
Powers of Erika

It is princess's 15th birthday, Erika was getting ready for her celebration. When she was getting ready she saw some holes in her new dress she thought how the holes could be there. She was thinking of how can she hide those holes, suddenly she saw some butterflies sitting on the holes and the holes were immediately covered with sparkle. She was confused that where the butterflies came from, then the maids came to call her. And she told them that she's coming and when she turned back to say thanks to butterflies they were disappeared before she knew. Then she walked down for the celebration. And while she was walking the butterflies were flying around her as they were flying on princess's naming ceremony.

After the ceremony was ended, she went to Queen's room to ask about how to butterflies covered the holes on her dress. Princess Erika asked "Mom can I come in ?"Queen exclaimed " Yes dear! You can." She said her "Mom....today when I was getting ready for the celebration I saw some holes in my dress and while I was thinking of how to fix them some butterflies say on it and coverd the holes and they disappeared. How can it happen mom?" They were not normal butterflies they were different. Queen said " Dear, butterflies are always with you. Even 15th years ago on the day of your naming ceremony when I was taking you to the ball butterflies were flying around you that day. There is some connection between you and them and they were not normal butterflies they were leaving sparkle by the hallway for your welcome. Erika exclaimed "Me! I have a connection with butterflies.....but how can I happen I cannot even talk to them. Ok! So we will talk about it tomorrow. Ericka walks out of the room and goes to sleep.

Next morning, Ericka felt that something wet on her toes. She woke up suddenly and shouted. There was a little rabbit licking her toes. He got scared and said "For what are shouting like u have see a lion. I was waking you up." Erika was frightened she asked him " W-wh-who are you...and how can you talk ? Am I still in dreams or what ?" The rabbit said politely "Your highness, I am Sam .... Sam the Rabbit. And I am here to help you with your power." Ericka said "Powers...which type of powers? I don't have powers." Sam said "Don't you know about your powers yet? Oh my goodness ...maybe the butterflies didn't came last night." Ericka stopped him from talking and said "Hey, wait ! Are u talking about those butterflies which covered my dress's holes last night." Sam said "yes, just about them were they came last night. They came because you were thinking of hiding the holes and I sent them to help you." "What? you sent them to help me...🤭(she blushed) oh.....thanks to send them." said Erika. Sam was starving "Hey girl, can I have something to eat?" Erika took him to the kitchen and gave him a carrot cake. He ate the carrot cake and asked her "Are you interested in seeing the magical world where those butterflies and I came from ?" She said with a bit cowardness "yeah! let's go."

Sam took her near the bushes of the garden and said her to come in. She said "But why are you taking me in thise bushes?" He said "just follow me." She went behind him and he opened a golden door. And said her "This is the secret door, where the magic begins."

They both walked inside and she saw all fantasy creatures inside a single door with a land bigger than her palace. Unicorns were running, pegasus were flying, mermaids were swimming and sitting on rocks, fairies were flying. Everyone was enjoying, and suddenly the fairy queen came and greeted princess "Your highness, welcome to the land of magic. I am the fairy queen of this land. Just like your mother Queen Kate. Hope Sam has told you about your powers." Erika said "Your highness, Sam didn't tell me about any powers yet.....but are this wings real?" " yeah, they are real. So you don't know about your powers yet.....then I will tell you. Dear Erika, you are a member from royal family and after every 50 years a girl is born in royal family with some supernatural powers, And you are the one of those. Before you it was your Great grandmother. So, she was so kind and strong lady who ruled the kingdom. So, if there are good powers means there are bad powers too. So, to defeat those bad powers you are born. So, you have powers which can even destroy this whole kingdom in a second. So, you should use your powers carefully. Oh, your mom she is finding you in the palace. So, wait let's just go there with a magic....think ok a place in palace and say here or there, don't know where , take me a place I wish in here." Erika says " Here or there, don't know where, take me a place I wish in here" And suddenly she is in her rooms closet. And she goes to her mom, Queen says "Erika! where were you been?'' She said " no where mom, I was cleaning out my closet." So they had the lunch and Erika went to her room to test some small powers and magic spells.