
Prince of harvest

This is the story of a boy named Jessup Grove. Jessup was born as the grandson of King Grove but Jessup has a secret, he is not from this world, but rather from a dystopian version of earth. His greatest fear is being found out and cast away or even executed for stealing the body of an innocent baby buy. Unlike most stories of the protagonist being reborn to be on top Jessup has to come to terms with the fact that his own grandfather is the immortal King progenitor and he will never have the potential of rising to the top. Will he become a victim to his families wrath or will his grandfather put him on his own path to being a king of a new land.

DragonMasta · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Meeting The Family

Chapter 4: Meeting The Family

After portaling back to the podium, the king calls in his advisors to resume business until the time his daughter calls him on his communicator. For now it's best to get back to business.

"Your Majesty, King of Grove. There have been recent request from UDE to transport their… F.T.S'S to the new continent you discovered.'' The F.T.S he is talking about stands for Flat Transport Ships, basically they are ships that can fly through the sky and they look strangely like giant spaceships you would see in a SCIFI movie.

"The UDE are aware that under the International Native Law they do not have the authority to steal our findings.'' Now this was two advisors speaking amongst each other.

"I do not remember you being the king?" The first man spoke, this was one of the king's advisors. The only reason why he can talk this way is because the king's advisors have that privilege. The advisors are more on the know when it comes to the inner workings of the world, they know more because they've been a part of it.

The truth is most of the king's advisors are older than this very island country. This island was once just a desolate island in the middle of nowhere until the king decided to send in a colony of 20,000 approximately 60 years ago and the man currently speaking was an old soldier who helped eradicate the former inhabitants.

"My apologies, sir." This one is just a young cub. A small noble who looks after a smaller island fortress off the coast of this very city.

He thinks just because he has thwarted a few sea monsters he has the right to speak in the king's council.

"Now now, there is no need to bully the young. Sir Waldo has made great achievements over the years. I heard he just got back from fighting an 'empire' with Princess Samantha." For the first time in this squabble the king looked up at the mention of his daughter. Only to be slightly annoyed with this minor nobleman.

"Do you mean to say the empire my daughter fought was weak?" The king stared at the middle aged noble who clearly only had words for flattery but did not know what he was saying. "Of course your majesty!

Nobody on the borderlands could possibly compare to our wealth and military might!"

"How dare you brat! To insult the king's daughter! You should have your tongue cut out!" Then the noble finally realized what he just said, but before he could correct himself.

"My daughter had only 200 brave knights as her guards. Not her soldiers mind you. She was the one who went past 40+ continents away practically alone to a savage land that just discovered how to use fire. Only to find a few ragtag villages and unite them against a massive empire with a population of 500,000. I know it may now be a big deal to you but this was her first mission. And to call her princess is a rude understatement. You shall refer to her as Queen Samamtha from henceforth."

"My my my-" this young noble could only stand and stare. He had already heard once that he could get very defensive of his daughters but he in his ignorance has blatantly called her weak in front of the king himself. It would be a rude understatement if getting his tongue cut out was the worst that could happen to him.

"Your majesty, he didn't mean what he said. He's still new to worldly politics. Most people forget that the farther you get from the central continent the more barbaric and savage people become."

"I'll let it go. Besides, the same person you've insulted is calling me right now. Maybe she'll have something to say about what you've said" The king swiftly opened up a portal and out came a young beautiful woman with blackish brownish hair, small lips and golden eyes. This woman was none other than princess- or should we say Queen Samantha.

Standing around her were four men as her guards. Two of which were holding a man that the king knew all too well. It was a man named Agro-mun. The current husband to Samantha. The king knew about their young love, so of course, he brought the two here for a private wedding, to their request. The king showed him around, made a few empty threats as a father would. You know 'bring my daughter back by 9' that kinda thing, and made real threats as a king would, like 'if you betray my daughter I will raise your nation to the ground and burn your people alive.'

From the looks of it, he might have to do just that, but before he could get a word in, Agro-mun broke free from his guards and came charging at the podium. 

"Please please don't kill me! I didn't know this would happen! I thought we would win!" After that all hell broke loose in the court and everyone was up in arms ready to kill this man. Most had even jumped out of their stands and over the railing to restrain this man, but of course it's easy for people to forget that even in his village Agro-mun was considered a top warrior and even here he was a decent super.

Agro as his name implies somehow managed to agro the entire courtroom, and this same man was pushing everyone aside to get to the king.



The whole room began to shake, the air filled with electric sparks and everyone began to feel like they were suffocating. The only one excused of this was Samantha as the king made sure to point his furry away from her.

The king got up from his podium, moved the curtain aside and looked at the man curled up in a ball shaking. 

"This is pathetic," the king now looking at his daughter was furious, but he withdrew his anger once he realized that his daughter was perhaps angrier than him. "We'll talk about this later."

"You're all dismissed, and put this man away in a room where he can't escape. And you, come with me."

Finally, the room was no longer filled with a heavy pressure and the king was walking out the room.

"Well I guess this means you're off the hook kid."

Everyone looked at each other, almost forgetting about the earlier incident. "Just stay clear of her highness, otherwise your tongue will be the least of your worries."


"So are you going to explain to me why there is a grown man crying like a child in my throne room?" The king was now outside sitting in his gazebo with his daughter. He could see his other daughters standing at eye range staring at the two waiting for a response or perhaps to just see their big sister.

"Well, to put it bluntly. Those four guards are all I have left because of him." The king sat there with his tea looking out over the mountain and out at the sea thinking to himself, 'I really hate news.'

It all started a couple of weeks ago, "We were all celebrating the demise of the empire whose name I don't even remember. (They use a lot of commas in their name) When a scout walked into our camp, we questioned him and found out he was from a large neighboring village that the empire has been raiding for years. 

Needless to say I let him go, hoping to make some trade agreements. Some of the natives did not like that, they wanted more blood and agro did too. And if I'm being honest, so did I but I convinced him to hold off until we could get more information about these guys.

So I got to meet the head chieftain of these tribes and discover that they have, surprise surprise, black star silver. These guys were literally taking baths in it.

According to them during the winter the gods come down to make their skin harder and 'the pinker they get the stronger they are' meanwhile they're all spitting up blood."

Basically black star silver is like a mixture between the toxicity of mercury and the dying capacity to change the color of your skin. It looks and feels like black ink during warm temperature but as it cools down it becomes hard as steel. Black star silver is cram packed with magic. It's not surprising someone would call it divine. With their method they could make normal people as strong as D class supers.

"So you wanted to conquer them but let me guess. Agro."

"... Yes… he believed we could take on their warriors and failed in doing so. I lost 10,000 common warriors, 124 E rank supers, 36 D rank and 196 of my personal guards are being held ransom…" Samanthata had a look of embarrassment and remorse over the idea of losing her fathers trust, They captured Agro."

"Did you exchange them for Agro?"

"No, your majesty… they volunteered to go without my consent. If it were up to me to decide, I would have let him die… Father, they were all I had. I have failed my mission. My kingdom has fallen." 

"Don't be ridiculous, when I founded this country I had no real enemies and enough gold, treasure and power to last this place multiple lifetimes. You chose the hard way, and I can respect that. Besides, it wasn't all bad." For the first time in weeks Samantha looked a bit happy.

"This might be a problem though, I'm going into seclusion for the next few months. I don't think I'll be able to be there for… The baby" The King looked a bit distressed, but for supers, especially one of his caliber, they need time to solidify and understand the inner workings of their own abilities. This one especially will be a big one.

"It's alright, just let me know when you're done."

"Do you at least have a name picked out?"

"Name…? His name is Jessup. Jessup Grove."