
Princely Mission

Team holo had always been assigned to the most dangerous missions.But their last mission wasn't a success and they were excluded from missions for a year. They were given a mission to redeem themselves. And they don't like it...

Setemi · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
111 Chs

Chapter 48: The End Or Is It??

The warehouse was raided by men from the agency, as John steps down from his car. He approached Kat who was being attended to by the medic.

"Well done kid" he smiled 

"See who walked out of his office," Kat asked with a smile.

"Is she going to be okay?" John asked 

"Yes, boss. A few cuts and that's all" the medic assured 

"Where's Naomi?" John asked 

Naomi joins them, she nods in a curtsy.

"Nice job girls" he greets.

"I want ice cream" Kat whined 

"Who would believe you were close to an explosion? Are you sure you are human?" John chuckled 

"I need to celebrate my existence up till this moment.  Not many people joke about their closeness to an explosive" Kat beamed 

"Of course" 

"I made a call to the Palace already, they should be here any minute" Kat informed 

"Simi and Lauren? Upstairs I suppose" John asked, staring at the huge warehouse.

"Yup. The men are on their way up already."