
Hunting Shrub Goblins

Since Wyatt was already familiar with the journey to Moltic Forest it wasn't long before he started his journey.

Before leaving he made a quick stop at the local library to familiarize himself with the looks of the two plants he needed to collect as well as the Shrub Goblins. Wyatt was surprised when he found out that Shrub Goblins looked very different than the traditional green goblins often portrayed in different fantasy media. With pale grey skin and large red eyes the average shrug goblin reaches about 3ft in height (91.44 cm) Allowing them to easily hide in bushes and other foliage around the forest hence their name.

During his research, Wyatt learned that the Shrug goblins usually have a base deeper in the forest but the males of the tribe often go hunting in groups of 3-4 around the edges of the forest.

During the 40 minute journey Wyatt noticed that a lot more players seemed to be traveling further from the city while hunting he assumed this was due to how crowded the starting training fields had become with the constant flood of new players.


Entering the forest Wyatt wasn't surprised to find a couple of small groups of players already exploring the area.

Ignoring the other players Wyatt headed left toward a location that was recently reported to have been raided by the goblins. Not long after Wyatt arrived at the reported location becoming instantly shocked at the scene in front of him, every plant in the vicinity seemed to have been pulled up by the roots with massive piles of dirt and rocks littered around the area. Some of the trees even seemed to have burn marks it wasn't hard to figure out why the city considered them a danger to the local ecosystem that needed to be controlled.

Noticing a path of destroyed plants that seemed to be fresher leading away from the destroyed area he decided to follow it hoping to find his first targets.


Not long after his pursuit was successful in finding a group of 4 rummaging through a couple of bushes with orange berries on them.

Taking the chance while they weren't aware of his presence he launched himself toward the closest one succeeding in instantly killing it


The other three instantly freaked out noticing their companions death they began shouting out in anger while staring at the perpetrator. Wyatt was actually surprised that the Shrub Goblins had enough intelligence to not just rush forward and attack him.

Not caring for their stares Wyatt charged toward his next victim swinging down one of his chakrams.


This time the goblin was prepared and easily deflected it with the wooden club in its hand

Wyatt planned to follow up with another direct but was interrupted as an arrow whizzed past his face. The second Wyatt had charged at his target the two other goblins had already made their move to catch him off guard.

As the arrow passed him the third goblins appeared behind him swinging his club hitting the back of his leg and making him fumble forward.

Nearly falling flat on his face Wyatt rolled to his side creating some space before covering one of his chakrams with jolt blade and launching it at the archer goblin. It would be hard for him to concentrate on fighting the two melee fighters if he had to constantly worry about being shot in the back.

Sadly for him, the goblins small frame allowed it to easily avoid the Chakram. Taking the chance with him only having one weapon both melee goblins charged forward swinging their clubs at him. Wyatt managed to block one club with a chakram but the second collided with his should instantly dropping his health by 30

[health: 180/220]

Luckily both goblins used blunt weapons so the pain was manageable.

Trying his best to tank the hit Wyatt collected his other blade before using another skill.

A dark mist started flowing out of his body covering him and the two goblins. This was his [hysteria] skill he was hoping that by confusing his two opponents their teamwork would fall apart leading to him being able to take one down.

Having to fend off both goblins as well as avoid arrows while waiting for the gas to start affecting them proved more difficult than expected Wyatt was constantly on the defense stepping back even having his left thigh pierced by an arrow resulting in another loss of 20 health.

Finally after 5 minutes on the back foot 2 goblins stopped moving as synchronize as before and instead just seemed to be aggressively swinging at him with full power. Looking at their eyes Wyatt noticed that both their pupils had enlarged and formed a black ring around their iris making them look like they were spaced out.

Using their weakened mental Wyatt decisively took the aggression attacking the goblin on his left. He managed to get a couple clean cuts in before the other goblin appeared behind him swinging down with his club. But this time Wyatt had planned for this.


The goblins club smashed directly into the head of the goblin Wyatt was previously attacking. Wyatt had taken the opportunity to launch away but due to the affects of hysteria, the goblin had difficulty telling apart friend and foe which resulted in him knocking out his own partner.

The rest of the battle went much smoother Wyatt launched toward the archer goblin killing it swiftly since it lacked any close range weapons before returning to the last remaining goblin.

Covering his blade in electricity Wyatt started chucking them at the goblin. Without any teammates to cover it, it didn't take long for its body to start accumulating cuts all over. Not long after the affects of Hysteria seemed to lessen and the goblin to finally understand the scene around him once more.


it cried out noticing all his companions were already dead on the ground. Out of rage, it attacked Wyatt without giving it another thought. Not long after the final goblin fell, Seeing the amount of cuts that had appeared all of it Wyatt couldn't help but be surprised it had managed to continue fighting for so long.

"Whew" Wyatt wiped the sweat off her forehead before heading over to the pile of goods the goblins has been collecting

[Collect Silver Riverbloom plants] [3/10]

Besides some berries and miscellaneous plants Wyatt knew nothing about he was also able to find some of the plants he needed for his quest. Throwing everything into his inventory Wyatt chewed on some medical herbs while sitting down to rest.

[Quest: Hunting Shrub Goblins] [4/30]

After this battle, Wyatt couldn't help but think he had been too reckless just charging in directly, by the end of the battle he barely had 100 health remaining and could've easily died if they landed a couple more attacks. Next time he would attack with a more thorough plan.

All Comments/reviews/likes/library adds are greatly appreciated and help motivate me to continue writing. If you enjoy the story please consider dropping a review below.

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