
Meet again

With the ringing of the clock, Lovin opens his eyes. It's 5 am in the morning, bearly anyone in the dorm is awake.

"Alright, let do this" he got out the bed and went to wash up.

When he was ready for the day, he went and knob on Megumi's door. After a while, the door was with open by a still sleeping Megumi,

"Yes..." she then flinches when she notices it was him, "Lovin-kun?!"

"No time to explain" Lovin pull her of the room and drag her toward the restroom.

"Wha-what going on?!"

When they got there, he closes the restroom door and leaves her inside while he waits for her.

"I need you to wash up and go to the backyard with me"


Soma was on his way to the garden with Yuki, while she tells him what the dorm members are specialized in. When they got there, the first thing they see was Isshiki working on the field with only a loincloth on his person.

"Good morning, Soma-kun, Yoshino-kun!" he greets with a bright smile while sweat drip down his body, "Morning labor is great for the spirit, let sweat together!"

"Oh, Soma-kun" Megumi called out from the side with a basket, full of vegetables.

"Tadokoro, you're here too"

"Yeah... I've been here since 5, picking vegetables" she replied with a sad tone.

Suddenly, Lovin's voice rings out, calling her, "Megumi, where are you!?"

"Coming!" she quick hurry left, leaving the other dumbfounded.

"What up with that?" Yuki asked.

"Lovin-kun went to Megumi-kun early this morning and asked her to pick up vegetables with him and she got freaked out, thinking he was taking her to someplace dangerous" Isshik explains.

"I see, but what do he need all those vegetables for?" Some asked.

"Lovin-kun said it for a soup, he tries to make," Isshik said as tears fall down his face,

"He was up even before the sunrise and work on the dirt, all for his passion. It's so beautiful!"


Lovin follow Soma and Megumi to the Donmono Research Society so that he may have his fate encounter with the big boob, tanned-skin beauty again.

When they got there, they were met with depressing scenes of a guy with a pompadour and a pencil mustache, looking like he lost all hope.

After the introduction, the guy turns out to be; Kanichi Konishi, the president of the Don RS.

He explains that the Don RS was on the brink being close down because of Erina and the last-ditch effort to save it was, a Shokugeki with one of Erina's lackeys.

Then, just in time. Ikumi and a group of construction workers barge in and start speaking as if they own the place.

"Rather than a renovation, it'd be faster to raze it down and rebuild it from scratch"

"Yeah?" she said, pausing a bit, "Let go with that, then."

"What you think you doing, Mito?!" the Don RS leader shout out in anger.

"I just came to do a survey. I already know the outcome, after all." she walks up to Konishi and slams her feet against the wall, trapping him in between.

"Like Erina-sama said, no matter how much effort you put into a don, they are a low-class dish relegated to class B gourmet as best. Totsuki have no need for such a dish, is what she said."

"Well, it a different story if you think you can w-" a cheerful tone cut off her speak, "Could it be!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Ikumi shudders and hope that isn't who she thinks is it. Turning around, she found the one person who gives her the most embarrassing moment of her life. And without her even noticing, he was already in front of her and holding her hand.

"I miss you so much, Ikumi! I think about you every second of my life! It must be fate telling us to get together since we are meeting at this very moment!"

"Get away for me, you idiot!" Ikumi pushes him off with a deeply flushed face, "I just came here to remove this place, we meeting is a coincidence!"

She turns back to the Don RS leader, "Anyway, are we going to do the Shokugeki or not. If not, get out of here so we can destroy the building and renewal it."

She wants to get away from Lovin as soon as she can. The more she stays near him, she feels like she would reverse to her old self that she try so hard buried.

"Wait..." Soma suddenly get between her and the Don RS leader, "Senpai, can you let me the Shokugeki in your place?"

"Who the hell are you? Stay out-" she focused more on the red hair and remember whom he is, "You're the other transfer student."

"You must have some confidence in your skills if you're willing to butt into someone else's Shokugeki."

"Well, why don't we compete on your turf with a meat dish, then?" Soma propose, then smirk, "I'll win, though"

Ikumi narrow her eyes. The bastard thinks he can beat her in meat, something that she's best at, she'll take him on his little challenge,

"What if I win, asshole. Would you leave Togetsu?"

"Sure, fine," Soma replied without any hesitation, 'But if I win, you need to join Don RS. Join it and contribute to advancing don culture."

"Fine, the main ingredient will be 'meat' and the dish is don"

"Whoa, stop right there" Lovin cut in front of Soma, "Sorry but I can't let you do that, Soma. I want Ikumi to join my club and spend time together, so let me face her instead."

"But I-" Soma stop when he sees the sincere in his look,

"Please, I want to show her that you can be yourself and still be the best."

He then turns to face Ikumi and smile, " We can keep the same theme and dish the same, only if I win, you'll join my club. What do say, Ikumi?"

Hearing his word, Ikumi bit her lip, remembering the harsh words her father said to her.

"Fine! I take you on!" she said and storms out of the room, leaving an awkward atmosphere behind.

"Why did you do that, Lovin-kun?" question Megumi after a moment of silence.

"Hmm, I like her and just want to help her out it" Lovin replied and apologize to Soma, "Sorry, I know you were looking forward to doing a Shokugeki."

"It's fine, I understand," Soma said, "but what about the club thing?"

"Oh, that. I just said in the spur of the moment but it's not a bad idea." he chucked and wave his hand in the air "Let call it; Cooking Extraordinaire."


The new of the Shokugeki between Lovin and Ikumi spread like wildfire and everyone talks about it, even Erina.

"Be careful of him and give it your best, Mito," said Erina, sitting behind her desk.

"You don't need to worry Erina-sama. He nobody, when he was pair up with me in the oping class, all he did was play around without being any help." Ikumi then click her tongue in annoyment,

"The bastard even asked me out, he thinks I'm so easy..."

Out of nowhere, Erina slams on her dest with a dark expression, frightening her.

"What wrong... Erina-sama?"

Noticing her mistake, Erina's face reddish and quickly shoot the girl off, "Nothing! you can leave."

"Uhh, okay..." Ikumi replied in confusion but didn't dare to question her and left for the door.

When the door was closed and Erina was alone. The pen in her hand immediately snaps in two.

"That bastard...playing with..."