
Primordial Monarch System

Guys Check out my new WSA novel, Divine Necromancer: I Can Design My Own Summons ....................... The world and heavens rely on him to keep them safe. Yet!!! They are the ones who are holding him from becoming stronger. This Him is Henry, our protagonist. Henry will be born with no talent however one misfortune night he will gain unthinkable talent at the cost of his loved ones. That night he will get a system that will remove all of his talent limiters. It will allow him to pursue his dream and establish order in the apocalypse that has occurred due to the receding of spiritual energy. Then he will also establish order in other worlds and then when the time will come. He will kill the one responsible for the receding of spiritual energy.

Eternal_Soveregin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
133 Chs

Chapter 70: The arrogant solders

With each swing of his sword, countless archers were killed.

The middle middle-aged man sighs.

"We will die today"The man's sigh carried regret and many other emotions.

The morals of the troops fell to the bottom. Some even put down their weapons after hearing his words.

The archers did the same, he smiled slightly seeing this.

"Their morals have hit rock bottom, even though I can kill them, it's not my goal.

Let me just destroy the crystal and get out of here because there is always a chance for something to go wrong.

Let me try that now"Henry muttered under his breath.

He calmed down his nerves, he started to search for the safest and quickest route to get past the armor and destroy the crystal.

In a few seconds, a trail similar to that of gold dust became visible to his eyes.

'I have found it, I was just testing this out for the first time. I didn't think that it would work.

Ripping sword did say that I will be able to use a lot more abilities of the Ocean of Death from now on, " Henry muttered in excitement.

A second later he landed on the ground, the ground troops immediately became horrified, the archers were sighing in relief, then he changed direction and started to follow the trail.

A second later, a roar resounded through the entire place.

"Wait are you waiting for us, we will die for sure so let's try to injure him as much as possible.

I will inform the higher-ups now"The middle-aged man roared.

When the troop heard about the reinforcement, their morale went up by a small margin and they started to attack Henry.

Countless arrows were directed toward but before they could reach him, they broke into two

Henry burst into laughter when he heard that.

"I will be long gone before your reinforcements arrive. Do you think you can hold me until then?"Henry asked with a mocking look on his face.

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth hard when he heard his mocking voice but he couldn't refute it since he knew that won't be able to hold him for more than 10 minutes.

His gums were bleeding due to him gritting his teeth too hard.

Henry increased his speed. Thousands of soldiers were charging toward him. With each swing, he took out hundreds of soldiers.

"Hmm, they are getting a little bit troublesome," Henry muttered under his breath.

The trail of golden dust that was glowing brightly a few seconds ago had faded slightly.

The waves were raging more furiously than before. Thousands of small masses of red aura were in front of him.

"If they weren't attacking me then I could save a lot of spiritual energy and my precious time.

I haven't read all the notifications, they are wasting my time. Oh wait, I think I have an idea."Henry thought to himself.

He cleared up his throat, he started to release spiritual energy from all over his body.

Spiritual energy was coming in small amounts, a second later spiritual energy exploded from his body.

It bore down an incredible amount of pressure on all of the soldiers, some fell to the ground unconscious. Some even pissed their pants in fear.

The soldiers were feeling they were lamps in the presence of a mighty dragon.

Seeing this he smiled slightly, the smile was equivalent to the smile of a devil to them.

"If you stop attacking me, then I will let you live and anyone who comes near me shall die mercilessly

Those who will drop their weapons will survive and those who won't will die"Henry declared, he increased the pressure on them too.

Some of them dropped their weapons immediately after hearing this. While some tightened their grip on their weapons.

His gaze scanned the entire battlefield. More than 50 percent of the soldiers had dropped their weapons.

The middle-aged man had fallen to the ground, he was holding onto a small object the size of a palm.

He looked at Henry with eyes full of hatred and anger.

"I have informed the higher-ups, They happened to be...." Before the middle-aged man could finish his words, Henry had appeared in front of him.

A terrifying pressure exploded from Henry's body and bore down tremendous pressure on him which caused the middle-aged man to be stunned and unable to speak.

He channeled as much spiritual energy as he could into his sword. The sword let out a blue glow.

He directed his sword towards the life chest of the man. A second later, the red liquid flew in all directions.

Some of it dyed his face red, and due to this, his vision turned red. He quickly wiped the blood from his eyes.

Blood was constantly flowing out from the chest of the middle-aged man.

He took the sword out, blood came out from his chest like water from a broken dam.

The middle-aged man fell lifeless to the ground.

"Reinforcement is going to those who are much stronger. You won't bee able to liiive fro longgg." The middle-aged man muttered in an inaudible tone before falling to the ground.

His pupils had turned completely white devoid of any life.

Henry wasn't scared even by his words.

"Just die," Henry muttered softly.

He watched all the blood leave his body and soon spotted the device he used for communicating. He picked it up.

A voice was coming out from the communicator.

"Hey, member id no. 2528, this is id no. 358 from headquarters, reinforcements are on their way to help you.

I repeat reinforcements are on their way to help you, reply member no. 2528" A voice resounded through the device.

He didn't reply immediately, a few seconds of thinking later.

"This is not 2528 speaking, I am the one who has killed him"Henry replied through the communicator.

The person on the other side was about to say something but before he got the chance. He crushed the communicator into countless small pieces.

After doing that, he looked at the remaining soldiers, most of those who didn't drop their weapons were terrified.

One of them could help but shout and beg for mercy.

"Please have mercy on me, sir, I won't..."The soldier didn't get the chance to speak.

Henry flicked his finger slightly, then a gale of wind infused with sword intent flew towards him.

Separating his head from his body. A fountain of blood was formed there.

Those who tried to oppose me previously were sweating in a cold sweat.

"It's all over," Most of those who tried to oppose said.

However, a few seconds later they got a ray of hope.

"I will give you another chance, those who drop their weapons in the next 3 seconds will live"Henry declared while releasing even more aura from his body.

As he counted thousands of weapons were dropped to the ground.

Three seconds later around 99 percent of people had dropped their weapons.

"Their morals are really low because I have killed their leaders, and due to this most of them have given up.

However, they are a no. of cocky b*sta*d who still had the guts to fight me. They have the same cultivation as me so they think they can defeat me.

But they should have realized that I can defeat those who are a fragmented realm above me" Henry muttered to himself.

He scanned the battlefield and saw around 10 individuals holding their weapons tightly.

"So you 10 want to die so badly huh, no need to worry, I will give you a painful death"Henry declared.

He charged toward an individual that was the closest to him. That individual roared and said.

"Come, I am not a coward like the rest of them even if I die, I will be at ease knowing that I have died fighting" The individual roared.

The individual channeled as much as spiritual energy he could into his axe. The axe exploded with an enormous amount of energy.

The other 9 individuals didn't rush to help him, instead, they stood there and observed the situation quietly.

"If I see, he loses miserably then we will escape together. If he doesn't lose miserably, we will attack together. ''One of them said.

A second later, Henry appeared in front of him. His sword and axe collided, and it produced a loud metallic sound.

A second later cracks started to appear in the axe. This caused the person to narrow his eyes in disbelief.

"What, this shouldn't be possible!!!" The person roared.

A second later, the axe broke in two pieces, Henry swung his sword 180 degrees vertically.

A second later the individual body was cut in half.

"You shouldn't have messed with me, "Henry declared.