
Before the Autumn Election

I have written a pokemon fan-fiction, check it out if you like pokemon.

Now the chapter


"Hey, hurry up!"

"They finally put up the results!"

All the first-year students of Totsuki were running to a billboard in front of the schoolyard, the billboard was split into two sections, group A and group B.

All the student who was elected to take part in the Autumn Election has their name written on the billboard.


"I didn't make it!"

Some cheer and some got depressed that they weren't part of the election.


Yuki has tears of happiness as she jumps into Royko's arms for a huge. Not just her, almost all the member of the Polar Star is a contestant.

Seeing her name on the billboard, Alice smirk, "Well, of course"

With Alice's skill, she would be shocked if her name is not on the list. She is trying to take down Erina, something like this should be easy.

"Oh, I'm on it, too."

Hearing the unenthusiastically voice of her aide, Alice inclines her head from the board to dark-haired boy with the permanent dark rings under his eyes.

"Of course, you'll be. It'd be embarrassing if my close aide failed to be selected. Failure is not an option during the preliminaries."

All the merry and dejected mood comes to a sudden halt and the atmosphere got thicken, one filled with malice and hostility.

Since over the summer break, they never see or hear new about him that some thought it was just a dream. But here he is, the person who makes them go through hell in the training camp and the source of many students being expelled in the camp.

Lovin enters the scene with the meat master, Ikumi.

"Everyone... for now on, you may also call me Golden Boy. Because after the Autumn Election, everyone would want me. I'll be like the golden goose, laying out golden eggs from the fairy tale."

Hearing Lovin's speech, all the student starts throwing things at him and insult.

"Why don't you do go die already!"

"You and your stupid titles!"

Megumi was hiding behind Soma, shaking with fear while Royko just sighs and shakes her head, saying, "You know, the title he's giving himself is getting exaggerating."

"Why do you keep antagonizing them?" Ikumi asks beside him.

"It's fun and something to pass time, and what I said isn't false either."

Lovin replied and make his way toward the sliver hair, Nakiri girl and her aide while effortlessly avoiding all the stuff being thrown at him.

"Hey, Alice. I've missed you, I want to come to see you but I was busy."

"Oh, hi, Lovin-kun. It's always lively with you around." Alice smile, not at all fazed by the chaotic crowd.

"Hey, why don't you join my club?"

Hearing his invite to join his club, Alice put a finger on her cheek and give it through,

"Maybe if you beat me."

"Hey, Lovin! Look like we in the same group?"

Suddenly, the voice of Soma comes through while he and Takumi coming toward them while the letter walks up to Lovin.

"This is the first time we meet, but I going to beat you and pay you back for what you did at the training camp. Because of you, my brother lost a large amount of healthy weight."

"Brother, I'm telling you, it's alright."

Isami Aldini, who took the same from his normal fat self, pat his brother's shoulder, reassuring him.

"What are you talking about, Isami! Look at you, you still missing a few pounds!"

[Hello, everyone!]

Following the lough voice, all the students look up and come upon the announce girl: Kawashima Urara waving her hand in the air while lifting up by a crane.

[I'll be your host at the Autumn Elections. My heartfelt congratulations to those of you who have been selected. As I'm sure you've already aware from the board, the sixty contestants are split from into Group A and Group B. Each will undergo the preliminaries separately.

Only those who rank high within each group will advance to the actual tournament!]

Before she continues, the announcer girl takes out a piece of paper and reads out the context inside to everyone below, saying it from Eizan Etsuya, an executive committee member.

[Many VIP and heavyweights of the food industry will attend the preliminaries. This is an optimal opportunity to demonstrate your talents. However...should you have the misfortune of presenting an unworthy dish, you may lose any hope of pursuing a career in the food industry at that point.

Well, best of luck preparing for it... over your summer break. That is all everyone!]

After the announcement was over, all the students were hype up and determined to on the actual tournament.


The next day, the theme of the preliminaries dish came and the Polar Star member was discussing over the dinner table.

"So, we just have to make curry rice," said Soma while the red-haired, female dormmate serves his tea.

"It says "dish," so it doesn't have to be curry dish," the girl serving the tea replied.

"So basically, it's any dish that uses curry in some form," said Ibusaki, putting out his thought.

Yuki looks toward their oldest dormmate and asks, "Right, Isshiki-senpai?"

"Hey, does anybody see Lovin-kun, I didn't see him all morning?" noticing someone was missing, Megumi query her friends.

"Oh, that. Lovin-kun already went to his club before any of you wake up" Isshiki answers while drinking his tea.

"He has been spending over there, wonder what he doing" Yuki ponder.

He is bearly see in the dorm even since his club was built. Well, she can't blame him though, it's nice over there.


At the connected burner, Ikumi was cooking multiple types of meat, some being cook in the burner and others in the oven.

"What is this guy doing?..."

Here she is, busying going through ideas and preparing her dish for the preliminaries while her crush is lazily floating in the pool on an air mattress and playing games on his phone.

"What are you doing, are you going to preparing for your dish? The theme is a curry dish!"

Lovin wave her off, "Don't you worry your pretty face. I already have a dish, I just can't pick which."

The moment he enters Totsuki, he has been making preparations for his awesome plan, and now that is ready, he got nothing to do till the Autumn Election starts.


FlyingPeacockcreators' thoughts