
Plans for Dawnstar

Walking through the snowy fields of The Pale was relaxing, since today was one of the few calm, serene days inside of Skyrim, where the wind wasn't out to freeze you to death.

Rayya and I made good time on our journey as we traversed the empty roads, running into no one journeying to or from Dawnstar itself.

Which, honestly, was unsurprising to see as the city was currently under a 'Daedric Curse' and residents were plagued with nightmares and terrible, restless sleep, so no one wanted to come.

On top of that, many citizens had no coin to uproot themselves and venture towards one of the other holds, unless they were willing to either sell their bodies or do harsh physical labor for cheap.

I imagine the women who were willing to spread their legs for coin were already out of the city, since there was little coin circulating inside of Dawnstar as of recent.

Most whores were either being forced to sell themselves or were doing so simply because it helped them sleep at this point, and that desperation aroused me greatly.

I was curious on if I could snag Iron-Breaker Mine and Quicksilver Mine up in Dawnstar for myself; if I removed Leigelf and allowed Beitild to own both mines - or conversely removed both and put in my own supervisor - I could, in theory, have a steady source of iron, quicksilver, and some gemstones for cheap, since the economy of Dawnstar was currently poor.

Hmm... I imagine I could manipulate either Leigelf or Beitild to become mine with ease; let the man have his way with me for a few nights or shove my cock deep inside the woman a few times, and they would likely be wrapped around my finger asking for more.

However, in the long term that wouldn't be efficient, as they would likely begin to have ideas on regaining complete control over the mines...

I amused myself by thinking over what I needed to do with Dawnstar going forwards, knowing that I had a plethora of fun things to do inside the rather boorish hold.

People to meet, items to find, Septims to make, Daedric Artifacts to obtain...

A Jarl to push out of power and replace with someone more competent, just because...

So much to do, so much to do~!

Treating this world like it was still a game sometimes was fun, and I decided that Dawnstar would be my 'testing grounds' for that idea.

I wanted to 'improve' and shape the city to my liking as best I could; replace the Jarl, bolster relations between the mines, upgrade the port, introduce some more ways to earn money, influence some of the citizens towards different things...

Dawnstar held potential as a location, since it was between Solitude and Windhelm, whilst also being a short distance from Whiterun, and also having access - sort of - to Winterhold as well, which could broaden their markets immensely.

The two mines were rather young and could hold much more ore in them then the game reported, so right there two large sources of income waited to be exploited.

Iron was always needed, while Quicksilver was a little more luxurious, but also in desperate need by both the Altmer and the Nords.

After all, you could craft Elven Armor and Nordic Carved Armor using Quicksilver, both of which were rather respectable sets for Light and Heavy armors.

Additionally, any gemstones found would be a good bonus too.

Add onto that the common availability of Snowberries around the city, and you could begin to make wines or flavor beers with that.

Maybe if I had the alchemist look into altering wheats needs for growth, a new version could be created to allow for beer production.

If all that failed to take off, then I could also try and shift it from legal business to illegal business, since pirates frequented Dawnstar - the Blood Horkers.

They control the entirety of the Sea of Ghosts as of current, working alongside Clan Shatter-Shield to keep the sea to themselves...

The only reason I was hesitant to go that route is because... they're pirates.

Who trusts a pirate?

I could certainly do business with them - that would be easy, just barter for their goods with my legs spread open and let their crew enjoy the embrace of a woman for 'free', and I could make a boatload of coin.

If I was more permanently inside of Dawnstar, I could also consider taking over the Blood Horkers and ruling Dawnstar from the shadows, using coin and strength to keep it under my grasp, but I wasn't going to remain here forever.

The cold doesn't bother me that much, but compared to Falkreath, Dawnstar isn't my preference.

Nice views, good weather, great location... Falkreath has it all.

Cresting over the hill, I looked down at the snow covered city of Dawnstar and smile, still feeling excited about the possibilities laying inside its new walls.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts