
Primordial Ascendance: Rise of the Godking

In a world where martial prowess determines one's destiny, Lin Xuanyi is an unremarkable disciple from the forgotten Misty Cloud Sect. Considered a failure due to his weak spirit root and mundane talents, he is the subject of scorn and pity. But fate has its own plans. During an ill-fated exploration of an ancient ruin, Lin Xuanyi encounters the remnant will of a primordial god. The god's dying consciousness merges with Lin, awakening unimaginable potential within him. Gifted with nascent control over the five elemental forces—fire, water, earth, wood, and metal—Lin Xuanyi embarks on an arduous journey through the martial realms. He must navigate the treacherous paths of cultivation, mastering ancestral techniques long lost to time and seeking the truth behind the gods' enigmatic fall. As Lin Xuanyi grows in power, he attracts the attention of demonic sects and the avatars of reincarnated gods, each vying for supremacy. Alongside a growing circle of loyal allies, Lin battles these formidable foes, forges spirit weapons of immense power, and seeks out ancient artifacts that can aid him in his quest. His ultimate goal is nothing less than to reignite the primordial godflame within him and ascend to the position of the supreme King of Gods, unifying all realms under his divine rule. But the path to godhood is fraught with peril, and Lin must uncover the deep mysteries of the primordial gods' decline and overcome the hidden machinations of those who would see him fail.

OrizonsCrib · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 8: Resentment in the Sect

As Lin Xuanyi's powers continued to flourish under the guidance of Elder Bai, tensions within the Misty Cloud Sect simmered beneath the surface. The whispers of skepticism and envy that had once greeted his mastery over the elemental forces now evolved into deeper currents of resentment among some of his fellow disciples.

Lin's daily routines within the sect's hallowed grounds became increasingly punctuated by subtle glances and murmured conversations that spoke of discord and unease. Disciples who had once held sway over their peers now found themselves overshadowed by Lin's growing reputation as a celestial prodigy.

During a morning meditation session in the sect's tranquil courtyard, Lin sensed the weight of lingering hostility in the air. Nearby disciples exchanged guarded glances, their expressions a mixture of curiosity and thinly veiled resentment.

Jin Wei, whose pride had been wounded by Lin's ascendance, approached with a cohort of like-minded disciples at his side. His demeanor was tense, his words laced with bitterness as he confronted Lin in the midst of his meditation.

"So, Lin Xuanyi," Jin Wei's voice carried the edge of suppressed fury, "your celestial charade continues to deceive the naive. Do you truly believe mastering a few elemental tricks makes you worthy of admiration?"

Lin opened his eyes, meeting Jin Wei's gaze with a calm resolve born of spiritual fortitude and Elder Bai's teachings. "I seek not admiration, Jin Wei," he replied evenly, his voice carrying a subtle undercurrent of compassion. "My journey is one of understanding and harmony with the celestial forces that bind us all."

Jin Wei's companions exchanged knowing glances, their skepticism deepening into open disdain. "Understanding?" one of them scoffed derisively. "You're nothing more than a fraud, Lin. Your so-called celestial powers are nothing compared to the true mastery of martial arts and discipline."

Lin remained composed, though the sting of their accusations struck a chord within him. He understood the resentment that fueled their skepticism—his rapid ascent from unremarkable disciple to celestial prodigy challenged their preconceptions and threatened their standing within the sect.

As weeks turned into months, tensions within the Misty Cloud Sect continued to escalate. Lin's presence became a focal point for discord among the disciples, some of whom sought to undermine his growing influence through subtle acts of sabotage and manipulation.

During a ceremonial duel in the sect's martial arena, Lin found himself pitted against Xia Lei—a skilled combatant whose jealousy had grown palpable in the wake of Lin's ascent. Their duel was a clash of ideologies and martial techniques, each exchange a testament to the tensions that simmered within the sect's ranks.

Xia Lei's attacks were relentless, fueled by a desire to prove his superiority over Lin and reclaim the respect that had once been unquestioningly bestowed upon him. Yet, with each strike and parry, Lin's celestial powers manifested with increasing clarity, weaving elemental energies into his martial techniques with fluid grace and precision.

"You think your celestial tricks can match my martial prowess, Lin?" Xia Lei taunted between breaths, his frustration evident in the ferocity of his attacks. "You're a pretender, lost in fantasies of gods and destiny."

Lin remained silent, focusing inward as he drew upon Elder Bai's teachings and the primordial essence that flowed within him. With a decisive countermove, he disarmed Xia Lei with a celestial technique that left the arena in stunned silence—a testament to his evolving mastery over the celestial forces.

The duel concluded with Lin emerging victorious, though the atmosphere remained charged with animosity and resentment. Xia Lei's defeat only served to fuel the growing discontent within the sect, where factions aligned themselves either in support or defiance of Lin's burgeoning influence.

Amidst the discord, Elder Bai continued to guide Lin with unwavering support and wisdom. Their sessions of celestial meditation and spiritual communion provided solace amidst the turmoil, reinforcing Lin's resolve to rise above the petty rivalries and discord that threatened to overshadow his celestial journey.

One evening, as Lin stood atop Mount Celestia beneath a canopy of twinkling stars, Elder Bai joined him with a knowing smile. "Lin," the sage began softly, his voice carrying the weight of centuries-old wisdom, "the path of celestial cultivation is not without its trials. The discord within the sect is but a reflection of the challenges that await you as a guardian of celestial balance."

Lin nodded thoughtfully, his gaze fixed upon the horizon where the last remnants of daylight faded into night. "I understand, Elder Bai," he replied with quiet determination. "My journey is one of growth and enlightenment, regardless of the obstacles that lie ahead."

With Elder Bai's guidance, Lin renewed his commitment to the celestial path, embracing the challenges and adversities that shaped his destiny as a celestial disciple. Though resentment and discord lingered within the Misty Cloud Sect, Lin's unwavering belief in the celestial forces that bound him propelled him forward on his quest for spiritual transcendence.

Thus, amidst the tensions and resentments that tested his resolve, Lin Xuanyi stood steadfast in his pursuit of celestial mastery—a beacon of determination and spiritual fortitude amidst the discord that threatened to eclipse his celestial odyssey.