
Prism Online

A group of four best friends who met in middle school and played RPG games together finally graduate from school. Half a year later, after they all moved into the same house and split the rent 4 ways, they lived leisurely. But suddenly, one of the friends, Qing Lu, came up with the crazy idea that they should quit their jobs and become full-time gamers on the new full-dive game, Prism Online. Somehow they all approved of the idea and started playing the game, only to find out they've each been given a Divine-Grade bloodline! How will a story with 4 main characters fare? Read to find out! (cover not mine)

Mazano · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


"The quest from the village chief and the blacksmith have secret sides to them. The secret sides are voice activated!"

"The wild wolves come in packs of four, and we just so happen to have four members."

"We can start a guild at level 20."

"At level 50, we acquire our own magic, called conceptual magic."

"Slime gel can be used to make low-class healing potions!"

For the entire week, Qing Lu would should various pieces of information from his room regarding Prism Online. Everyone grew tired and annoyed of it and wish he would just tell them normally.

On the last day of the week when the equipment was due to arrive, Qing Lu shouted out again.

"The drop rates of the wild wolves ar-"

"Shut up!" Lin Mei yelled as one of her shoes flew at Qing Lu's door with incredible speed and force. It made a loud noise and stopped Qing Lu from talking completely.

Lin Mei felt relieved at Qing Lu's silence and finally went back into the kitchen, but unfortunately, she heard a knock on the front door and became infuriated.

"What is it now?" When she opened the door, she saw a delivery man walking back towards his truck and 4 black boxes on the ground. She then realized what they were and called out to everyone.

"The equipment is here guys!" The house had two floors, the first floor contained the kitchen, living room, and a bathroom. There was a set of stairs going up to the second floor, which contained the rooms and 2 bathrooms.

Suddenly, heavy footsteps could be heard from Qing Lu's room as the door slammed open and his silhouette came rushing out. Despite knowing he was on the second floor, he didn't slow down.

He completely ignored the staircase and jumped over the railing of the second floor and onto the first floor. Though it may have sounded impressive, Qing Lu failed to land the jump and fell.


Qing Lu let out a painful shriek as he felt his ankle ache in pain and tears build up in his eyes. Lin Mei's expression immediately turned dark as she slowly approached Qing Lu.

"Yes, Lin Mei, please help me up! I hurt my ankle trying to jump from the second floor. Wait, why is your foot above me? What are y-" Lin Mei angrily slammed her foot down on Qin Lu's body, making him scream even more.

"W-Wait! W-What did I do?!" Qing Lu was confused.

"Who told you to make such a fool of yourself?! Stop acting like a child, I'm surprised you haven't ended up in the hospital because of your stupid choices!"

All the anger Lin Mei bottled up for a week suddenly burst out in the form of loud yelling and incredible force in her feet. Qing Lu felt as if someone repeatedly slammed a hammer against his stomach.

Min Min soon came out of her room with a drowsy expression and Jin Xing came out of his room right after. He looked over at Min Min before speaking.

"M-Min Min, you look nice today." It was hard to be friends with Min Min if you never knew her at first, but Jin Xing didn't have a problem with this.

Though, Min Min slowly looked at him with a tired expression before going down the stores, walking past Qing Lu and Lin Mei and grabbing one of the black boxes.

She had a rather interested look on her face, but didn't say anything and slowly went back to her room. She left as slowly as she came, but when the two on the first floor realized it, she was already back in her room.

Lin Mei finally left Qing Lu on the ground grunting in pain and grasping his waist.

Jin Xing laughed at Qing Lu all the way down the stairs, while picking one of the boxes up, and while going back up the stairs and into his room.

Qing Lu had a frustrated look on his face as he muttered to himself.

"T-This is unfair. I arrived second yet I'm the last one to get my equipment. And now I'm injured!" He felt as if the world suddenly hit him with a stroke of bad luck.

He slowly crawled towards the last black box, took it, closed the door, and crawled back to his room. It was a feat in itself to be able to do that with an injured ankle and numerous other injured body parts...

Jin Xing opened the box and looked at the shiny pitch-black helmet that resembled a motorcycle helmet.

"I've bought it, so I have no choice but to use it now." He said before plugging the helmet up to an outlet, putting it on, lying on his bed, and getting under the cover.

He wanted to be as comfortable as possible. Jin Xing finally pressed the red button on the right side of the helmet and his vision went dark for a moment.

When he came to, he was within a white world with nothing but a floating yellow orb. It reminded him of tiny little forest sprites from elf forests.

'It looks amazing, everything feels amazing as well!' Jin Xing was utterly astonished by the game just based on how his body felt. It felt just like normal as if he wasn't in a game at all.

He then approached the yellow orb and touched it. According to Qing Lu, this was like the official start button that would give him a list of customization options and whatnot.

[New user detected, Jin Xing. Do you wish to proceed? Say yes to proceed.]


[Choose your class]

[Warrior] : [Warriors are blessed with higher strength and defense stats than the other classes and can wield melee weapons of their choice. They hold amazing melee powers that are well suited for close combat and can overpower mobs with their high strength.]

[Archer] : [Archers are blessed with a higher dexterity stat than the other classes and can wield weapons such as bows of all types. Archers are restricted to bow-type weapons. They can snipe their enemies from a safe distance away.]

[Mage] : [Mages are blessed with a higher mana stat than the other classes and can wield wands, canes, or orbs. Mages are restricted to the following weapons. They can cast destructive spells that can destroy their enemies in a single second.]

[Assassin] : [Assassins are blessed with higher agility and stamina stats than the other classes and can wield daggers, throwing weapons, or small mele weapons. If close enough, assassins can take out their enemies in a single clean slash.]

[When a high enough proficiency level is reached or a secret class mission is triggered and completed, your original class will evolve or change.]

'I guess I'll go with my traditional class. We planned on doing this anyway. I'll be the mage, Qing Lu would be the warrior, Lin Mei's the assassin, and Min Min would the archer. Kind of odd.' Jin Xing thought to himself.

"I choose the mage class." He said.

[Are you sure you want to choose the Mage class as your primary class?]

"Yes." He responded.

[Do you wish to change your appearance?]

Jin Xing thought about it for a moment. He had short black hair and was almost 6 feet tall. He also had a well-defined body despite picking the mage class.

"Yes. Having a defined body as a mage would only be weird and attract attention."

[Hair: 0—————]



[Hair color: 0—————]

[Eye color: 0—————]

[Nose: 0—————]

[Mouth: 0—————]

[Torso: 0—————]

[Left Arm: 0—————]

[Right Arm: 0—————]

[Left Leg: 0—————]

[Right Leg: 0—————]

Jin Xing was overwhelmed by the sheer number of ways he could modify his body in the game and decided only to change his hair, hair color, and eye color.

His hair was white now, a little longer than before, and covered the top of his eyes. His irises that were once yellow were now a cloudy white.

"I'm done."

[Are you sure you want to change your appearance to this?]


[Appearance changed.]

[Do you wish to change your name?]

Jin Xing hadn't thought about this function yet and was startled when he heard the voice.


[What do you wish to change your name to? Whatever you say next will become your new name until you say done.]

"...Sage of Mysteries, Jin Xing. Done!"

[Your name has been changed to: Sage of Mysteries, Jin Xing. Do you accept this name?]

"Yes." Jin Xing was confident in this name and prayed that it wasn't already taken or he'd be out of luck.

[Name has been checked and no users own this name. Name changed successfully.]

[Do you wish to enter the game now?]

"Yes!" Jin Xing immediately became excited despite being reluctant to buy the equipment for the game. After watching a few clips of the game from the official website, he was hyped.

[Initializing transportation...]

[Welcome to Prism Online, Sage of Mysteries, Jin Xing!]