei

Cultivation Level: Third Stage of Qi Refining Realm

Battle Power: 4500 units

Fighting Style: None

Special Abilities: Sword drawing technique

Weaknesses: Low Cultivation

Background: Comes from a humble family with little cultivation resources but has a powerful sister.

. . . .

Liang Wei took a deep breath and looked at his stats, pondering on his next move. "Third stage of Qi Refining Realm and a battle power of 4500 units," he muttered to himself. "Not bad, but I need to increase my cultivation if I want to use my sword and techniques properly."

He frowned as he thought about his lack of fighting style. "I need to learn some techniques to complement my sword drawing technique," he thought, realizing that his reliance on his sword-wielding without techniques could become a weakness if he didn't diversify his abilities.

But then he felt a glimmer of excitement as he remembered the sword affinity token he had received as a reward. "With an affinity of 80%, I should be able to use my new high-level sword with more control and increase my power by 50%," he said, his eyes lighting up with excitement.

He took a moment to admire the sword's beauty, its blade glinting in the light. "I need a good name for you," he whispered, stroking the hilt. "How about...Radiant Sky? Yes, Radiant Sky Sword. It suits you."

"System, stats of Radiant Sky," said Liang Wei.

Name: Radiant Sky

Grade: High-level

Type: Sword

Affinity: 80%

Appearance: A sleek and shining sword with a golden hilt and a blade that glimmers like sunlight on water.


max Attack Power: 90,000 units

Durability: 10,000 units

Special Abilities :

Radiance: When wielded by someone with high affinity, the blade emits light and boosts the wielder's attack speed by 50% for a short time.

Holy Strike: When used against dark or demonic entities, the sword's attack power is increased by 100% and it can cause additional holy damage.

. . . .

Liang Wei examined the stats of his new sword, the Radiant Sky, and muttered to himself, "This sword is truly remarkable. With its attack speed and power, I'll be able to take on opponents far beyond my current level of cultivation. And the sword affinity token will help me control it even better, increasing my power by 50% when using the sword."

He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have obtained such a powerful weapon, and he vowed to train tirelessly to master its use. "I may have low cultivation talent, but with this sword and problem-creating system, I can make a name for myself in the martial world," Liang thought to himself with determination.

Liang sat in quiet meditation, trying to focus his mind and cultivate his Qi. But after a few minutes, he opened his eyes and let out a sigh of frustration.

"Why is my cultivation speed so slow?" he muttered to himself. "Even with this new sword and increased affinity, I'm not making much progress."

He closed his eyes again and tried to clear his mind, but his thoughts kept drifting back to his sister, who had always been the more talented cultivator in their family. Liang couldn't help feeling like he was always playing catch-up as he would never be able to reach the same level of power and skill as her.

But then he remembered the words of the mysterious stranger Jin Hao, who had given him the sword.

"Believe in yourself, Liang. Your potential is greater than you know." Liang Wei said to himself

With a renewed sense of determination, Liang took a deep breath and began to cultivate again. He knew that he couldn't let self-doubt hold him back, that he had to trust in his own abilities and keep pushing forward.

As Liang Wei settled into his cultivation practice, the system suddenly beeped with a new notification. "Continuous Problem assigned: Cultivate for 18 hours straight, after completing the continuous problem will be given. Reward: Increase cultivation talent by 20%."

Liang Wei felt a mix of excitement and trepidation at the challenge. He knew that cultivating for 18 hours straight would be difficult, but the promise of increasing his cultivation talent was too tempting to pass up.

"System, How do you measure cultivation talent?", Liang Wei asked the system. Liang Wei wanted to know what makes him different from those talented cultivators. Ever since stepped foot on his cultivation journey everyone looked down on him for his cultivation talent.

Even the person Liang Wei's father bribed to let him in the heavenly sword sect said he had low cultivation talent. But he didn't know what is low cultivation talent why he can't absorb qi fast as others.

The system responded


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