
Li Jun's Musings.

Tai Yang let out a hiccup. It seemed he was more upset than he realized because he ate the whole cake, had two cups of honey-milk, a block of cheese, grapes, and some savory crackers. 

Li Jun let out a rare snicker. "I see. So you'll only eat a lot if you find it tasty. Otherwise, you peck at your food like a chicken."

"Chickens actually eat quite a bit..."

Li Jun rolled his eyes. "Nerd. Anyway. Let's go." Tai Yang stood up with his bloated stomach. 

'So round.' Li Jun thought, eyeing it. He held out his palm for Tai Yang to step on. "Ah, thank you." Tai Yang said, gingerly making his way aboard. 

"Is there anything else you want from the kitchen?"

Tai Yang shook his head. 'Wow. I'm being spoiled with kindness. If I had a camera right now.'

"Then we'll be going to bed. Tomorrow, you'll apologize to everyone for making them worry. Ji Ru was very scared, you know."

Tai Yang nodded as he sat cross-legged on Li Jun's palm. 

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