
Prince of harvest

This is the story of a boy named Jessup Grove. Jessup was born as the grandson of King Grove but Jessup has a secret, he is not from this world, but rather from a dystopian version of earth. His greatest fear is being found out and cast away or even executed for stealing the body of an innocent baby buy. Unlike most stories of the protagonist being reborn to be on top Jessup has to come to terms with the fact that his own grandfather is the immortal King progenitor and he will never have the potential of rising to the top. Will he become a victim to his families wrath or will his grandfather put him on his own path to being a king of a new land.

DragonMasta · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Chapter 37: Didn't Mean To Make That Kind Of Chapter But Here We Are. R18*

Chapter 37: Didn't Mean To Make That Kind Of Chapter But Here We Are. R18*

Alora pointed to a room and we walked over. I stepped through and the room was actually not that bad. There were about six cubbies in a room the size of a small school bus. I guess this is for multiple people to stay in?

"Are you staying here as well?"

I looked at Alora and she was already putting her things away. She didn't have much on her because I was carrying her things in my storage… which left her with her mace she got as a gift from her father and… her clothes.

"Shouldn't you go to another room?"

"Hmm? I don't mind. Besides, I'm your bodyguard. I have to be close to you at all times."

Not this close… 

"So by that logic, you'll be sleeping next to me."

A clear smirk was on my face as I was hoping to see her reaction. I looked at her without looking away. Alora looked back at me then looked away for a second before replying.


That's definitely not the response I was expecting. I looked at her for a few seconds debating if I should just tell her that I was just joking until I finally gave in.

"First time?"

She blushed a little, or at least I think she blushed. The red skin makes it hard to guess. 


"Really? You never had the opportunity? I mean, you should be in your mid 20's by now."

"I've lived on ships my whole life with my mothers and siblings. Besides, aren't you the same?"

I am definitely not the same. On earth, brothels were completely legal. As for safety? Definitely not, but that hardly matters when you're 16 and horny.

"Uh, yeah totally… but are you sure?"

Alora looked back at me and spoke in a low whisper, "I'm sure."

I looked at her for a second before looking back at the cramped bed, wondering if I should say yes or be more romantic. I don't really care but since it's her first time, I'm sure she doesn't want to do it here.

"Are you sure- hmm" I was going to double check but she just up and took the first move. As expected from a demon I guess. I didn't expect her to kiss me but here we are.

It was kinda funny considering she was a head taller than me so she had to lean in a little. I had to stand tiptoe while she leaned in a little. I gotta admit, this is way more awkward than I thought it would be. I used to think tall women were pretty hot, now not so much.

Regardless, I'm not going to turn this down, so I might as well enjoy the dessert. 

I lean in and pick her up, thanking the gods that I'm a super because I have a feeling she's heavier than she looks. 

"Alora, I've always wanted you."

"I know, I should've told you I felt the same way sooner."

We kissed for a while as I pressed her against the wall while holding her by the thighs. I couldn't help it, she was just too alluring. She wasn't kidding about it being her first time. She was clumsy, sometimes we would smash our teeth together and she had a little too much saliva.

This was getting worse and worse by the second, her nails were harder than steel and they were beginning to puncture my skin. If I didn't have the [BOLSTER LVL 8] skill she would have torn my flesh off. 

She wasn't packed full of muscle but as a pugilist she was abnormally strong, whereas I was a mage. In other words 'A glass cannon.' I felt like she was going to break my spine any second now as she wrapped her legs around me. 

I kept telling myself 'You can do it' or 'Just tell her to relax a little.' I kept telling myself that, but I never said it outloud. As awkward and painful as it was… I was kinda enjoying it. I was enjoying her, and I didnt know why.

We kept going at it for a few minutes until I realized something…


(Haha, you just figured it out? Don't stop now. I find consummation between mortals to be fascinating to watch. When are you going to do the thing?)

For the love of… what was I expecting from this guy? Oh well, it's not like I care anyway. It just means I'm getting more action than he is. Besides that's not what I wanted to ask.

(Ugh, whatever. I'll ask you my question later.)

(Good, don't distract yourself from your "Dessert.")

Of course he heard that. It doesn't matter, the only thing that matters right now is grabbing the tail of this sexy demon girl.

"Ahhh! Jess… that's sensitive."

Gods, she is sexy. I can't tell you how long it's been since I've wanted to grab that tail of hers. It constantly sways back and forth around her ass. I just can't help but look at it. I grabbed the tip of her spiked tail and started rubbing it. I could hear her heavy breathing as she whispered my name quietly.

I continued down to the base of her tail and felt her legs around me begin to squeeze tighter as she wrapped herself around my waist. I felt a wetness on my hips and I knew she was almost ready.

I stroked her tail while exploring her mouth with my tongue until she bit my tongue hard and the legs that were wrapped around me were starting to squeeze harder now. I wanted to tell her to stop but she held my tongue as ransom. I had to cast [REGENERATION] to keep healing myself.

Eventually she let go and I figured out why. My pants were soaking wet in a single spot and by the time she relaxed I felt like I was going to collapse. Yet I still wanted to keep going, and fortunately so did she. She was about to go for another round but I had to stop her and tell her to relax a little and let me take over.

I removed her shirt and just stared at the twin mountains that were before my eyes. I knew better than to stare like an idiot so I just went in and began kissing her neck, with one hand holding her and her back against the wall while fondling her soft peaches gently with my other hand.

Until today this hand had been holding nothing but the Tower Pisa, now it's holding Mount Tai. At least one of them.

"Harder Jess…"

Pugilist. They truly are one of a kind. Who am I to say no? 

I grab her tighter and start massaging her breast with one hand while kissing and nibbling on her ears. I'm getting a little frustrated though, her ass feels good but I'm just holding it at this point. 

"Stop Squeezing me so tight so I can move around more, Lora."


She did what I asked and pressed her wet cavern against me while I used my other hand to massage her and pinch her nipples. She moaned a little more but I think she enjoyed the tail massage more.

I thought we were going to keep going like this until she ripped my shirt off. She was a bit clumsy with it considering her thick thighs were preventing her from taking it off completely. So she let go of me and stood up to take my shirt off. I was a bit reluctant but it's not like we can get anywhere if I'm still wearing clothes.

I helped her take my clothes off and after we were done she couldn't help but stare. I don't like to boast, but in this life I'm far more 'endowed' than I was in my previous one.

"I thought it would be bigger…"

What the hell?! It's bigger than average! How big were you expecting?!

(Pft, she called you small.)

(No she did not! And go away you pervert!)

I admonish her for saying that by squeezing her ass and grabbing her tail. Gently but not that gently. Punishment for being rude.

"I'll have you know, I'm a rare find."

I hold her for a second until I unbuckle her pants and slip my hand in while watching her facial expressions.

"This is punishment for being rude. Don't look away. Look into my eyes."

"Jess… I'm sorry… I- Ahhh ugh…"

I knew my way around a woman, in my previous life I was into the art of learning. I wanted to see what made a woman tick. It also helps that I have bought a few lovemaking skills over the years. That and I'm actively using [CHARM] on her. You might call this cheating, but I don't care.

She was soaking wet before but now she can drown any man underneath her, or least if she kept her legs open more. At this rate she would just crush the man's skull. I'm already finding it hard to move my hand with her trying to break it. 

"You need to open your legs up some more. How can you enjoy anything if you're trying to break my hand?"

She looked into my eyes as if pleading for this to end. So I did what her eyes were begging for and I stopped.