
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
118 Chs

Spar- Midas vs Frances II(End)

Everyone was watching with rapt attention wanting to know how this spar would go.

Licht watched even though he knew his disciple would not lose, he wanted to know what second attribute Frances got.

Midas stood and twirled the spear in his hands to look cool and then took a pose. Frances laughed and his body started to freeze over again but this time around where the joints were, they could see lava-like patterns making it easier to move. So he looked like an iceman but with lava moving around his body. He took a step and there was an explosion beneath his feet. Everyone was shocked when they saw the speed of Frances.

"That is a rare fire attribute, what is it called again?" Licht pondered and remembered the "Explosion ether attribute"

"He's not a dual awakener but a triple awakener." Licht said out loud and everyone looked at him with surprise "He has the Glacial which is Ice, and then the explosion ether attribute which has fire and sound ether energy"

Luke and his family had looks of glee on their faces knowing that Frances would be someone big later. Licht looked towards Laine who only had the water ether attribute and Lillian who use frost and knew they both had chances of awakening a new flame-related attribute.

In the arena, Frances had appeared in front of Midas and punched downward. Midas backed away instead of blocking and then he heard a boom. As he looked back at the spot he just escaped from and he saw a crater there that was 2 feet deep and wide.

Frances laughed out loud and then boosted again towards Midas and this time Midas dashed towards Frances as well. The spear was gone and now with a sword and now had armor all over his body. The armor also had two scorpion stingers on the back and they were like two new limbs but Midas was already attuned to them. As Frances punched forward with his fists, while Midas slashed with the sword.

As both of them collided, there was a mini shockwave and both were blown back, colliding into the barrier. The barrier then started cracking but stopped after a while. Frances and Midas started at each other again and dashed towards each other. Midas slashed and stabbed with his sword including the twin stingers behind as stabbed at Frances while Frances punched, blocked, and kicked. This went on for 3 minutes till both of them stopped. It looked like it was at a standstill but you could see the excitement in both men's faces. This was the first time Licht saw Midas excited during a battle, he resembled Licht a bit. The look of madness and craving for more battles.

Frances stood, panting and sweating but he still had the smile on his face. He then said "This is gonna take a while. I can tell you are still holding back a lot. How much power are you holding back?"

"Around 60 percent. I have a hard time holding back to avoid killing you so this is the highest I can take it or else I might actually hurt you" Midas said as he calmed down

"Ughhh, alright if you can defend against my strongest blow I can muster right now, you win but if you can't, it will be my victory" Frances was dispirited but still chose one more alternative.

Midas nodded while Frances started to charge the punch. People could hear explosions steadily increasing with every second. At this point, the ice on his body no longer looked like ice but red hot steel.

"Are you ready?" Frances asked.

Midas stood still and nodded.

"Here I come" Frances boosted forward like a rocket with flames beneath his feet and a smile on his face, looking like the devil about to attack.

As he finally reached Midas and punched out, everyone saw the dust, flames, and steam covering Midas. The barrier finally gave out and the elders had to create a new barrier with their ether energy. Everyone was watching and waiting to see the outcome of the battle.

Frances's usual smile now looked like it was the Cheshire cat smiling. "You really weren't using up to 50 percent" Then he fainted

As the dust settled, everyone saw a 7-meter python wrapped lightly around Midas as it blocked the full-powered punch of Frances and there were only a few broken scales.

Everyone was wondering where the snake came from, then they saw it shrink till it entered into Midas's body.

Midas bent down and picked up Frances then walked towards the maids and gave Frances to them, as they struggled to lift him till one of the guards came and took Frances while he walked back to his seat.

"How did you enjoy your battle?" Licht smirked at Midas

"It was very pleasing and eye-opening. I actually learned how to utilize the souls properly and I have an idea on what to do now in regards to a skill in the book" Midas said

"Oh, what skill?" Licht inquired

"Soul fusion," Midas said

"You want to increase the quality of the souls but leave their abilities so you are going to create a chimera of some sort? Okay then. Like I said it is your path" Licht nodded then looked at Luke and his family.

Luke was looking at Midas with awe, then at Licht with reverence. "Though Frances is currently not here, I'm pretty sure everyone is hungry so let's eat."

Food was brought to the table, there were boar-like creatures, giant roosters, there was even a five-foot lobster and everything was delicious. Some people were shocked about the way Licht and Midas ate but along the line, everyone got used to it and just shoved it off as something that was normal.

During the feast, Licht asked Luke for a map and one was presented after the feast was done. Everyone left but not before paying respect to Licht and Midas.

The night eventually came to an end and currently Midas was in Licht's room as they were both going over the map. On the map, it showed they were close to the border between the Elven kingdom and the Kingdom of humans.

Licht could feel a tug from the Elven kingdom, it was definitely a fragment so he set that as his next destination.