
Pregnant At Seventeen Of Triplets

Amelia was the kind of daughter who is innocent and practiced abstinence until one day she found out that she's pregnant. For seventeen years old who always stays away from mingling found herself preg. This event changes her life and the lives of those around her. Unsure of the father to her unborn child she wonders whether she is cut out for parenthood... but the real test maybe when the father is revealed.

fatoum · Urbano
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67 Chs

Chapter 35: Amelia‟s Point a view

Amelia‟s Point a view

When I had woken up I was in a hospital bed. Again. I was beginning to make a habit of this and I didn't like it at all. I tried to recall the last thing that happened. I remembered being at the mall, then dropping the triplet‟s off at John‟s mom‟s house, then talking with Jett and then just flashes…

Jett calling my name, I heard my mom‟s voice calling, then flashes of doctors and nurses, then nothing.

I saw the nurse‟s button next to my bed and I reached over and pressed it. An elderly nurse walked in a few minutes later. When she saw me awake she smiled over at me. "Finally awake dear," she said as she checked the machines surrounding me.

"Yeah, I am" I replied. "Where am I? Well, apart from a hospital." "The local, only five-minute drive from your place. You are lucky that it wasn't longer. The EMT‟s were going on about how lucky you were." I smiled at her and looked around. All hospital rooms looked the same. The same white walls, white plastic floors, the pungent smell of disinfecting. "Your mom is outside.

Can she come in?" the elderly nurse asked quietly. I sat up shocked, which hurt my head and did hell to my equilibrium. "OW," I muttered. "How long has she been waiting?" I asked "Since you were bought in, so about twenty hours now. You are very lucky to have family and friends that care so much"

"Friends? Who else is here?" They looked thoughtful for a moment, "Well you mom has been here constantly. A girl with blonde hair and a guy was here before but left about five hours after you got here."

"In that case send her in," I said with an air of authority that made the nurse laugh. I smiled to myself. "Amelia!" I heard my mom before I saw her, but when she arrived I saw that she looked terrible. "mom, you look like shit" I said as she grabbed me in a vice-like hug. "Oh, shut up you horrible daughter. How are you? How is your head?"

"Fine, fine, fine. Calm down" I said laughing We chatted for a while, and she explained the reason as to why I was in here. It shocked me at first, but I dealt. "Where is John?" I asked excitedly. I had not seen him in so long, and I knew that he would be worried.

He always worried too much. My mom looked away from me and towards the single window that occupied my room. I saw the flash of sorrow in her eyes beforehand. "John is a little busy right now honey," she said with false happiness. I began to feel dread and worry in the pit of my stomach.

"Busy? With what?" I asked "I am not very sure, but that is what he said. I am sure that he will be around later on" she said in the same tone as before. "Now, let‟s focus on something else. Let me see… oh, I can tell you about the medication that you are now on" mom started rambling on, but I wasn't listening.

Why wasn't John here? I was lying in bed watching bad day time soapies; I mean who would watch this if they weren't forced to? I was being forced to. I had been in this bed for two days now and I was so bored I had reduced myself to watching The Bold and the Beautiful and that has to be saying something. Maybe the seizure destroyed my brain…

The medication that I had been on now was making me feel odd. I talked to the doctor and its normal, but that didn't mean that I enjoyed feeling like this.

I slept about three-quarters of the day and the few hours I was awake, I was fuzzy-headed. I was tired constantly and was weak. It wasn't very comfortable. I had had many visits.

My mom was here almost all day, I had to force her to go back to work, and finally, she did. Jett had come by a few times. Olivia had only come once, she had said that she was very busy right now. I didn't believe her. I knew that something was wrong.

Being forced to lie in this bed for a long time gave me a perspective on life and many other things. I knew that something was wrong, with John who had not come to see me at all, with Olivia and my mom. I felt tired again, and began to drift back to sleep…