
Primordial Orc's Journey

While exploring an ancient temple Jukha finds a stone that fused into his soul, giving him the ability to travel to different worlds. The mc is not some reincarnated person. He will be kinda evil but not some trash that kills and tortures for pleasure. He basically does whatever he wants when he wants. I like strong characters so I will make him strong but he will have his weaknesses. I got the inspiration by I Hunt Protagonists by BlackSwordsman1234. Update schedule will be the biggest amount of horse piss on this site Cover is not mine

TheNumberOneDumbo · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 5: Fights, Clothes, Food, Sex (R-18)

(Jukha POV)

After leaving the mansion I looked around, after making sure I was looking north I unleashed my wings and tail and took off the ground. Emil told me to head north and after a while I would see a road, follow the road I get to London. After flying for only 10 minutes I already found my first fight. Hovering in the air, I look down to see a giant monster with a bull face. If I'm right, Emil said this is a Minotaur, a very strong creature that specializes in strength. Grinning, I fly down towards the ground and crash into the ground creating a shockwave that pushed up dust blinding me slightly.

(A/N: This is my first fight scene, sorry if it's bad.)

After the dust settled I look ahead and see the Minotaur looking at me warily. Putting on a mocking grin I walk out of the crater I created and start taunting him.

"What? Are you scared? Some blood sucker told me a Minotaur is dangerous. Seems he was wrong. Look at you, shaking in your hooves like a little pussy." I watch as a few veins pop on his head and steam? comes out of his ears. Steam? Well, at least he understands English. Now that I take a good look at him he's at least 5m tall, twice my height. He has a club that looks like it was fashioned out of some wood. I watch as he charges at me, slower than the wolf from before. As he appears in front of me he swing the club at the side of my head. Wanting to test his strength I don't dodge but instead block it with my arms. When it hits I slide on the ground for a few meters before stopping, arms slightly numb.

"HAHAHA, THIS IS WHAT I NEED!" Screaming at him I run towards him as he is visibly confused. I bring up my fists and watch as he tries to punch me with his free hand. Multi-tasking, I dodge the fist and punch him in the stomach while using my tail to slash the wrist of the hand that has the club. While not enough to slice it completely off, it's practically useless. He drops the club and screams in pain as I punch his stomach a few more times, creating mini-shockwaves through his stomach and pushing him back. At the same time I'm using my tail a few times to slash his upper torso. I see his other fist approaching my face. Holding up my arms to block he only pushes me a few feet instead.

"Ohhh, what's this? Getting weaker are we?" I watch the veins come back on his bull head, however, as he takes a step he suddenly collapses on one knee, coughing a few mouthfuls of blood.

"Hehe, feeling a little hurt huh? I probably damaged your organs." Putting on the same mocking smile I watch as he goes from rage to fear. He tries to get up only to fall on his free hand, I walk over to him and punch him in the jaw, rattling his brain.

"Looks as though your death is coming, even without the damage to your insides you've lost a lot of blood from your wrist and chest. My tail is as dangerous as my fists after all." Walking up to his face I kneel down and watch as the fire in his eyes slowly dim. When he stops breathing I get up and start eating. It tastes like, beef. After I ate about 90% of him I feel full and ready to fly once more. As I'm about to take off into the skies I hear a loud roar to my left. Looking over I see two more Minotaurs. Ah, now I remember. Emil did say something about Minotaurs forming groups with each other.

These two were different from the on I just killed. One looked a little smaller, and had no weapon. While the other was a little taller than the one I just killed, and was armed with a crude sword. From the anger on their faces I don't think they like me, or the fact that their friend is mostly eaten. Grinning, I run towards the smaller one. Seeing me set my sights on him, the smaller one lost his mind to rage and ran towards me while the taller one tried to stop him. Passing by the club the dead one dropped, I picked it up and threw it as hard as I can at the taller one to by some time. The taller one had to put up his guard to block it. As he was busy, the small one and I were almost about to collide.

The smaller one cocks his fist back and punches me straight to the face. Taking it in full, I only took a step back before I wrapped my tail around his ankle and punched him in the chest, knocking him off his feet. While on the ground I unwrap my tail off his ankle and jump on his chest. Using my nails instead of my fist I use my hand like a spear and shove it into his chest, stabbing his heart. While that happens I use my tail to stab him in the eye, going all the way to the brain instantly killing him.

"Hmm, either he's weaker or I got stronger. Obviously I got stronger. But still, a little weak." Jumping off the dead small one's chest I look over at the taller one only to find his sword smashing me in the chest, sending me flying a dozen meters away. Getting up I feel numb all over my chest and there's a slight cut that healed instantly. I look at the tall one and find him inspecting his sword. 'My body sure is hard' Smiling to myself having damaged his sword with my body alone.

"Come on you pussy is that all you got?!" Screaming at him I see him look up and start running at me. As he comes in front of me he brings the sword over his head and swings vertically at me. Dodging to the side, I make it to his back and jump on him. Once on his back I take my nails and rip his throat apart. I jump off and watch him flail around swinging wildly. Watching in amusement I walk over to the small one and start eating again, however this time I only eat a small amount. As I finished my meal, I look over and find the tall one on the ground dead.

Done with that, I take off to the skies once more and fly north to find the road. After flying for 20 minutes I find the road Emil was talking about. Landing in the forest a few dozen meters away, I put away my wings and tail and start walking to the road. Once there I look around a little and see a sign up ahead. Looking at it says that London is a few miles away, well, time to walk. While walking the strange metal carriages kept passing me by. Cars I believe they are, Emil told me about them. Humans can build such things?

Few minutes later I got bored so I started running towards London, getting there another 10 minutes later. Looking around I was completely amazed by how tall some of the buildings were, and how they looked. 'This is amazing! I found something that I love just as much as fighting, exploring, adventure, this stone will bring me to even more worlds!' Finished with my inner thoughts I look at the people. Nothing special just normal humans with no power. Although they do seem to be looking at me a lot. That's to be expected, they've never seen someone has amazing as me!

(A/N: Normal humans are able to see his tattoos moving.)

After asking around for the tailor's shop I finally arrived in front of it. It was a medium sized building with clothing in the window. I had already seen the clothing on the people walking in the streets and for the first time, I was envious of humans. The clothes looked so good and comfortable to wear. Walking into the store I was amazed by all the racks of clothing everywhere. 'How the fuck do people choose what to wear, there's so much here.'

Walking around the store I started looking for what I should wear. I need something I can move freely in for combat, while also providing me comfort. While looking at a leather jacket that looked good I felt a hand tap my arm. Looking down I see a small human with the mana of Medium-level vampire.

"Excuse me sir, I can see that someone of your, stature, won't find something here. Please follow me to the second floor for clothing that can fit your body." The small human said with a professional smile on his face. 'I don't know why, but I really want to punch his face.'

"Yes, let us go. By the way, has anyone ever told you that you have a punchable face?" While following him to the second floor I ask him that serious question. When the small human heard it however, he tripped a little on the stairs and answered back with that same professional smile on.

"No sir I don't believe I have. Now, the first floor of my store is just for normal humans, however the second floor is for supernatural creatures such as yourself. For someone of your body type I suggest this leather jacket, this black shirt, perhaps these blue jeans, and maybe these leather boots. These items are magically enchanted so that they will automatically fit the customer's body. Down over there is the changing room." After pointing everything out he starts to walk away. Getting into the changing room I see that's it's larger than what it looked like on the outside. Taking off my fur pants and fur shoes I look into the mirror. Looking into the mirror I can see my handsome self. 'Hmm, truly a fantastic specimen!' Done observing myself I start putting the clothes on.

(A/N: Not good with fashion. Not really sure what would look good on him.)

It took me longer than I'd like to admit but I finally got the clothes on and I must say, not only do I look good, they feel very comfortable. This wouldn't hinder me in the slightest in a fight. Taking out my wings and tail I see the clothes automatically fit for them, not ripping them apart. Putting them away and the clothes look the same as before, maybe magic isn't so bad. Walking out of the changing room I don't see the small human anywhere, so I go downstairs. Once there I see him and a few other normal humans that were shopping.

"Is everything to your satisfaction?" The human still had that same smile on his punchable face.

"Yeah, it's good for a fight but also comfortable. You do good work." Giving him that small praise must make him feel like the greatest human alive. It must have worked because his smile got a little wider.

"Yes well, the full cost is £868.18 ($1200 U.S dollars). How shall you be paying?" Blanking out for a second I realized I had no money.

"Well I might have no money at the moment but I'll be sure to pay you back, later." Hearing that the smile on the human's face disappeared and was replaced by a cold look.

"Then I'm afraid you must return the clothes at once." The human said in a threating tone. 'Hm? The fuck did this little shit say? He's fuckin lucky I didn't rip him apart the first time I saw that face.' As the atmosphere started getting a little heavy I started laughing abruptly.

"HAHAHAHA, sorry, sorry. It's just, a small pathetic weak human like you, actually thought you could threaten me? You know, I did say your face was punchable." After saying that I immediately punched him in the face, bursting his head like a watermelon.

"Hehehe, the way his head just went *SPLURT* was just, too funny. Anyway, the rest of you lot need to go as well." Looking at the six customers in the store that were frozen in fear, I unleashed my tail and slashed the bystanders into pieces of meat.

"Blame yourselves, wrong place wrong time. Anyway, this little bastard reminded me that I need money to pay for shit. Let's see what he's got." Checking over his body I found his wallet that had around £100 inside of it. Not that much honestly. Walking behind the counter I started looking for anything else when I found this weird machine. When I tore it apart I found a shit ton of money inside it.

"Haha, that's more like it. Now, time to try out the food around here." Done with my clothes I walked out of the store and into the street, leaving all the blood and bodies behind me.

Walking around I came upon a little store that said "Marie's Bakery". Shrugging to myself I walked inside and was struck in the face with a plethora of smells. Dazed for a second, I looked around and saw a whole bunch of delicious food behind glass. When I got to the counter I saw an average looking middle-aged woman who I assumed was Marie. In a normal situation because of how pent up I am I would have ravaged her, but the food blocked my lust.

"There's, so much. Tell me woman! What do I get?" Confused on what to buy I asked the lady in charge, surely she would be able to help.

"Hmm, I suggest getting the Cinnamon Rolls which are £18.08 a dozen. One of my personal favorites are Cream-Filled Muffins at £19.53 a dozen." Listening to the choices I think hard on which one I should obtain. 'Wait a second, I have the money for both!'

"Yes! Give me both woman!" After waiting for around 8 minutes she came out with two boxes and handed them to me. I threw her everything I got from the small human's wallet and left the store. Walking around for a while I came upon what these humans call a 'park'. Sitting on a bench I open the Cinnamon Rolls and see them in all their glazed glory. Swallowing my saliva I pick one up, sticky to the touch. I wanted to shove it into my mouth but I waited, to savor my first one. Because of how small they were, it's not really possible to take bites, so I put the whole thing in my mouth, and slowly chew. It was sweet, it was not too tough, but not too soft. It was covered in delicious frosting as well. 'My life, is complete.'

Finishing the Cinnamon Rolls, I bring out the Cream-Filled Muffins, open the box and take one out. Same with the Cinnamon Rolls, it's far too small for bites. Putting the Muffin into my mouth I take the same caution as I did with the Rolls. Slowly chewing, it was as if a star exploded in my mouth. The Muffin itself was great all on its on. However, with the cream added in, it's just too much for my brain to handle. 'This is, just as good as fighting! How is it possible that humans can create such things!'

Finishing the Muffins I feel, lost, empty. Getting up off the bench I started wandering, looking at all the buildings once more. Soon I came upon houses. Casually looking at them my eyes fixed upon one. There was a beautiful middle-aged woman with all the right curves walking from her car to her house. I nearly lost myself in lust and ran at her however, I controlled it and started walking normally towards the house. Standing at the small door a thought went through my head 'Maybe being this large isn't the best.'


I moved my hand towards the door handle and twisted it, swinging the door open. Crouching down to get through the door, when I come out the other side I see two terrified faces. The woman I saw before and a man, most likely her husband. Letting out a grin, I close the door and move faster than they can react quickly knocking them both out. Chuckling to myself I grab the man and tie him with some curtains to the chair in the dining room. Doing the same for the woman I tie her hands together. Now that I think about it, I should gag them, and so I did. While I want her now, I'll wait until they wake up. This should be fun.

Waiting an hour they started to wake up. At first they tried screaming and getting out of the restraints but eventually calmed down. I made myself at home on the couch and was watching a cartoon about a cat chasing a mouse called Tom and Jerry. Certainly one of the best things I've ever seen. Getting up I walked over to them and started speaking while undressing.

"You must be wondering why this is happening. Well lady, blame yourself for being so beautiful. Also I haven't had sex in a while so I'm gonna need you to help me out with that, got it? As for you husband, watch as I take your woman and give her the fucking she's never had before. Hehe." Finished undressing I saw the woman's eyes go from horror, to shock, and back to horror. As for the husband? Why the fuck should I look at him?

My cock was already rock hard and ready to go, all 13 inches. Kneeling next to the woman I warned her.

"If you scream for help I'm gonna break you and kill your husband got it?" She nodded her head frantically. 'Good, she listens well.'

"What's your name, mine's Jukha." I say while taking her gag off.

"I-I-It's M-Marie." She struggled to get her name out. 'Wait what. Marie?'

"Is Marie's Bakery your store?" I questioned her. Her face went blank like she short-circuited.

"Y-Yes, it's my s-store." Nodding my head I start ripping her clothes off, making sure not to cut her with my nails. I hear her start whimpering and crying. Not the first time it's happened, won't be the last. Done with the clothes, I look at her body. Definitely great. I grabbed her left breast with my left hand and started kneading it, while my mouth went towards her right nipple and I started sucking. After a few minutes of that, I go down to her pussy which is slightly wet, but not enough. Bringing my mouth to her pussy I use my long tongue and lick her pussy. Getting it nice and sloppy I stick my tongue inside and lick some more. When I finished I lightly bit her clit.

Looking up at her I see her biting her lip and trying to contain her moan. Grinning I lined myself up to her pussy and started rubbing the tip on it.

"W-Wait, you can't be serious! That won't fit!" She tried to struggle to get away but I used one of my hands to hold her waist and the other to hold my cock to line it up.

"Don't worry, it'll fit." Saying that I pushed it all inside all in one go.

"AHHHGGHH." Sounded like a mix between pain and pleasure. Waiting a minute for her to get adjusted I started moving going slow at first but then I threw caution to the wind and just started pumping her.

"P-P-Please s-stop it h-hurts!" Ignoring her pleas, I kept pumping faster and soon her cries of pain, turned into moans of pleasure.

"Hm? What's this? You're getting off from being raped in front of your husband? What a slut." Turning her over I started pounding her prone.

"N-No I'm not."

Grinning, I slapped her ass hard enough to leave a mark, getting a mix between a moan and pain out of her mouth. After half an hour of pounding I finally released inside of her, painting her womb white. Not giving her time to rest I start ramming my cock into her again, ignoring her pleas. Looking over to her husband I find tears in his eyes and him struggling to get out. Showing him a mocking smile I grabbed his wife's hair and showed him her lust filled face. Her eyes were glazed over and she didn't even realize her face was being shown. After another 2 rounds of painting her walls I had to stop because her body was exhausted.

"Well, three times is barely enough but it should hold me over for now." Looking at Marie whose stomach was slightly bloated, I nodded at a job well done. After searching for the bathroom I went into the bath and washed myself for the first time in a while. Feels good to just sometimes relax in a bath.

30 minutes later I came out and found that Marie had woken up. She looked over at me and fear was written all over her face.

"I just took a bath you should go take one as well. Call for help and I'll rip this guy's head off." Taking off her restraints I warned her not to get any funny ideas. She nodded and walked, or rather hobbled, to the bathroom.

Sitting at the table I looked at the father and found he was looking at me with a such a hatred that he might be trying to kill me with his gaze alone.

"Well, this is awkward."

(A/N: First R-18 scene.)

I'm not really sure what this story is gonna be, I just kinda started it on a whim and went from there. I mean, I just like the adventure aspect of it, like following his journey through worlds. I'm not really into huge plot shit so it won't turn into some huge story shit, I'm way too dumb for that. I think this will probably be a slow story. Also I think I will make it so that the stronger he becomes, the more refined his appearance will be, like maybe growing shorter and becoming more handsome as time goes on. The power scaling will be pretty bad too. He might randomly jump from just barely able to uproot trees to being able to blow away a mountain.

By the way I'm not gonna make the women like: Girl looks at mc, girl blushes, one day later, virginity acquired and they are now in love.

When I read other people's novels I thought "This shit would be easy to write." It's not

Gonna stop with that POV shit

TheNumberOneDumbocreators' thoughts