
Prince of harvest

This is the story of a boy named Jessup Grove. Jessup was born as the grandson of King Grove but Jessup has a secret, he is not from this world, but rather from a dystopian version of earth. His greatest fear is being found out and cast away or even executed for stealing the body of an innocent baby buy. Unlike most stories of the protagonist being reborn to be on top Jessup has to come to terms with the fact that his own grandfather is the immortal King progenitor and he will never have the potential of rising to the top. Will he become a victim to his families wrath or will his grandfather put him on his own path to being a king of a new land.

DragonMasta · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Chapter 24: Negotiation

Chapter 24: Negotiation

We continued walking until we reached the family manor, I gave everyone their freerange to move around. There wasn't anything worth stealing and the kids didn't seem like they belonged in this kind of meeting so I just told my servant to walk them around the property. Not before getting King Del his clothes. He's starting to gross me out.

Number 1 spoke up hoping to start a conversation, "Prince Jessup, do you like children?"

What did she mean by that? Is she trying to get some disturbed answer out of me? I'll just tell her the truth then, "I hate children, they're loud, gross and stupid, but if you're asking me if I want to have any of my own then the answer is… probably."

I know that's not what she meant but what else am I supposed to answer with? "I've been calling them number 5 and 6 in my head this whole time."

Number 1's face looked a bit strained, I guess she figured out that she's number 1, "I.. I see, well I suppose that's our fault. We haven't really introduced ourselves. I'm Princ- wop wop wop… and this is wop wop wop."

Yeah I wasn't paying attention to any of that number 1, "Let's get down to business then. You want us to protect you from the empire. That right?"

We were now at the dining room and I sat at the head of the table with my arms crossed and my head held high. I wanted to say more but Alora stood behind me and whispered into my ear startling me a bit, "You look like a bully. Calm down a little."

I glanced at her for a bit and tried relaxing my posture a little, "So what are you offering in exchange?"

Number one glanced behind me for a second until she answered back, "We are willing to offer our hands in marriage, all 6 of us. I know what you said about children but I assure you they'll grow up to be fine women someday."

I looked around slightly disgusted with the offer and I think she realized that she wanted to say something but I interrupted her, "Flattering but I'm already engaged to somebody."


I pointed behind me at the red eyed demon and everyone was shocked at this, they all thought she was a servant or a bodyguard. Well, now that I think about it, why is she acting like a bodyguard? I'll ignore it.

"In your country multiple wives are normal, but in our culture, men and women are like light and day. Too much darkness and you'll only get sick. We don't do that here."

She looked back in confusion but she didn't have much to say, "I forgot some countries did that, but I thought King King- ugh"

She was about to say something but Sir Makoto stepped behind her with his hands over her throat. I almost forgot he was here.

"I let your father call him that because I thought it inappropriate to reprimand him, but if you talk like that again about his Majesty the King, I will break your neck without a second thought."

Whoah, I was not expecting that. Number 1 looks terrified, "Things happen Makoto, leave it be."

He brought her face closer to his and gave her one last warning, "Maybe we'll accept you as his wife, if we kill you now it would be a stain on the Grove family but as his wife… Well, it's as the prince says. Things happen."

I watched the situation go down and honestly even I couldn't tell if this was a scare tactic or if he was genuinely angry. The rest of the girls looked on in horror, thankful they didn't make the same mistake.

"Sir Makoto, youre so scary. You even sent shivers down my spine," I turned my head to Number 1 and added, "Remember, our King is considered equal to a god. He is nothing like the royals you are familiar with. He's… better."

I smiled at her, but I still couldn't help but feel a bit of pity. i wanted to say something to help the conversation flow better but suddenly King Del spoke up, "God's did you piss yourself?! Get out of here. I can smell you from here."

I looked at this in shock and confusion for a second until I realized what happened. I didn't order Makoto to do that but I think he realized that number 1 was the biggest threat to our negotiation so he decided to intervene.

"Alora, can you please show her to one of our spare rooms with a bath and get her some clean clothes. Number 4, why don't you help your sister clean up."

Number 4 was a little confused but replied back without saying anything. She grabbed her sister without saying anything and left with Alora.

"Let's talk outside while my servants clean this place up," I wonder if that evil witch is still at the place, I could use her right now. "Let's go to the gazebo."

I walked everyone outside before stopping at the king. I closed the door and before he could complain I put my hand on his shoulder and asked him the million dollar question, "Want a beer?"

He looked slightly nervous about the situation but I tried to comfort him the whole time without taking my arms away, "Don't worry, I figured it was too hot outside for you and figured you would want to be in some air conditioning. Now, do you want some beer? It's cold."

King Del was a bit nervous but I could tell he was slightly tempted, that's not surprising. A few years back the old man sold me his skill [CHARM LVL 1.] I've been leveling it over the years.

"I could drink."

"Great! Let's go down stairs, we have a bit of a 'guys room' down there. If I had known we would be alone I would have gotten some 'REAL' entertainment."

Please, I wouldn't let this loser anywhere near the women on our island. I could feel your eyes all over Alora, there's no way I wouldn't notice you eyeing up my girl. Well, it's not like she's actually mine. If anything I'm pretty sure Sir Makoto said all that engagement stuff to ward off these women.

"Now let's have some fun while your little roses play around with the roses."

"Haha I like you kid. You know how to have fun, but I should really have number 1 here."

Did he seriously just call his daughter number 1 or was that just my imagination? Whatever, after guiding him downstairs I showed him the trophy room. It wasn't that interesting though, the king just put a bunch of junk in here to decorate the place. I never expected that guy to be so artistic, first he designed the manor then he decorated the place himself. I would've just filled the place with swords or paintings that I would never look at or use.

"By the gods, is this what they call a 'Car?' I've heard of them before, they mostly come out as debris from wormholes or as gifts from the U.D.C, I never would've thought I would see one here. Can we drive it?"

Drive it where? It's for decoration, dumbass, "I'm afraid not, the only person who can get this thing in and out needs to be proficient at space magic."

He had his hands all over it like it belonged to him, was this a good idea? Won't he just break something?

"That's a shame, perhaps another time."


"Yes, next time. Come on, I'll get you something called a Pink Whitney."

I head over to our bar and start working on a cocktail for myself, obviously I'm making a mind eraser shot. I used to order this all the time whenever I had to fake my ID. As for the Pink Whitney, I heard only people with daddy issues enjoyed this stuff. So I figured it's perfect for him. 

After I finished making mine I made his, and we went over to the pool table and started playing around.

"Ah, I saw one of these on Master Makoto's ship. He taught me all about it, wanna play a round?"

What kind of ships does that guy have?

"Sure, why not."

After the first few minutes I realized he had no idea what he was doing so I began losing on purpose, "Damn, I should really practice more often. You're knocking me around more than the balls."

"Haha that's alright, you'll be as good as me in no time."

So I was right, he's incompetent. It's his daughter who's in control of everything. It was a smart choice to get rid of her. Good job Makoto.

"So how is the war going? More Whitney by the way?"

"Oh! Yes please, you really know your stuff."

He hasn't answered me, does he not know or is he not drunk enough. Let's try charm again. After making him another larger drink I pat him on the shoulder and try to comfort him. 

"The war must be hard, ah it's your go."

"Oh I didn't notice," He had his hands over his face like he was trying to wipe water off him, "Yeah, it's not great, but that's where you come in. At least that stupid king of yours."

Yeah, he's the stupid one. I rolled my eyes in my head and replied back, "That old fart has so much power and influence and he just goes around wasting it away on god knows what."

"Exactly! He's already so rich and powerful, why can't he just kill that snake and destroy the empire. Don't tell anyone, but I think he's colluding with the empire. I heard from Queen Floorah that… that uh…"

"It's your go again."

I try to keep him distracted by refilling his glass. I hear something upstairs so I decide to walk away for a second. When I got upstairs, number 1 and 2 were asking about their father. I looked outside to see if the girls were outside but I didn't see them. So I did the first thing that came to mind.

I went over to number 1 and gave her a hug before kissing her right on the mouth. She struggled for a second before she slowly relaxed and fell asleep. 

"Oh my, it seems she has fainted. You should take care of her."

I looked at number 2 as she had her mouth agape in shock and horror. I was about to ask Alora to help her to the guest room when I noticed she was blushing heavily with the same expression on her face as number 2 had. So I decided to tease them both, "Taste sweet. I might have to reconsider that marriage proposal."

I wiped my mouth with my thumb and licked it before walking back downstairs. When I got back the idiot king had a bottle of… "Is that hennessy?"

"Ah… Jessy."
