
Moonlight Village- Newborn

Year 1450

In the land of Eraedian, people lived in peace for nearly five hundred years. Every season from spring to winter, the land was filled with beautiful flowers to tiny snowflakes that covers the land with white blanket of snow. The mountains were also majestic. Some children were riding on the horses in the meadows while their parents watched them.

In the Moonlight village, stories of the war was passed down from generation to generation. Parents told the stories to their own children to make sure they remember what happened during that horrific time.

In the village, there lived an old lady whose husband passed away from aging. Her health declined after her husband's death. On good days, young children often went to her house and listened to her stories. All of the children loved her funny stories and she also gave them sweets afterward. Children were shouting, me! Me! Me! The old lady smiled and carefully gave them one by one. That was the last time they saw the old lady.

On one rainy night, a group of black-hooded men marched into the streets of the Moonlight village. They were all covered in black. They knocked down the old lady's door and killed her instantly. All oil lamps were out and parents kept their children away from doors and windows. They knew what was coming. The men were searching for dark witches who practiced dark arts. The old lady was a dark witch who pretended to be nice to the children.

The next morning, people gathered around the house of the old lady. They were all speechless that the old lady they once knew was a dark witch. Dark witches often will disguise themselves among other people and they will suck away life energy which makes them dangerous.

The black hooded men were skilled assassinators working under the King of Eraedian. They hold stronger power than those dark witches.

Few months had passed, there was peace again in the land. A couple living in the Moonlight village was married but they couldn't conceive a child for a long time. They went to a temple dedicated to the Goddess Aphrodite and prayed for a child everyday. Finally, their prayer was answered.

It was the spring and flowers bloomed in various colors, Ernest and Emma smiled as they walked along the rows of flowers. Their child was inside of Emma and they cannot wait to see their little sunshine.

As Emma screamed in pain one night, Ernest hurried to their neighbors to find a doctor and during that time, it was difficult to find a good one. Ernest went from door to door but only one nurse was able to help.

The nurse was encouraging Emma to push while asking Ernest to get some warm water. After a difficult birth, the baby finally came out.

"Congratulations, it's a girl." The nurse carefully wrapped the baby with layers of blankets and handed over to the mother.

"She's gorgeous. Look at her eyes, she got your eyes, Ernest. She got my mouth as well. Her cheeks are so chubby." Ernest kissed Emma's forehead and carefully held the little bundle of joy as the nurse wiped off sweat on Emma's forehead.

"Thank you, Nurse. We really appreciate your help. Can I get your name please?" Ernest asked. The nurse was about to leave but she looked back at Ernest and smiled, "My name is Helena. Your little girl will be well-protected. I'll be meeting her again soon. Please watch over her." Ernest nodded but didn't understand as to why she was saying she will meet with her little girl soon.

Emma called out to Ernest and he went in immediately. Ernest sat on the bed while cradling the newborn.

"What should we name her?" Ernest asked. Emma thought about it and replied, "What do you think about Rosalie? We can call her Rosa for short." Ernest nodded and looked at Rosa, "Hello there Rosalie, I'm your father. Mommy and I love you very much." Ernest looked at Emma and he felt so lucky. The three of them will start a new life together.

Helena, the nurse for Rosalie, returned to the Eradien Castle and reported back to the King. The Eradien Castle is located on the top of the Eradien Hill. Everyone in the village can see the castle from afar. Inside was nicely maintained by the palace maids and the Celestial Hall was the same as before. It was where all of the Kings and Queens sat. It was where all marriages and important ceremonies had taken place.

"Your majesty, Rosalie is safe and sound. We will have to wait for her to grow up and I'll make sure she returns." Helena bowed and the King nodded in return.

"You've worked hard, Helena. Please rest." Helena bowed and turned around.

"My King, it's such a good news. Rosalie will be returning to us. We've wronged her in the past. Rosalie and Helena were such close sister." Queen Agnes slightly smiled and held on to the King Henry's hand.

"Agnes, in the past, we really misunderstood her intention. After she returns, we'll explain it to her one by one. For now, I'll ask Helena to check the Moonlight Village once in a while and keep us updated."

Helena went back into her room and laid on her bed. The castle was quite roomy but the oil lamp made the room much dimmer. She remembered in the past when Rosalie will always go into her room and play. Helena smiled and rolled onto the other side of the bed. Rosalie, no matter what happens to you, I'll make sure you return safe and sound.

Queen Agnes went back into her chamber and took out a necklace inside her drawer. It was a blue sapphire gem in the middle. It was very rare and expensive. She clutched onto the necklace and sobbed.

"My son. I'm sorry I misunderstood you. Even if you hate me, please wake up."