
The most spectacular breakfast

[Students of Totsuki Academy! One hour from now, at 10 o'clock, you will assemble at the banquet hall in your uniforms.]

After another hard day of the training camp and students thought they could relax, Dojima's voice resounds throughout the hotel with the announcement system help, asking for a meeting.

In Lovin's room, playing Jenga, Ikumi complain after the announcement was over,

"What!... I thought it was over and I could lay back, now this happened!"

"Yes, I agree...they have the worst timing," said Erina.

She was disappointed, just when she could finally play a normal game for once, without any strings attached, it has to be ruin.


Exhausted students gathering at the banquet hall but when Erina enter the hall, they were in awe and feel like they got their energy back a bit. It's then instantly skyrocketed to a whole new level, one filled with hate when they seem Lovin was walking behind her.

"Why is he walking together with Erina-sama?!"

With the Polar Stare's group, Ryoko shakes her head with a sigh, "Everywhere Lovin-kun is...the atmosphere's always tense."

"Yeah, even the hate for Soma wasn't this bad."

[All eyes toward the stage!]

Dojima's voice called out, moving students attention on him and away from Lovin.

[We had all of you gather here for one reason and one reason only...to explain to you what tomorrow's task will be. The task will be to create a new breakfast menu worthy of being served to guests at Totsuki Resort. Breakfasts are the face of the hotel, it's an important meal that starts off a guest's day. I'd like you all to suggest an innovative dish that will make a vibrant contribution to the breakfast table. The main ingredient will be the egg, we wouldn't restrict the cuisine genre but the dish must be servable buffet-style. The judging will begin at 6 tomorrow morning. Make preparations so that you're ready for tasting by then. You may spend your time freely until morning, You can test recipes in the various kitchen facilities or rest in your room. I'll see you all again in the morning. Dismissed!]

"No way!"

"I'm already in pieces!"

When Dojima's speech was over, all the students got agitated, they were already dead tired and now they don't even have time to rest if you not afraid of failing.

With the main ingredient being an egg and remembering his entrance exam, Soma went over to Erina and start speaking to her like they were friends, much to her displease.

"Hey Nakiri, doesn't this brings back memories? My transfer exam also featured eggs."

"D-don't you dare talk to me like that!" she still hasn't forgotten the embarrassment she went through by his hand, "Word of advice, don't make a dish like last time if you don't want to be failed"

Just then Hisako run back toward them, "Erina-sama! I've secured a kitchen."

"Very well, Let's go, Mito and Lovin-kun." with a flick of her hair, Erina walk off but noticed Lovin wasn't following her, "What are you doing?"

"Go ahead, I'll join you guys later."


Now the only people left in the hall were the Polar Star dorm members.

"What's up?... I thought you would go with them since you usually hang out with them the most" Soma said.

"No reason, I just thought I would let you guys savor my face and this moment since we haven't seen each other a lot lately" Lovin smile and spread his arms, posing, "So...take it all in."

Ryoko facepalm with a shake of her head, "You know...this why people hate you."

"So, do you know what you going to make?" Ibusaki asked.

"Yeah...it'll be spectacular."


Taking out the chunk of meat from the oven, Ikumi lightly touches the meat, checking its temperature.


Finished with her recipes, Ikumi look over to Lovin, beside her and notices him doing something that goes against the egg as the theme ingredients.

"Why are you making a dough?..."

"This is an egg dough so it should qualify with the egg being main Ingredients... if not..."

Done with the kneading, Lovin take out large leaves and wrap it around the dough, coving it completely.

"Alright, my preparation is done..."

It's about time he really put his wishes to full use. He can't wait to see the look on everyone faces, the banquet hall will in complete chaos, just thinking about it put a smile on his face

Ikumi got in front of him and question him with suspicion look, "What are you smiling for?"

"Nothing, just think about how lucky I am that I was able to meet you."

"Y-you...ho-how can you sudd-" instantly, the girl got flustered and lost on what to say.


The next morning, every student make their way toward the banquet hall and found their cooking station already prepared.

Going to his station, Lovin seems it was beside the silver hair; Nakiri. And in front of his station was Ikumi.

"This too good to be true! I'm beside two of my favorite girls!"

"Oh, hello Lovin-kun. I didn't think we'll be placed so close by" Alice smile greets with a smile.

From the other side, Ikumi yells at him, "Hey, how did you know her?!"

When she first met the sliver hair girl, she cames up to her and made fun of her for losing against Lovin.

"We met in-" Lovin didn't finish as the voice of Dojima ring out, getting everyone to pain attention.

[Each of you is ready to present your dish, I presume? I will now explain the conditions for passing the test. First, I'll introduce the judge."

Just as Dojima said his sentence through the monitor, the door of the banquet hall was bust open and rush in masses amount of people, aging from young kids to the elderly.

[They are people who grow and produce ingredients for Totsuki Resort Hotels and their families. Every year, they serve as judges at his camp. I've informed them about the theme, being an inspired egg dish. Their judging is quite accurate, Totsuki Resort's cooking and service staff will also join the judging team. There are two judging criteria. One is whether your dish presents inspiration worthy of acknowledgment by professional producers and staff. The other is to prepare and serve 200 or more servings within the next 2 hour! Those who fulfill the two criteria will pass. Very well, honored judges, please enjoy the breakfast. May the judging begin!]

Immediately after the speech is over, the guest spread out, searching for the breakfast that catches their interest.

Then suddenly, a voice shouts out, calling attention to the mass of judges.

"Dear, guest, and staff member! Would you please watch my dance?"

guess dish?

FlyingPeacockcreators' thoughts