
Previous Life Editor Present Life Demon

Have you ever imagined what you would do if you could go to another world? a world of swords and magic with laws different from the ones in this world a world where you can go on adventures, meet dragons, see elven beauty, dwarves' fantasy-filled technology have you ever imagined it? Then did you know that even if you can go to another world, your life won't get any easier wars that occur on all continents, racial problems that occur between humans - demihumans, the threat of monsters that are always present on your every journey, as well as world threats that come from demon races that are on other continents. this is the story of an editor who is forced to live a life full of fantasy and the bad thing is that he is born in a new world as a demon who becomes the great enemy of the human continent later where at the end of the story the race will be wiped out at the hands of the hero see the story that uses the story pattern of the hero and demon king, heroes and heroines, from his experience as an editor to cheat and survived but there is one thing he forgot this is not the world of the novel but the real world. *** This is my first novel so I'm sorry if you guys find it bad or something I'm still learning but I will try my best to give a good reading experience for you all dear readers oh, also English is actually not my first language so if you guys found some weird or mistake grammars then please comment it in either paragraph or comment section of each chapter your help is something that I appreciated >.

Ein_Mezus · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Chapter 01 - Prologue

WebNovel Company is a large company that dominates the business known as Web Novel which is widely spread all over the world. With his various famous novels that have been widely distributed and supported by advanced projects such as manga, anime, and even video games, this company has grown rapidly and has become one of the pillars of the entertainment industry in today's world.

Of course, behind this company, some writers work in producing hundreds or even thousands of novels every day.

But here we are not talking about these writers or the well-known fast-growing company WebNovel, but we are talking about the role of editors in the industry.

Hey, the role of the editor is also important in this industry.

With thousands of writers behind this company who produce thousands of new chapters every day, of course, editors are needed as liaisons who maintain the quality of the novels that come out every day almost perfect so that they can be enjoyed by readers without destroying the immersion they do.

The task of the editors themselves as not only as proofreading of manuscripts made by the author but also requires reliable diplomacy skills in talking to the author because their job is also as a consultant for the author in helping to discuss the storyline and the concept that the author wants to make and trying to make sure there are no problems in the writing process and the results later.

Then you must be asking why we were talking about things related to Editors, Web novels, etc. because I worked as an editor in that company.


In a building in a metropolitan city, there is a branch of the WebNovel company I work for

In one of the rooms where we as editors usually use to discuss and read the scripts prepared by the writers, there are 2 pairs of people facing each other while sitting on a comfortable-looking sofa.

"Hmm... well with this I have received the script you made. Thank you again for your hard work."

The words were spoken by a man in his 30s with slightly messy curly hair while wearing an office suit that is usually worn by most people.

"That's nothing. I also want to thank you for the free time you give even though you should be enjoying your vacation."

The chestnut-haired woman said. The woman looks young with a beautiful face accompanied by a style of dress that is practically stylish, adding to her charm even if someone calls her a model, 100% of the response she gets is approval from whoever it is.

If you ask who I am between these two then the answer is that I am the man with a standard face and slightly messy suit that doesn't look right when compared to the woman in front of him.

"No, it's not a problem, even though the office has a holiday towards the end of the year, it's my responsibility to come if you need my help."

At almost the end of the year, the office looks deserted by the crowd of workers, even though the building still opens several rooms to usually be used as meeting rooms between editors and writers who work very flexible hours.

"Therefore, I will always take the time to be ready to meet as long as I am not preoccupied with other needs."

"Hee… so you could say that editor, even though we are currently on holiday cause of the new year, you don't have anything to do with it? Hmm… as expected of the editor I'm working with, really unfortunate that even though he is already 30 years old, he still doesn't have a partner to accompany him on New Year's Eve."

"Hahaha....it's not that you called me at the end of this damn year while the others were on vacation at their respective homes while I had to go to the office to come to see you. Do you know how cold it is out there right now even though it's noon but the air is chilling to the bone you know!"

"Hmmph... since when did it become my fault it was also your fault for not wanting to receive digital scripts such as email, etc. After all, what's with your messy-looking clothes even though you speak politely at the beginning in those clothes it just shows how much you don't want to come or see my face right!"

"Ohh this woman is troublesome isn't she."

"Then can you give me a reason why let alone your clothes that look messy even your hair looks like hair that just woke up without being tidied at all?"

"Well... it's because I just have to meet you so I don't need to get ready to look presentable right." The words I said while putting on a 'guiltless' face

"This damn person."

That's the conversation that happened even though we looked like we were fighting it didn't mean we hated each other. That's because we've been working together for about 10 years since at first I was just a reader of her novels at which time she was just a young girl who just wrote her novel at the beginning of her time as a college student.

Hah, I didn't think that innocent girl had now become one of the biggest earning novelists in this company. The future is something no one knows.

"Clarifying why I don't want to just accept digital files because it will be difficult later when I give feedback, however, I don't want any miscommunication of interpretation that will occur between us. Moreover, the location of the two of us is also not far from each other and we can also use the facilities in the office for free too."

"Sigh... this person you are too stubborn you know that's why I'm the only writer who lasts a long time working with you as my editor."

"Haah… doesn't mean I can't be flexible with my way of working either, sure I can work like that with other people, but here is your novel that we're discussing. This is a novel that I also loved, so as my pride as an editor. I don't want to give bad feedback from misinterpretation even though the probability is only 1%."

"w-wa-awaa." The strange voice emitted by the woman with a red face.

"Why is your face suddenly red? Well, whatever oh yeah by the way Ames did you know the news about the recent disappearances of some people?"

"Eh? (you suddenly just changed a topic). Ah, you mean the news, yes, I know if I'm not mistaken it has been 8 months since the first case occurred, right and until now the investigation has not brought any results at all."

Approximately 8 months ago there was a case of the disappearance of people in this country at first it was not a case that was too noticed but over time what started from the disappearance of 1 person became more and more and now there are at least 174 people who have suddenly disappeared without a trace like they didn't. ever existed in this world.

"What if they were actually taken to another world? You know Juan maybe they got carried away and now live in a fantasy world what about you are you interested if you can go to a world where there is magic and stuff?"

"Ames, you know that what you're talking about has crossed the line. After all, even if it's another world it doesn't mean everything will be easy right."

"Ahaha yeah you're right too."

At that time I still didn't realize that within a few minutes from now I too would be one of the people who suddenly disappeared. Yes at that time I did not know that I would be the 175th victim.

"Ah sorry, Juan I have to go out for a while."

"Oh I see, the toilet, right? I understand."

"This damn man, have you never been taught any manners at all." While holding back Ames' anger, he left the room for a moment.

"Have a safe trip." While waving my hand towards Ames who walked out of the room. And at that moment I saw something strange that there was a strange light in the middle of the room forming a vertical line of light like connecting the upper and lower floors of this building.

'Hmm. Does that look like a pillar of light?' That vertically connected pillar of light looked so small it might even have been something I wouldn't normally have noticed if I hadn't seen it the first time.

'the light doesn't look a little bigger' when I watched the light suddenly it expanded rapidly like it wanted to devour the room I was in. I who sensed an unknown danger immediately ran away towards the door of the room which was approximately 3-meters from where I was currently sitting.

But the light moved faster and at that very moment, I was devoured by the enlarged light.


