
Pregnant With His Child

"You already know, Rina," Victor said sharply, his voice cold and dismissive. "I won't love you, no matter what you do or how many times you beg. You knew from the start that Helena was the one I loved!" Victor went on, his voice harsh, "The only reason I married you is because it was my grandmother's wish. I'll provide you with money, but please don’t bother me or Helena anymore." Tears streamed down my face as I struggled with the pain and despair. My dreams of rekindling our love were shattered before my eyes. I had planned to surprise him with the news of my pregnancy, but now it seemed he didn't care. My hopes for our unborn child felt pointless in a world where its father had already rejected it. As Victor’s words lingered in the room, I was left in a painful silence, realizing that the love I had treasured was nothing but a cruel illusion. My marriage had led me into a desert of broken dreams.

Zandzzzzzz · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
352 Chs

Protecting Venice

"Huh! You have a peculiar way of disciplining your child, Helena. It seems to me like you're the one initiating abusive behavior towards Venice. I used to believe that you might not be the one causing harm to her, but based on what I've observed, it appears that you're the one starting to mistreat her, even though you're her mother," Victor expressed his disbelief with a cold stare directed at her.

"N-no, h-honey, you've got it all w-wrong. You just haven't witnessed everything, but..." Helena struggled to articulate her thoughts, attempting to defend herself to Victor.

She then shifted her gaze sharply at Venice, who was fearfully watching them.

In that moment, Helena contemplated redirecting all blame onto Venice, a desperate attempt to evade responsibility for her actions.

"B-but, V-Venice!, Right It's Venice.." she stammered, pointing accusatorily at Venice, unable to meet Victor's eyes directly.