
Prince of harvest

This is the story of a boy named Jessup Grove. Jessup was born as the grandson of King Grove but Jessup has a secret, he is not from this world, but rather from a dystopian version of earth. His greatest fear is being found out and cast away or even executed for stealing the body of an innocent baby buy. Unlike most stories of the protagonist being reborn to be on top Jessup has to come to terms with the fact that his own grandfather is the immortal King progenitor and he will never have the potential of rising to the top. Will he become a victim to his families wrath or will his grandfather put him on his own path to being a king of a new land.

DragonMasta · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Chapter 35: Saying Goodbye

Chapter 35: Saying Goodbye

I was finally ready to head out, but before that I wanted to say goodbye to my mother.

"Mom, can we talk in private?"

My mother looked at me for a second before getting up from her chair. We walked outside on the balcony and I spoke what was on my mind.

"I'm not your real son. I was never the pure innocent child you wanted. I'm an 'otherworlder.'"

That's right, I figured she had the right to know. I always felt a bit guilty about this. I robbed her of her chance to have a real son. I'm just somebody who stole the body of an innocent child.

I couldn't look her in the face, I was just too scared to see how she would react but suddenly I felt a hand on my own.

"Jess, I'm only angry that you thought I was too stupid to figure that out."

I looked at her slightly shocked for a second, but I agreed with her. I always kinda guessed she already knew. I wasn't very good at hiding it, and it was a known fact that her own father was from another world.

"I just didn't want you to hate me. I guess I just didn't want to see what would happen."

She gave me a sad look before admitting the truth, "You were right to be scared. At first I was angry, I didn't feel like you were anything like your parents, and it bothered me… but then I realized something. I don't want you to be anything like us. Your father was prideful and stupid, and I've never even shown you a reason for you to trust me with anything."

I was shocked at what she said, but it's true. She never gave me a reason to love her. She was just 'there' and even that was rare. She was usually away at the palace acting as the queen regent for her father. It was the king who treated me like his own son. Even the current queen treated me pretty well growing up.

The queen liked to act cold and cruel but that was mostly an act because it was part of her job as a maid. My mother actually was cold, but at least I know why. She never saw me as a son.

""I'm sorry.""

We spoke at the same time, "You don't have to apologize, it wasn't your fault."

"Don't apologize, it wasn't your fault."

"There's nothing to be sorry about."

We did it again. We both felt guilty. We both felt like it was our fault. Even though it wasn't.

So we both started chuckling.

"I guess we're not that different after all. We're both idiots."

She smiled at my comment, "I guess so."

We held each other's hands until I let go and gave her one last hug before leaving. I genuinely wanted the best for her. I wanted her to live long and to live happily, but I need to move on.

"You're still my son. Even if I wasn't the mother to you that I should've been."

I stopped for a second but I didn't look back, "You did what anyone would do. Nobody could fault you for that."

I walked back inside and told the old man that I was ready to go. He looked outside and sighed, "I'm not going on my honeymoon am I…? You really need to learn how to talk to women better."

"Sorry, I know you entrusted me to take care of her but I have failed you."

I wanted to say more but the king just brushed it off like it was no big deal.

"It was never your responsibility. She's the way she is because I never taught her to be more confident with herself. I should've taught her to be more independent. The thing about being perfect is that your children tend to listen to everything you say without question, they get too scared to do anything without their parents advice. That's the curse of being so great I suppose."

What does that have to do with anything, and why are you calling yourself perfect?

Everyone just looked at him with slight disappointment. Somehow he managed to make this all about him. He's very good at that at least.

"I'll take care of her later. For now you have somewhere to be."

The king opened up a portal and walked through.

Alora and I stared at it for a few seconds until we finally worked up the courage to walk through.

When I walked through the portal I was faced with something I didn't expect.

We were out at sea at night on a small ship. It looks like one of those old frigates you saw pirates using. When I looked out at sea I saw even more.

"Why are we out at sea?"

"This isn't some cheesy light novel you find online. Most countries that have entered a certain stage know about population growth, and the consequence of not knowing the exact number of your population. How else are you supposed to tax people with minimal corruption and embezzlement? I have your passports ready. If anyone asks, you're Prince 12th in line to the throne and a merchant, she is your guardian."

That makes sense. Although I was really hoping for the 'save the princess from bandits' trope. I'll have to make sure to watch out for any fancy carriages getting attacked.

"So what's with the other ships? There are about a dozen."

"Those are mine."

I was so focused on my surroundings I didn't notice that Makoto came with us. I looked around for the queen but I didn't see her. I guess she stayed with my mother.

"After buying that shipping company I've been sending ships across the known world using the king's portals. Must be convenient being a former space esper…"

Former esper? I didn't know that.

I was going to ask more about it but the old man was already walking away through another portal.

"I'm leaving the pervert here. He has some business to attend to in the surrounding continents, so I'll pick him up in a few months. Take care Jess."

With that he was gone. I was finally alone.

"I'm exhausted. I'm going to bed, someone let me know when we get there."

Oh that's right, I forgot about the pervert… and now that I think about it.

I look behind me and see Alora standing behind me. I guess she's taking this bodyguard job seriously.

"Oh Jess!"

"Shit! Don't do that old man!"

Just now the king came walking out of his portal while half his body was sticking out. I almost had a heart attack.


I caught what he threw at me and it was a sword. A katana.

"I found that in a dungeon. It had a pretty unique skill on it but I've added a few more while strengthening the original. Enjoy."

Huh? I wanted to ask what they were but he was already gone.

What the hell am I supposed to do with this?

(Why don't you use appraisal?)

"What the!? Who is it this time?!"

I looked around and I only saw Alora staring at me confused.

(Haha you look stupid. What, have you forgotten your old pal)

What? Wait, is that who I think it is?


(Who else?)

Ugh I was really hoping I was done with this guy…

(I feel like you were just thinking something rude. What's with that face?)

I was annoyed obviously, but I just realized something.

(You can't read my inner thoughts?)

(You just realized that? Well we only spoke to each other for a whole year. So I guess that makes sense.)

I feel like he was smirking while lazing around on the couch somewhere.

"Master, why are we standing around? You should get some rest."

I looked at the new voice and realized who it came from. Alora was standing behind me like what she just said had zero significance.



Alora gave a black look while staring at me, "I thought it was appropriate considering you're my boss."

"I'm not paying you."

(Come on man. You have to pay a woman for her 'services.')

Now I could hear him actually chuckling. I didn't know what he's been doing all this time but I had a feeling he was watching all these years.

(Shut up Pilf.)

"I know that, but as a knight under his Majesty King Grove I am sworn to carry your burdens."

Since when was she a knight?

"A knight? When the heck did that happen?"

"Your grandfather gave me the title of [KING'S GUARD.] It gives me, [HIGH ENDURANCE,] [HIGH STRENGTH,] [HIGH EXP GAIN,] and the skill [TAUNT.] Also, the King asked Lord Dredan to give me his blessing. Which has improved my pugilist abilities."
