
Primordial Vessel

A mysterious "accident" propels Di Tian into the vast cultivation world beyond Earth, but he soon realizes he's not the only one with newfound powers. Flight, telekinesis, elemental control—these are now common abilities among random Earthlings due to the incident. With his own gift shrouded in mystery, Di Tian must work harder than everyone else to rise above the fray, unravel his enigmatic powers, and carve out his legacy in this fiercely competitive new reality.

InkSage · Fantasia
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46 Chs

Ghost Path; First Trial

"What a sly bastard," Di Tian's expression changed as he read the messages.

Fang Ao had several instructions, the first one being not to arrange the formation flag as instructed by Chen Qingke.

"Won't this get me in trouble?" Di Tian thought immediately. But the instructions got even worse. Fang wanted him to explore the entire Sarcophagus all by himself. This was apparently his official "second mission."

"I guess he really wants me dead, huh?" Di Tian smiled wryly. Although he hadn't even moved an inch or observed his surroundings since he got here, he could clearly sense the 'danger' all around him thanks to his instincts.

Di Tian considered his options. He had to follow one of the orders, Chen Qingke's or Fang Ao's. After some deliberation, Di Tian threw all caution to the wind and chose to do as Fang Ao instructed.