
Priya Echo's Adventure - Book 4 - Transcendence

Priya Echo is a magical hero trying to save the universe from the evil wizard Telenon

DaoistmMAJLZ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
51 Chs


Second Age, Echo Realm

Lifelike flames frolicked from Ostigim's back as she walked into the venue for the patron's party. Inside a few early arrivals from her portion were arranged sparsely throughout the room, nodding towards cocktail glasses, immersed in small talk. An observant one waved to her as she strode past. Ostigim was good to her locals and they returned the favor. Gone were the days of arson and monsoons of fire, lapping the shores of her cities like waves. Gone were the days of wanton explosions and tomfoolery. The exuberance had fizzled. Even though pyromania was still of course included in her job description. Witnessing the first locals from Etheria's portion scoot in from titanic doors, she sucked the flames back into her person. It would be a long day if another summons was issued to her explaining that so-and-so was mad because so-and-so got 100-th degree burns. Lucky for her people, their spirits were indestructible. Across the room Anthony's face reddened for he had been her lover on many occasions. He noticed her, then returned to his cocktail. A mild temperament bathed the room. The Etherians found their places. A few satisfied men circled around a waiter supplying escargot dipped in a sweet mustard that was a carefully guarded secret. Chocolate chicken nuggets was the next course. Sprinting into the room a young lass no more than fourteen found the rosy cushion of an oversized seat. Someone had given her a dress made from some hybrid of precious silk and summer clouds. A bow rested on her hair. Little black shoes were untied. Ostigim marched onto the other side of the room. To the right was a staircase made of marble countertops, each with a different color, from white to black with gold inlays. Every single one of the faucets was turned on for display. She turned one off. Out the window the day was mostly afternoon. Still fresh by her standards. Below, circumstantial evidence for camping arrayed across the lush ground. It was raining petals that day because the forest had decided to construct rows of catapults and hurl bouquets up into the air. In pitiful efforts, the winds tried to blow the clouds astray. Birds scythed their way through a layer of sky that didn't know whether it was blue or white. Ostigim turned back to the quiet chitter-chat of the party. The first task was to fend off a waiter. After that a nudist, scantily clad in basil leaves said hello, and thanked her for her public service. Unmistakable tones of basil heightened her senses for a moment, before dropping them in dizzy pirouettes back to the earth. It was Cameron from the fifteenth floor of the tower on garnet street. That incident with the basil garden and people running for their lives from monsters. "Can we let bygones be bygones" she begged. The patron nodded and it was a done deal. Suddenly the wooden floor gave way. Below a glass floor two dragons fought each other to the death. The victor bit into the other with its immaculate fangs, spreading blood all over the floor. Ostigim begin to feel a little bit more alert. In moments she found herself closer to the center. A waiter came besides her with a bottle of clear bubbly soda. From his pocket he grabbed a cap opener and popped the metallic lid. Released into the world the bubbles took flight to the ceiling, each transforming into a perfect crystal until the glistening chandelier took shape. Light emitted from it softened the floor to such a degree that a few locals stretched themselves onto it like a lounger on a plush couch of indeterminate length. The wide open space of the hall was almost bemusing. Pillars stood at intervals. A scent of humble soda subtly graced the air and … AND WHERE THE FUCK WERE THE PATRONS !!! THEY DIDN'T COME. THEY DECIDED TO GO TO A DIFFERENT PARTY !!! The flames upon her body restored themselves, and she jumped at the glass floor, shattering it and fell towards the dragon. In seconds the beast succumbed to the IGNITION of fire. The head turned in amazement. It fell, its skin burnt to worthless ash. Angered beyond words, the patron marched out the gate and into the day that was now stupid because it was so nice. Later that day the heart of the dragon itself ripped itself from the body and rose to the room above. It beat ten times to the curiosity of all those that gathered to witness it, then transformed into a new man that they had never seen before. In his soul was the entitlement to bring discipline upon the earth for the circumstances of his birth.