

Vivian got home from her cleaning job, exhausted and all she could wish for is a miracle to happen. Suddenly she got a text that she had been appointed as the personal assistant to the pack Alpha; Viniscius II in one of his companies. She was certain this is the way for her to be financially dependent and also free from her debt not knowing fate had a bigger portrait made just for her.

PatyLeo · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs



"I just received an email that we missed the flight. Book a hotel," my boss's voice carried exhaustion as he relayed the message to me. His weariness was palpable, and it left me perplexed.

Confusion etched across my face, I sought clarification. "Sir, you said I should do what?" My query hung in the air, unanswered. Anxiety gnawed at me, wondering if his silence was a sign of displeasure. But deep down, I knew his frustration stemmed from our recent contract win, where I had surprisingly taken the lead in negotiations.

The path that led to my assertiveness had been paved by countless sleepless nights. I had dedicated two nights to exhaustive research and rigorous preparation for the pivotal meeting. Watching online programs had bolstered my self-confidence, instilling the belief that I could soon establish my own company.

As my boss disembarked from our car and hopped into the adjacent vehicle, I impulsively followed suit, fearing his erratic behaviour might endanger him. It was evident that this man's recklessness and lack of empathy posed both a personal and professional hazard, a perilous trait that could ultimately undermine his own success. "Well, he is made for life."

The car came to a halt in front of a grand hotel, and judging by its opulent appearance, it seemed like a five-star establishment. I trailed behind my boss as he exited the car, and we entered the lobby. Weary, he settled into a chair.

"Vivian," he called out to me, prompting me to turn towards him, wondering what was on his mind. I couldn't help but think, "Only the moon goddess knows what is on your mind."

"Please ask them to provide us with two rooms and some food," he requested, his exhaustion evident.

Approaching the reception desk, I conveyed my boss's instructions verbatim, being careful not to make any mistakes that might cause embarrassment since he was particular about such matters.

The receptionist replied, "I regret to inform you, ma'am, that we only have one room available." I knew this wasn't good news, as my boss might instruct me to find another hotel while he took the only available room.

Returning to him, I began to explain the situation, my voice trembling with anxiety. "Sir... s-sir, she mentioned that there is..."

"Quiet! Why are you so nervous? Have I threatened you or shown any intention of harming you?" He interrupted me abruptly, his voice hanging heavily in the air. I paused, uncertain of his next move.

His outburst left me startled, and I found myself at a loss for words. As his assistant, I had always strived to meet his expectations and avoid any missteps. However, on this occasion, it seemed that the circumstances were beyond my control.

I took a deep breath and tried to regain my composure. "I apologize, sir. It's just that..."

He interrupted again, his tone slightly softer this time. "No need to explain. We'll make do with the one room available. Let's not waste any more time."

"I am so tired I need to rest now, I can't be sitting down here. So, I have paid for the one room and both of us are going to use it." My eyes widened in shock as I heard him say that.

"We going to use the same room?" I asked, but he didn't say anything. He stood and headed to the receptionist and I stood at that spot.

The receptionist gave him the key and he walked away. I ran after him because I knew he was ready to lock me out of the room.

As the hours grew later, they finally brought our meal to the table. My hunger had reached a point where I ensured every morsel found its way into my stomach. Despite the discomfort of sharing the room with him, the joy of savouring a meal like this for the first time overshadowed my unease.

I couldn't help but notice that my boss kept a keen eye on me. However, my growling stomach took precedence over any social discomfort. He excused himself to the bathroom, a puzzling move considering he had already showered earlier, leaving me alone with my thoughts and a half-eaten plate of food.

After I'd satisfied my hunger, a knock echoed through the room. I hurried to the door, somewhat puzzled. It was the room attendant, bearing a bottle of wine. "I believe you're mistaken," I told him, puzzled by this unexpected delivery. Just then, my boss emerged from the bathroom.

"Let him in, I sent for him," my boss commanded in a voice that seemed almost divine. I couldn't help but wonder why he wanted to drink. Was he feeling down? I glanced at the tray and noticed two glasses.

"Vivian, take a glass," he urged me, but hesitation gripped me. I feared it might be a trap, and the last thing I wanted was to give him any reason to dismiss me. Slowly, I reached for the glass.

With a flourish, he opened the bottle and poured wine into my glass before his own. Then, he said something that caught me off guard, "Cheers."

"To what, sir?" I questioned wearing a confused look.

In the wake of a successfully signed deal, I couldn't help but commend your exceptional presentation. Frankly, I hadn't expected such eloquence from someone of your background. Those words lingered, like a discordant note in a beautiful melody. They threatened to overshadow the praise he had just bestowed upon me. However, I was determined not to let his condescending comment tarnish my mood.

As we sat in a dimly lit room, I reached for the first glass of wine, and he promptly poured another. The wine was exquisite, its taste dancing on my palate. Yet, there was something different about the way he consumed it. Each sip he took seemed laced with bitterness, and though he wore a mask of indifference, his anger was palpable. I sensed there was a story hidden behind those icy eyes, but I dared not pry.

"I think I'll head to my room for a shower, sir," I announced, hoping to break the tension that hung in the air. He shook his head, disapproving of my departure.

"Stay a bit longer; have a few more shots," his voice quivered slightly, betraying the alcohol's effects. An impulse to rise from my seat seized me, but the room swirled around me, and I found myself sinking back into my chair.

"Let's go together for a shower," my boss suggested, a sly smile on his face. I chuckled nervously, initially resisting his proposal, but his persistent coaxing eventually swayed me. Together, we made our way to the bathroom.

The shower was a cascade of rejuvenation, the water falling like a babbling brook over my body, drenching my clothes. I was acutely aware of my boss's gaze on me, and normally, I might have felt uncomfortable. However, in that moment, I simply didn't care. He stepped closer, the steam and water droplets creating an air of intimacy between us.