
Returning to the auction house

Besides the three classes that he was teaching, Ensen was still rather inexperienced with the administration part of the Academy. While the system had boosted his abilities in this area slightly from his last completed mission, it didn't change his lack of confidence in his abilities.

Luckily the students were all rather nice and didn't run into any trouble as of yet, beside Warren and Brian but that was relatively minor.

After Math class had ended, Ensen led the class to the back of the school, near the lake for their first Gym class.

Panicking on the inside even though he worked hard last night to come up with a good activity for the first class, Ensen screamed in his mind 'I'm not a Gym teacher!'

Although Ensen had never taught a Music class he could take lots of elements from his Math class to use, so it wasn't a big deal. Combined with his skill and knowledge about the piano, he was actually a decent music teacher.

Looking at his students who wore lighter clothes for Gym class, Ensen steeled his mind and began class.

"Alright guys, come stand in front of me for a moment," Ensen said.

As all of the students gathered up, Ensen spoke with a loud voice to ensure everybody heard him.

"Alright, so this is the first Gym class. Unlike the other classes, this will be a more relaxed class. We will try to cover lots of different activities such as soccer, archery, hiking, and lots more." Ensen said.

"Today we will do some team-building exercises though. There are five of you so… how about we do boys versus girls?" He pondered after a brief pause.

"Yeah! We'll take them down!" Warren shouted.

"That sounds good," Leah said more relaxed, although she too seemed rather excited.

'I did not expect this reaction, even Anabella seemed a little excited.' Ensen thought in confusion.

Since the girls only had two people compared to the boys three, they would be given a small advantage to help level the playing field.

"Alright, everybody line up there and we will get started. The winning team gets… bragging rights?" Ensen said, not knowing what to give them.

Unexpectedly this seemed to encourage the students even more.

'I really have competitive student's don't I?' Ensen thought, not knowing how to feel about it.

As the students were lined up in a relay-style facing the school building, Ensen began telling them their first task.

"Alright, so the first team to three wins will be the winner. The first task is to run to the school building and return. Everybody in the team has to do this, but can't go until the person in front of them does. Anabella, you will have to go twice." Ensen said.

As everybody nodded in agreement, the competition officially started with Ensen shouting "Go!"

As a few moments passed, Ensen thought to himself 'Why is Anabella so fast? Is she a Cheetah in disguise?'

Anabella returned to her line in an impressive time as Leah took off.

Even though she was visibly slower than Anabella, she still did decently and managed to come back just as the second member of the boys team, Warren was just touching the school wall.

Once Leah returned, Anabella the Cheetah took off once again.

"Go, Anabella!" Leah shouted in excitement.

On the other side, the boy's team looked at Anabella returning to her line in defeat.

"We'll win the next one!" Warren shouted.

The second task was similar, just that they had to do it with only one foot instead.

As the second round began, Ensen noticed that Anabella seemed rather unstable hopping on one foot. Moving closer to her in case she fell, he nearly caught her a few times when she lost her balance but she managed to pull through.

Luckily for the girls, Stephen seemed to have even worse balance when compared to Anabella.

It was a miracle that he managed to return to the line without falling down.

As the girls celebrated their second victory, Ensen thought 'Maybe that wasn't the best idea.'

Soon after the final game began, and without much drama, the girls dominated again.

"Looks like we won Anabella. Well, not much of a surprise." Leah said loudly, making sure the boys overheard her.

Holding back his laughter, Ensen ended Gym class for the day. The final class would be English, although Ensen wouldn't be overseeing it.

He spent the rest of the day in his office trying to create lesson plans.

As the class would soon be getting out, Ensen packed up.

"Is there any way I could get more education points? I need them right now." Ensen asked the system.

[The current missions are the most optimal way to earn education points.] The system replied.

"That's true but they both take time to complete. I can't find more students or improve the school because I don't have education points," Ensen said pitifully.

[... Fine, there is an auction tonight. Head there and you'll have an opportunity to gain some education points.]

'I don't have to be a test subject, do I?' Ensen thought as he left his office.

After rounding up the kids and driving them to the orphanage, Ensen noticed that Anabella was in a seemingly great mood, most likely from her team's win from earlier. Saying goodbye to them, Ensen began making his way home.

After arriving home himself, Ensen looked at Kaitlin's old apartment for a moment before entering his own.

"When does the auction start?" Ensen asked.

[The auction will begin in 58 minutes and 42 seconds. However, like before you are able to go before it starts.] The system wrote.

Nodding at the time, Ensen said after thinking for a second "I think I'll just wait until it starts. Can you wake me up before then?"

[Yes I can.] The system said simply.

Walking towards the couch, Ensen laid down and quickly fell asleep. The past few days had been some of the best days of his life, as well as some of the busiest.

As time slowly passed by, Ensen was awoken by a small ringing sound in his ear.

Opening his eyes, he found that it was time. Slowly getting up on his feet, he opened his status menu.

[Ensen Fuentes]

[Education Points: 0]

[Academy Rank: Null]

[Age: 27]

[Math average: C]

[Science average: F-]

[English average: F-]

[Foreign language average: F-]

[Sports average: F-]

[Teaching average: D+]

[administration average: D+]


[Skill Market]

[Product Market]

[Auction House]

Pressing on the Auction House button, Ensen's body soon fell onto the couch.

Meanwhile, in the Auction house, Ensen appeared in the private booth that he had previously been in before.

"So, am I meeting somebody to take a loan or something? Why did you tell me to come here anyway?" Ensen asked.

[You'll find out soon. Just take a seat and watch the auction. Maybe there will be something useful for you.]

"You know I don't have money. But fine." Ensen said in irritation.

As the Auction started, Ensen noticed that it was the same auctioneer he had seen previously.

Ensen couldn't spot anything useful to him, it was mainly things such as weapons that Kaitlin and other people would find useful.

"This is the final object. Although, this is actually not an object but an opportunity." Riza the auctioneer said.

As everybody's interest had been drawn in, she began speaking in an excited voice. "The Supreme Private Academy System herself has offered to educate a person in the matters of math to ensure they would be a valuable servant for the duration of two months."

As the audience screamed in excitement, Ensen also screamed at the system.

"Why didn't you do this sooner?! This is such an easy way to make points, I should just do this for the rest of my life." Ensen screamed in resentment.

[Hmph, it's beneath me to do this. Plus, if it wasn't for urgent matters I wouldn't be doing this.] The system wrote in an ominous tone.

"Urgent? What's the matter?" Ensen asked.

[Remember when I told you that in the rankings of the Supreme systems I am in the last place and steadily declining still?]

Nodding his head, Ensen thought to himself 'I did remember something like that, but it didn't seem too urgent.'

[While it was worrying, it would have been centuries before they would have managed to catch up. I'm not sure how but his ranking has been soaring high, at this rate it won't be long until he passes me. Just over a decade at most.]

Looking at the words of the system seriously, Ensen said "So the only reason you did this was to raise your renown slightly?"

[That and it would help hasten your development, but due to the rules established by the four great systems I am unable to post an item for auction for the next year.]

'Four great systems? That's… interesting?' Ensen thought.

As Ensen was still thinking about the effects this would have on his plan moving forward, he heard a yell come from the stage.

"50 points, going once!" Riza the auctioneer said loudly.

"60 points!" An audience member shouted.

'Looks like the bidding started.' Ensen muttered.