
Chapter 7: The Prince's Dilemma


Why didn’t I act sooner? It shouldn’t matter if she’s human, she’s still my responsibility. My past shouldn’t interfere with my duties.

These thoughts and more linger in my mind as I pick up Maria and Smokey.

“Everyone clear out and go back to class. We’ve kept Mr. Geserv waiting long enough.”

By my command, all the students exit the practice arena. It seems they’re still shocked by Maria’s display of power.

“Wait Aren, are you seriously taking that human’s side?”

“Olivia, I’m disappointed in you.”


“Some part of me, a foolish part, thought you might have actually wanted to help Maria. Toughen her up and then perhaps throw the match to let her learn with us. But this…”

I look at Smokey and can hear his heartbeat gaining some strength. But if it wasn’t for Maria activating that human-exclusive magic…

“This was too far.”

“What, are you talking about that demon beast?”

“It’s a dog.”

“Excuse me.”