
Prince of Eternal Darkness

Prince of Eternal Darkness is a thrilling fantasy novel that takes readers on a captivating journey through a cultivation world where demons and monks unleash unimaginable power. The story follows the talented and enigmatic protagonist, Shiv, who finds himself betrayed by his beloved girlfriend, Aria, after a thousand years of companionship. In this extraordinary world, cultivators harness the elements, defy gravity, and engage in epic battles that can reshape mountains with a single strike. Shiv, known as one of the most gifted individuals the realm has ever seen, stands at the pinnacle of his abilities, revered and respected by all.

Arpit_Pathak_1053 · Fantasia
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18 Chs

Chapter 18: Unveiling Bonds

As Shiv drew closer to the Lin family compound, he engaged in a conversation with the girl, eager to understand why she was being pursued. She revealed that she and her grandfather had arrived in the city in search of employment when they encountered the young master of the Chu family. The young master took an interest in her, but when her grandfather refused to send her away, the Chu family's guards killed him and began chasing her relentlessly. Hearing her tragic tale, Shiv became acutely aware of the harsh realities faced by the weak in this world, where the strong could trample upon them without consequences. He made a solemn vow to bring about change and protect the powerless.

Despite Shiv's insistence that the girl should leave and live a comfortable life with the gold coins he provided, she hesitated. Her resilience and determination touched his heart, and he understood her desire to face her own challenges instead of relying solely on monetary support. With a heavy heart, he respected her decision and bid her farewell, hoping that she would find her own path to happiness.

As Shiv stepped foot into the Lin family compound, his heart raced with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. The weight of his journey and the battles he had fought bore heavily upon him, but the sight of his mother's familiar face ignited a surge of warmth within his being. With tears of joy welling in their eyes, they embraced tightly, their hearts connecting in a profound moment of reunion.

In the comforting embrace of his mother, Shiv found solace and security, as if all the hardships he had endured were momentarily lifted from his shoulders. They held each other, their embrace serving as a sanctuary where words were unnecessary. It was a simple yet profound exchange of love and understanding.

With a tender voice, Shiv's mother gently urged him to share his experiences, wanting to understand the journey that had transformed her son. As Shiv recounted his trials and triumphs, his voice trembled with emotion. He spoke of the battles he had fought, the wounds he had suffered, and the growth he had achieved. Each word carried the weight of determination, resilience, and a newfound sense of purpose.

His mother listened attentively, her eyes brimming with pride and love. She marveled at the strength and maturity that radiated from her son, witnessing firsthand the incredible transformation he had undergone. Her heart swelled with a mixture of awe and maternal affection, and she held his hand tightly, as if reassuring him of her unwavering support.

In that intimate exchange, mother and son reaffirmed their unbreakable bond. Their connection transcended mere blood ties; it was a testament to the profound love and understanding they shared. In that moment, Shiv felt a renewed sense of belonging, knowing that he had a pillar of support in his mother who believed in his dreams and cherished his growth.

Shiv's mother, curious about the girl who had accompanied him, looked at him with inquisitive eyes. "Who is this young girl, Shiv?" she asked, her voice filled with gentle curiosity.

Taking a deep breath, Shiv explained how he had encountered the girl while on his journey back to the Lin family compound. He described the tragic events that had befallen her and her grandfather, the merciless pursuit by the Chu family's young master, and the hardship she had faced as a result. Shiv's words carried a sense of empathy and compassion, reflecting the depth of his understanding for the girl's plight.

Moved by the girl's story and touched by Shiv's kindness, his mother's heart overflowed with compassion. She saw the resilience in the young girl's eyes, the strength that had carried her through adversity, and the potential for a brighter future under their care. Without hesitation, she welcomed the girl into their home, offering her a safe haven and a chance at a new beginning.

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