
Princess Azura and The Last Dragon

Love in the air Stacey fell in love with Bryan at first sight. So does Bryan. They try to be together even though they often fight, and no one wants to budge. After a year of their relationship running, the presence of Miley and Aaron makes their connection tenuous. Can they maintain their relationship after the presence of a third person? They love each other, but their respective egos separate them. No matter what, because I love you.

HaNina_ · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chap. 11 Fell Into Jordan's Trap

Scott ran down the school corridor after all day thinking about his relationship with Diana. He will confess his feelings so that the innocent girl can keep her distance from bad guys who have bad intentions toward her. However, when he arrived at the school parking lot, he did not see the girl's whereabouts. Carefully, Scott scanned the crowd of students in groups or alone, waiting for an invite and a ride.

Scott's eyes were tired, but Diana was nowhere to be seen. Until only a few students left in the school parking lot, the girl was nowhere to be seen.

"Where are you, Anna?" Scott complained

Scott immediately thought of looking for Diana at the bus stop in front of her school. His eyes sparkled after; the girl he was looking for was sitting with her back to him.

"Anna, where have you been?" Scott patted the girl's back.

"What's up?" When the girl turned around, it was not Diana. But one of the 10th-grade students he didn't know.

"Sorry, I'm sorry for the wronged you as my friend." Scott cupped his hands in front of his chest.

"It's okay." the girl smiled. "Scott, may I have your contact number?"

"Um… sorry, I'm in a hurry. If you need something, just contact my social media account. I'll reply later." refused Scott, who did not want to be involved in romantic gossip with any girl except Diana. Because all this time, many students want to approach him. Either openly or shyly like the girl in front of him now. Because indirectly, he wants to keep Diana's heart so as not to be jealous or hurt.

"Um, okay. So can I contact you first?"

"Of course," Scott smiled awkwardly. "By the way, should I back first? I'm sorry to bother you."

"It's okay, Scott."

Whispering students at the bus stop and its surroundings immediately heated up.

"Who was approached by an idol classmate, cough." one of the students who were near the girl earlier teased her.


"The real one is more handsome than the pictures on his social media account." The other girls were giggling with joy.

"What a dream I had last night. To be that close to the Student Council President who is handsome, smart and not arrogant." another student chimed in.

"Certainly, it was me who was approached, not you." The suspected student as, Diana, was showing off. "Did you hear that earlier? I can contact his account first."

"Phew…, so stingy!" they said in unison.


Scott returned to school and tried to call Diana's cell phone number. However, the person and her cell phone could not tell her where she was. The phone is turned off, and the owner is nowhere to be seen.

"Oh … maybe in the library." Scott memorized the place that Diana often visited when she was sad. He felt the girl was sad because he had ignored her past two days.

"I'm sorry, Anna. Come on out, don't hide, honey." Scott was increasingly restless, and Diana was nowhere to be seen in the reader's chair. He then researched; one by one, the bookshelves were lined up, and several students were looking for books.

A heavy sigh comes out f Scott's mouth after exploring the entire room. But, Diana was also not seen in the library.

"Could he be in the restroom? This morning she was pale and almost late." Scott muttered as he quickened his pace in the back building of the school. He prayed that his suspicions were correct.

"Where are you, Anna?" Scott complained in despair when the girl was also not in the restroom.

"Really, there wasn't anyone here, a student named Diana Sanders?" Scott asked again to be sure.

"That's right, Scott, since morning, the two of us have been on guard. You can check and record the names of students who ask permission to rest at the restroom." The restroom guard's students handed him the journal and the names of the students who had rested in the restroom.

Scott glanced at the last page of the journal. Then he has to be disappointed because Diana's name is not listed there.

"Okay, thank you." Scoot saying Goodbye.

After tired of looking around the school, Scott rode his motorbike slowly. He intends to go to Diana's house to ensure the girl's condition. If she's okay, he will be relieved and return to his home in peace. After that, he will think of a beautiful surprise for Diana, so they can quickly make up as usual.

Arriving in front of Diana's house, Scott hesitated when he was about to ring the doorbell. He was afraid that if Diana had not returned, her mother would be confused and would look for Diana's whereabouts.

Finally, Scott waits at the corner of the gate of Diana's house.


Meanwhile, Jordan took Diana around using his motorbike to a fast-food outlet.

"What do you want to eat, Diana?"

"No need, Jordan. My Mom must have cooked for me." Diana refused and wanted to go home immediately.

"If you want your cell phone back, I'll return it. But, firstly, eat until you're full; I don't like taking girls out and leaving them starving, that's all." Jordan threatened, who had managed to confiscate Diana's cellphone with the excuse of borrowing it because his cell phone was out of power. Silently, he turned off the cell phone with the aim that Scott or anyone else could not contact the girl. Jordan was determined; his plan had to work today as well. He couldn't wait to have the girl.

"But you promised, right? You'll return my phone after I finish eating?" Diana looked at Jordan pitifully.

"Yes, I promise. You can call your mother after this." Jordan lied.

"Well, if you order anything, I'll eat it."

"Wait here; I'll pay first to the cashier."

"Okay." Diana waited in one corner of the booth, and Jordan went to the cashier, ordered a menu, and then paid for it. After taking orders, Jordan stopped at one of the tables that were empty of visitors. He took a pack of drugs in the pocket of his uniform pants. Look to the right and left to confirm the situation. Jordan tore the plastic wrap after feeling safe from the reach of CCTV and without anyone's supervision. The package containing the white powder was poured into one of the glasses filled with soda. He uses a straw to stir it. After the powder is well mixed and invisible. Jordan returned to meet Diana, who was waiting for him.

"Sorry it took so long; there were a lot of queues." Jordan covers up his lie.

"It's okay for just a few minutes."

"Here's yours. I ordered a beef burger, french fries, and orange-flavoured coke." Jordan held a plastic tray filled with fast food at a well-known fast-food stand.

"Isn't that enough?" asked Jordan because Diana just looked at him and seemed reluctant to eat it.

"Enough, enough, this is too much," Diana remembered Scott's harsh mouth would nag if she bought fast food. Her best friend will explain how lousy food is preserved and processed quickly in its presentation, unlike Jordan, who is the opposite of Scott.

"What are you waiting for? Let's eat. After that, I'll take you home." Jordan pursued Diana.


"Yeah, hurry up." Jordan smiled triumphantly.

Diana devoured burgers and fries quickly, without having to drink the orange-flavored coke that had been powdered with aphrodisiacs by Jordan.

"You don't drink; you won't get hiccups?" Jordan was annoyed that Diana did not take a sip of the coke that had been prepared to carry out her evil intentions.

"I don't really like drinking soft drinks."

Jordan rolled his eyes lazily.

"It's a waste; I already bought it. You don't want to drink." Jordan pretended to be sad. "Look, I've finished it all." Jordan pointed to his empty glass.

Diana feels bad. She remembered her mother's thoughts not to waste food. Because out there, many people are less fortunate, hungry, and lack nutrition.

"F-fine, I'll finish it." Diana frowned, feeling strange with a slightly bitter taste.

"It tastes weird," muttered Diana, who only drank half a glass of coke bought by Jordan.


"It tastes like this; how come it's bitter like that." Diana shrugged her shoulders.

"How strange? Coke is a little bitter." Jordan lied. "I'm guessing you rarely drink soft drinks, right?"

"M-maybe," Diana thought, maybe because she hadn't had a drink for a long time. So she does not know about the development of various flavors of soft drinks.

"I'm waiting for you, Diana." Jordan insisted.

"Okay, okay, sorry." Diana hastily finished her drink.

"All right, Jordan, where's my phone?" asked Diana.

"Come on, I'll take you home; I'll give you back when I get to your house."

"But …." Diana wants to send a message to Scott. Even so, the boy was keeping her quiet. She remembered the conservation the other day about if she had to tell him about her condition after school.

"Well, don't overthink." Jordan pulled Diana's hand.

"Wait a minute, Jordan, how come my head is spinning around like this?" Diana held on to the chair while blinking her eyes.

'Good, the drugs are starting to work; time to take you to the hotel, Diana.'