
Primordial Providence: My PP Can Penetrate Through Everything!

Brandon Culianz lamented at how dull the world was but reality face-slapped him and the existence of the supernatural world was revealed! Another world has invaded Earth and due to that, the world ushered in a drastic change! Most of the humans awakened their mana and skills and they fought back against the invaders! After almost a near-death experience, Brandon Culianz didn’t unlock his mana but obtained the Primordial Spear! The Primordial Spear governed the Primordial Providence of [Spear]! And with his awakened Primordial Providence of [Penetration], Brandon has two overpowered PP! Not only was the artifact spirit of the Primordial Spear a very beautiful woman in crimson red, but Brandon’s Primordial Providence was also very powerful! His PP was unrivaled! In a world where powerful dragon girls and goddesses were present, it was impossible for a mere mortal to ever hope of penetrating their hymen and having sex with them! After all, their body was too powerful and durable! But, Brandon was an exception! His PP can penetrate through everything! “Don’t underestimate my PP! Even if you are a goddess, so what? I’ll make you obedient in bed!” The life of Brandon Culianz; the Primordial of Penetration, Lord of Foreplay, The One Touch Man, the Keeper of A Thousand Hentai and Porn has just started! ————— Features: 1. A gray MC, someone who isn’t a hero but also isn’t a villain. 2. An MC that only rapes his female enemies to torture them, but never rapes innocent women as well as potential love interests. When it came to pursuing the girls he liked, he won’t resort to rape. 3. An MC that believes in gender equality and age equality. Whether someone is male or female, young or old, it doesn’t matter since MC will kill them if they are his enemies. 4. A semi-overpowered MC- a protagonist with a very powerful cheat skill and weapon but isn’t the strongest. The MC won’t be powerful enough to destroy a universe or even a world at the start. 5. An MC that doesn't save every woman he meets just because they are beautiful. As long as someone is useful to him, he will save them and make them his subordinates, regardless of their gender and age. 6. A beautiful artifact spirit. The Primordial Spear is Waifu! 7. Large harem, but the author will try his best to not make it one-dimensional. 8. Lemons aka SMUT. But this novel will only have 20% Smut and 80% Plot. The author will focus more on the harem and romance than the smut. 9. I have updated this and decided that there will be NO YURI present in the novel. It seems that it isn't that well-received so I won't write it. 10. Join the discord server: https://discord.gg/Q7ZSSWtDbz

Baron_BrandonC · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs


"I have a question that has been on my mind for a while, and I hope you can help me understand."

The young man with black hair, dressed in a school uniform, approached the class representative with a serious expression. He hesitated for a moment before continuing, "I've been wondering, is it still considered sex if I don't cum inside the girl?"

As the sunlight filtered through the classroom window, it cast a gentle glow upon the teenager with long, shoulder-length golden blonde hair. His locks cascaded down, partially concealing his eyes, adding an air of mystery to his appearance. Yet, despite his bangs covering his vision, he possessed an uncanny ability to perceive the world around him.

The teenager's keen gaze fell upon his classmate, John Smith, who wore an expression of genuine curiosity. Sensing an opportunity to offer enlightenment, he resolved to address John's question with clarity and depth. With a quiet determination, the class representative, Brandon Culianz, stepped forward.

Brandon decided to offer a more holistic perspective, drawing inspiration from the philosophical concept of Dao.

"No, it's not considered sex if you don't cum inside the girl," he replied, his tone reflective of a friendly conversation among peers. "Some people might view it as either masturbation or foreplay instead."

He continued, adding a bit of lightheartedness to the discussion, "You can think of it like a rule of thumb. If the girl becomes pregnant, then it can be considered sex. But if she doesn't, then it might not fit the traditional definition."

"Ah, I see," John responded with a nod, his expression showing comprehension.

While their discussions occasionally crossed the line into NSFW territory, their classmates had come to expect it and often joined in on it.

The classroom was no stranger to the playful banter between Brandon and John, who had earned a reputation as the campus's eccentric duo.

As Brandon and John delved into their spirited discussion, their classmates exchanged amused glances. While their topics may have been on the saucier side, it was all in good fun, and the students embraced their unique dynamic.

Even though those two were perverts, they didn't go as far as peeping on other girls or stealing their underwear.

While Brandon and John may have been known for their playful and sometimes risqué conversations, their interests and activities took a surprising turn that nobody expected. Instead of engaging in invasive or inappropriate behavior, they channeled their curiosity and energy into something more enlightening.

The duo established a unique club at Jordan High School called the Culture Club. Contrary to its name, the club didn't focus on pop culture or trends. Instead, it became a platform for in-depth discussions about the Dao, exploring the philosophical and spiritual aspects of life.

In addition to Daoist philosophy, the club's scope expanded to include the study of the human body. With the guidance and support of their sex education teacher, who also served as the club's advisor, Brandon and John delved into research and exploration of human anatomy and physiology

The Culture Club became a registered and respected organization within the school community, attracting students who shared an interest in intellectual pursuits and holistic understanding. Together, they engaged in thoughtful conversations, expanding their knowledge of the human body and its intricacies.

Brandon and John's advisor, recognizing their enthusiasm and dedication, praised their deep understanding of the subject matter.

While Brandon and John were known for their unique pursuits in the Culture Club, it was true that they each had their own individual challenges and quirks.

Brandon, the epitome of theoretical knowledge when it came to sex, carried a rather ironic flaw. Despite his vast understanding, he had yet to gain any personal experience in the matter. His expertise in the subject was akin to that of a sage, who possessed deep wisdom but had yet to embark on his own physical journey. The metaphorical "V-card" was like a tarot card, representing the untapped realm of personal experience for Brandon.

On the other hand, John's escapades at the brothel added a surprising twist to his character. Despite his involvement in such activities, he had managed to avoid any unfortunate consequences or illnesses.

It was a stroke of luck or perhaps a testament to the strict health and safety standards followed by the establishment. Regardless, John's experiences provided an interesting contrast to Brandon's theoretical approach.

Their relationship, too, took on an intriguing dynamic. While they were undoubtedly close friends, their interactions leaned more towards a student-disciple dynamic. Brandon, with his vast theoretical knowledge, often assumed the role of a mentor guiding John through his explorations.

While John's role as Brandon's disciple remained intact, their focus shifted to a more nuanced aspect of their exploration—the art of physical intimacy. John embarked on a journey to master the Dao of pleasing girls through the power of touch, specifically with his fingers and hands.

Within the halls of Jordan High, Brandon had gained a reputation that transcended their Culture Club discussions. He had become infamous as the "One Touch Man," a title that conveyed his seemingly extraordinary ability to bring girls to climax with just a single touch from his heavenly hands.

Brandon's reputation as the "One Touch Man" spread like wildfire throughout Jordan High, capturing the attention of male students seeking to enhance their understanding of the art of foreplay.

Eager to learn from the master himself, they flocked to Brandon, ready to become his disciples in the pursuit of pleasure.

As Brandon's first and most devoted disciple, John naturally became his right-hand man, accompanying him through every step of their shared journey. Their bond was unmistakable, and it seemed almost impossible to see one without the other within the school premises.

During lunch breaks, hidden corners of the library, or even casual encounters in the hallway, the two could often be found engaged in passionate discussions about the intricacies of pleasure and the art of culture.

Their exchanges were filled with animated gestures, excited whispers, and occasional bursts of laughter, captivating anyone fortunate enough to overhear snippets of their conversations.

"John, don't you ever find this world... a bit too mundane?" Brandon pondered, his voice laced with a touch of wistfulness.

Brandon leaned against his bench, a thoughtful expression on his face. "We live in a world devoid of alien invasions and fantastical battles fought by magical girls. No tentacle monsters in sight either," he said, a tinge of disappointment coloring his voice.

As they shared their musings, their imagination took flight, weaving a tapestry of extraordinary adventures and thrilling encounters. In their minds, they crafted a realm where vibrant characters battled cosmic forces, where magic and wonder intermingled with the mundane.

"We're missing out on the mind control lighter, the time stopwatch, the space mirror, and even the elusive x-ray glasses," Brandon exclaimed, his frustration evident in his voice. "Without those artifacts, we can't further progress our research!"

John nodded in agreement, his silence masking a similar sentiment stirring within him. He, too, yearned for the discovery of these mythical objects that could unlock new realms of understanding and push the boundaries of their explorations.

Their shared desire to uncover these extraordinary artifacts had become an obsession within the Culture Club. Each day, they hoped to stumble upon a clue, a hidden passage that would bring them closer to their goal.

"Not to mention," Brandon exclaimed with fervor, "our world is devoid of enchanting elf beauties, alluring fox girls, majestic dragon girls, seductive succubus, and adorable vampire girls! Even the fabled 'legal loli' remains a mere myth!"

His words echoed through the classroom, stirring a shared frustration within the hearts of John and their classmates. They clenched their fists in solidarity, their expressions mirroring Brandon's discontent.

In that moment, an unspoken yearning for a world brimming with fantastical creatures and mythical beings consumed their thoughts. They longed for the magic and allure of realms where otherworldly beings coexisted with humans, where the line between dreams and reality blurred.

The girls in the classroom exchanged knowing glances and playfully rolled their eyes at the boys' whimsical antics. They had grown accustomed to Brandon and John's exuberant discussions.

But just as Brandon was about to launch into another passionate tirade, the familiar sound of the school bell filled the air, signaling the end of yet another day of classes. The chimes reverberated through the classroom, interrupting the flow of their spirited conversation.

As the final bell echoed into silence, the students gathered their belongings, preparing to embark on their individual journeys outside the confines of the school. The once lively classroom transformed into a scene of organized chaos, with the sound of books closing, chairs scraping, and laughter lingering in the air.

"John, see you tomorrow! And remember, if nothing exciting happens, I might just catch the bus," Brandon whispered cryptically, leaving a mischievous smile hanging in the air as he exited the classroom.

John raised an eyebrow, a knowing glint in his eye. He understood the hidden meaning behind Brandon's enigmatic message.


As the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden glow upon the streets, a teenage boy with flowing shoulder-length golden blonde hair emerged from the school gates. Each strand of his hair seemed to catch the sunlight, creating a mesmerizing halo around his head.

But it was his eyes that truly stole the show. Like precious gemstones gleaming under the fading light, his heterochromatic eyes held a captivating allure. His right eye, a vibrant shade of sapphire blue, mirrored the depth and vastness of a tranquil ocean, drawing others into its serene depths. Meanwhile, his left eye, a mesmerizing crimson red, burned with a passionate intensity that hinted at a fire within his soul.

The contrasting hues of his eyes, like a striking cosmic collision frozen in time, accentuated his absurdly handsome features. With high cheekbones, a chiseled jawline, and perfectly symmetrical features, he seemed sculpted by the hands of divine artists.

Yet, it was a bittersweet truth that only a select few were privy to this captivating visage, as Brandon revealed his true appearance solely outside the confines of the school.

There was a time in his childhood when he was abducted by a pedo woman and was almost raped due to his handsome appearance. Although rare, women also rape, not only men.

Fortunately, Brandon was saved in the nick of time by his parents with the police in tow, as they had implemented precautionary measures to protect him from potential dangers by sticking a GPS Tracker in his uniform.

From that moment onward, Brandon adopted a cautious approach, ensuring that his true beauty remained concealed in his school to prevent further troubles.

With his bangs artfully arranged to shield his eyes, Brandon found solace in the anonymity it provided. The veil of his untamed hair became his shield, granting him the freedom to navigate the halls of his school without drawing excessive attention.

Brandon, with his hidden beauty and discerning eye, remained indifferent to the girls he encountered in his life. While others may have been captivated by their charms, Brandon found their beauty to be lackluster, unable to ignite the spark of admiration within him. It wasn't a matter of arrogance or superiority; rather, it was a testament to his unique perspective and refined taste.


As Brandon found himself at a crossroads, the screams in the deserted alley continued, growing more desperate with each passing moment. His mind weighed the risks and uncertainties that lay ahead, wrestling with his conscience and instincts.

"Mind your own business. It's not your responsibility to intervene. Think of your own safety."

"From the degree of pain and agony from that scream, that person should have been stabbed or worse. And if I interfere, I might be next…"

As Brandon's heart pounded in his chest, his initial intention to flee was abruptly halted by an otherworldly sight. His eyes widened in disbelief as he beheld a macabre spectacle unfolding before him.

From the ground, a sinister shadow materialized, stretching and contorting into an eerie shape. However, no physical figure stood within its boundaries, creating an unsettling and inexplicable phenomenon.

His gaze instinctively shifted upward, and what he witnessed sent chills coursing through his veins. Suspended in the darkened sky was a woman of unearthly beauty, her flowing ebony hair billowing around her like a cloak of shadows. Her features were twisted with a malevolence that oozed from every pore, accentuated by blood-soaked attire clinging to her lithe frame.

But it was her wings that captured Brandon's attention, a grotesque fusion of bat-like appendages and ethereal darkness.

The woman's eyes, pools of abyssal blackness, locked onto Brandon with a gaze that pierced his very soul. In those depths, he could sense an overwhelming intensity of murderous intent, directed solely at him.
