
Must Show Yourself

Eyes snapped open and took a glimpse of the golden rays slipping out of the fluttering curtain panels of vintage floral patterns and golden tassels. Anasthasia sat upright, leaning against the headboard: the ground beneath her rocked back and forth; her mind drifted ebb and flow like the tide.

'I feel nauseous.'

She wasn't sure if she could face the day.

Anasthasia shut her eyes and took a deep breath. A couple of times made until her body relaxed more than ever. She shifted to the side, rustling under the warm red chiffon quilt. On top of the nightstand, she found 'Seraphine' and two pristine gemstones—most notably, the other gemstone embedded with rich azure hues.

Her heart skipped a beat as she gaped at the changes. 'Wallace… I—' She softly coughed as she curled on her bed; heaviness loomed over her as she clutched her chest.

Hands caressed the smooth textile, which her eyes took notice of azure satin nightgown.