
The Walled City

Chlea's Point of View

"I mean, I am not suspecting him of some sort." I defended myself while placing my suitcase at a nearby table.

Gayle stopped midway pulling her clothes out of the luggage and paced to near my bed. All in all, we have three separate beds situated in one side of the room. It has a beige and white accent all over. The other side of the room is entirely made out of glass serving us a panoramic view of the metropolitan in the 30th floor.

I could not take to stare down the buildings for too long because I have a fear of heights. The longer I stare at a immense height from above, the faster my heart beats and my knees turn to jelly in an instant.

"I have a question to you, Chley. I have been wanting to ask you this for quite some time now but I never got to do it because it keeps on escaping my mind." Gayle twirled around in front of a large mirror, scanning her flowing dress.