

'I'm glad no one noticed...'

Making her way back toward the election Group A cooking arena, the Curry Queen has a slight tint of red as she thought of Lovin's curry dish.

The dish's flavor was like being touch and sleeping with divinity itself, it has taken her places that she never knew existent.

She said she'll back but really, it doesn't matter to her about the other student's dishes, she doubts it could give her the same experience as that boy, Lovin did.

"Now...how to get him?..."


"How long are we going to wait!"

"It has been 20 minutes already!"

With one of the judges missing and the judging process in a standstill, the audience was getting aggravated.

When the students were going to cruse the person responsible for the current situation, someone yells.

"Look, it's Natsume-sama. She's back."

True to that person's words, the Curry Queen came back, but instead of going to the judging table, she walking directly to Lovin.

She leans close to Lovin and slips something into his hand while whispering to his ear.

After doing what she wanted, Natsume went back to the seat and give an apology to the viewer.

"I'm sorry that took so long, everyone. But it was an emergency, I hope you can understand."

[Un, what is the score of Lovin-kun's dish, judges?...]

Since it looks like everything was back on track and the election event can continue, the MC girl speaks up.

"That's easy..."

It didn't even take the judges a second to give a thought before they all in agreement and show the score,

"Of course, It's 100 points!"

The spectators weren't surprised that Lovin's dish received a full score from the look and praise it got from the judges but some of the students couldn't accept that the person who they have so much hate for was the one on the receiving end.

[The next contestant, please...]

"That last dish was stupendous...I don't think there be another dish like that but from what I see, I have high hope is that the other student has remarkable talent. Even if not as great as candidate Lovin is."

Hearing Koda Shigenoshin's word, the student coming after Lovin was sweating in the back as he slowly makes his way toward the judging table but he believes his dish wouldn't lose much to Lovin.

Taking a deep breath, he places his curry on each judge and was question by the Curry Queen herself,

"What is this?..."

"It is-"

Before he could answer her, the female judge put her up and say, "You know what, stop."

Natsume then takes a bit of the curry, only to spit it back out in the plate and wipe her mouth.

"Alight, you can leave. The evaluation is done."


Looking at the other judges, it was the same, they already stop eating. When they were eating that bastard dish, they were so ecstatic, but when they try his dish, there was such a bad reaction, how could this be?

"Why! How can you like that egotistic-bastard dish but not mine-"

Just as he finishes bursting out his anger, a fork fly passes his head and a displease Curry Queen was glaring at him.

"If I even hear you bad-mouth Lovin-kun again, I'll make sure you will never be able to work anywhere again as a chef! But if you must know, comparing your dish to Lovin-kun's dish is like comparing heaven and dirt, dirt that I wouldn't even step on!"

"Oh boy, that's harsh," said Soma., "Even though, the dish looks great."

"Yes, this is going to be tough to pass..." Royko replied with a worried face.

Everyone watching feel sorry the person on the receiving end of that speech but also glad that it not them. As for the said student, he cries out running toward the exit.

After the episode, the trend of dishes not meeting the judge's merit continue. it only ends when it the turn of Alice's aide to present his dish.

"Finally, it's my turn..." Ryo said as he distributes his French Curry Lobster Rice with Cognac.

His dish earns high praise from the judges and a higher score than his previous fellow contenders, except for Lovin but that wasn't the problem for him.

"Hey, why did my dish only get 73 points?!"

When the students who are going after Ryo hear the judge's answers, there was even more pressure weighing down on them.

"Well, after eating that curry ball, our standard got higher. Let say 30 point is average and your dish is four times above that."

Next was Ikumi and her dish surprise a lot of people. For someone who knows to be a meat specialist, her curry dish was Biryani. A dish with rice as the main features, accompanied by meat.

"That smoking scent of the lamb..."

The executive producer of the tv show judges inhales as he scoops up the meats within the rice.

When he presses the spoon against the meat, it easily falls apart, showing off how tender it is.


"73 points, another high score!"

Alice walks in on a shout from a student, informing her of Ikumi's score right when she enters the Group A hall.

Looking toward the scoreboard, she found an abnormal rank. Lovin was standing at the top with 100 points and her aide was in second with 73 points.

'How can this be?' she knows Ryo's skill best and the score should not be so low when she got 95 points.

What even more surprising is Ikumi's score. The girl didn't show anything special in the training camp and alway sees around Lovin, got the same score as Ryo.

Walking into her cousin's booth, Alice query her cousin, "Erina, what going on with the scoring in here?!"

"You can blame Lovin-kun for that..." Erina turns to her and replied,

Was tough to write........

FlyingPeacockcreators' thoughts