
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
118 Chs

This grandpa is so short

"This is so fun. Weeeeeee!!!!" Gaea stood on the head of the pithon, clearly uprooted to it, as the wind tried to push her away, but she was unfazed.

"This is better than when I tried flying," She said.

"Oh, you've flown?" Tenebrea asked

"Yes, after eating the fallen, I learned how to fly, but it was not as fun as this." She said this as a pair of green wings grew from her back.

"Do you want to fly with me and little Amphy here?" Tenebrea said. A huge pair of bat wings also grew from behind her.

"Ohhh, you can fly too. Yes, let us all go flying together." She jumped off the pithon and flapped directly below it. Tenebrea laughed as she also jumped off the pithon. There were now three of them flying together, but the pithon started to slow down. It was not alive; instead, it was a golem. Tenebrea continuously supplied energy to the creature to prevent it from disassembling.

"Okay, I guess the flying is enough. We need to get on Amphy so she won't die." Tenebrea flew back to the top of the pithon, and Gaea followed immediately after.

"Can I try something?" Gaea asked, and Tenebrea replied with a nod.

Gaea placed her hands on the head of the pithon, and something weird started to happen.

Tenebrea monitored everything happening within, and she was a bit surprised.

Gaea was creating internal organs for the pithon with wood and life energy. A heart to pump the blood within, a brain to instruct the body parts without Tenebrea, and a stomach to decompose organic and inorganic material so the external and internal body parts can be strengthened.

The pithon roared as soon as Gaea was done. It was not an animated roar like Tenebrea made it do earlier, but instead it was one full of life. The pithon's speed increased, and in no time, they reached a dreary den. This was the cave of the dark dwarves; it was also called the dark forge.

The pithon landed, and before it could even move, spears protruded from the ground, facing the pithon at different angles.

"State your business here." A bulky, short old man emerged from the cave alongside others.

They had black irises and gray sclera. Their teeth were jagged like those of sharks, and they were all really burly despite their height. The skin on their bodies looked cracked, resembling old clay.

"Mother, look, that grandpa is so short." Along the ride, Tenebrea persuaded Gaea to call her Mother. Initially, the little girl was against it, but after a while, she relented.

The dwarves that were walking forward all inhaled cold air. Even though they were actually short, dark dwarves hated being called short, so hearing a little green girl call their leader short made them already know what was going to happen.

The earth rumbled, and a forging hammer flew into the hands of the old dwarf in front. The head of the hammer was as big as the head of the dwarf, but he looked very comfortable carrying a hammer so big.

He was about to rampage when Tenebrea said, "Stand down, Orerlyo."

The dwarf stopped abruptly, clenching the hammer in his hand tightly.

"Who are you, and how do you know that name?"

Tenebrea did not say anything but instead brought out her scythe. She threw it towards the dwarf, who caught it easily.

"Divine metal to create one of the greatest pieces known in this world." He muttered as he stared at the pitch-black scythe with some red highlights. He looked back at Tenebrea and kneeled. "The dark dwarves celebrate the return of the Vampire sovereign."

All the other dwarves kneeled and repeated the same thing. Their voice echoed far, and Gaea, who was beside Tenebrea on the head of the pithon, had sparkling eyes, as this kind of welcome was very impressive.

Tenebrea recalled the scythe back to her and commanded the dwarves to get back up.

"Orerlyo, lead the way." She and Gaea hovered over the head of the pithon. The dwarf leader named Orerlyo nodded and dismissed the remaining dwarves. They went into the forge, and Tenebrea asked, "You said one of the greatest pieces known in this world; are there others?"

Orerlyo shook his head and said, "Not necessarily others. Two weapons were created from Harkanium, Adamantine, Xth-metal, Orichalcum, Obsidian, and finally Divine Metal. The first five ores are really rare, but with enough connections, you can get them. We have a huge stock of Orichalcum and obsidian, but the remaining three can only be found on the Gregorian continent, so we don't have a lot of those. Anyway, Divine metal no longer exists as there were only two ores available to make two weapons. There are rumors that the metal was created from the fingernails of the creator." Orerlyo continued, "We wouldn't have even had access to the metal, but it was brought to us by the demon king. He needed to forge a weapon, but he needed the sacred fire from our forge, so he gave us the second piece as payment. We assisted in forging his weapon, the naginata."

Tenebrea's memory flashed as she remembered the battle and the naginata that Licht used when he fought against the creator. 'I knew they were the same people.'

"After he was done, he left. We couldn't process the second piece regardless of what we tried, so we just kept it as a keepsake until you came along. You know the rest of the story."

"Yes, I broke down its components, and my scythe was forged."

"I still cannot believe I am meeting you in person. You are only mentioned in the history books. I am actually talking to the legend." Orerlyo was like a fan girl.

"This grandpa is weird," Gaea said offhandedly as she looked at the quivering grandpa who was the same height as her.

He chuckled in embarrassment, scratching his head. Finally, they reached the records hall, and at the center, a dark red orb floated in a glass-like container.

"I assume this is yours, Sovereign." He bowed

"Yes, thank you." She walked forward and touched the glass, making it melt. She held the fragment in her hands. Gaea walked towards Tenebrea, and a giant sphere enveloped them both. Spikes came out of the sphere, threatening anyone who got close.

Orerlyo understood what was happening and also stood to guard, albeit far away from the sphere, as he felt if any of those spikes perceived him to be a threat despite him being a gold-rank powerhouse, he'd be turned into Swiss cheese.