

A world where humans are skeptics about Supernatural to the point where it's hard for them to even comprehend the truth which is about Supernatural, And Denzel is one of these humans who are skeptics about it but since Denzel has seen supernatural Being in the start, It wouldn't be hard for him to Disbelief or stay in Skepticism about Supernatural, So Now Denzel would start a Journey After the discovery of Supernatural Truth. Through-out this Journey, Denzel would have to fight with other Beings and possibly even Himself to reach his goals.

Auth_GT · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Glimpse into the Calamity

"So far, Artificial Nature is doing it's great job to suppress and make true nature stay in it's slumber. But, I wonder how long would it take for clamaity to wake up and cause destruction as it did once." Auren asks Azuron curiously.

"Good Question... But i can feel that it would soon show glimpse of it's power. We were lucky at that time, Supernatural beings came in time to hold it and we could retreat." Azuron responds.

[Meanwhile in dream plane]

Micheal stares at Denzel with frustration yet slightly fear look in his eyes. Denzel starts to slowly walk at Micheal with a emotionless expression.

Micheal clenches his teeth while saying, "Tsk... What's with that emotionless expression. Who do you think you are." Simultaneously, Micheal in his head, "[[This feeling... It's not that i am feeling scared on my own. But instead, Denzel's sheer presence is manipulating air and instilling fear in it, And as i breathe same air, I could feel fear. Fear as of... Pure terror, The same feeling for someone who sees pure evil before there eyes... Yes... This feeling, This feeling feels the same as you see your own death staring back at you. Just, Who is he. Since i have enhanced my preception of emotions, With this fear. I can tell that, This is Denzel's first incarnation as a human. And talking about human, I have never saw his parents and never even heard him mention his parenets and never saw him sad or depressed that he don't have parents... Even after seeing other kids with parents. He hasn't even flinched or emotionally acted to this as if, he have one. But, wait. He also lives alone. Hmmm... That's odd. Also His punches. When he hit me with those, It gave me feeling of someone who is...]]"

Denzel chants, "Twirling Trigon!" and shoots Spinning Triangle in form of immense energy at Micheal. Micheal leaps in air, Avoiding attack but, Micheal is send flying backwards because of blast that create immense crater that is as big as drea plane.

"GGARGH!..." Micheal exclaims as he is hurling on ground, But micheal gains his composure back again. 

"Not bad, Kid!" Denzel reacts to Micheal. Micheal's eyes widen by response, He asks, "Who is that?"

But before Micheal can even react, Denzel appears behind him and slaps him on the face, tossing him on the ground.

Micheal spills out blood as he tries to stand up, But he barley can because of deep wounds. 

Micheal stutters, "W-Who exactly are you? You cannot be Denzel because this level of speed and strength is just... Beyond anything he can achieve."

Denzel smirks, responding to micheal with a cold gaze, "Who am I? You ask? Humph, A human i guess. For a humans, We both have insane power, We should be proud. Hey, Stand up. Let's celebrate the fact that we have all of this power as a HUMAN! Isn't that wonderful?"

Micheal stays silent for few minutes before replying to Denzel, "Y-Y-You... You are definitely not Denzel nor Human. Denzel do not speak like that. I know that for a fact. You are not him. You are a demon who somehow managed to possess Denzel. Return his body to him."

Denzel is still smirking as he listens to Micheal. After Listening, Denzel responds, "Wow, Impressive. Everything you said was inaccurate. I am Human, I am Denzel."

Micheal starts to heal his wounds as he starts to slowly stand up. He slowly starts to breathe deeply, letting all tension cease away with every single breath until he starts to feel light as feathers.

Micheal's body starts to radiate intense purple aura. The more Micheal gets serious and let go, The more intense aura gets. 

{[Micheal decides to use **State of Transcendence** Once again after fighting Micheal-2. The fight between Awakened Stage 1 Denzel and Awakened Micheal starts now.]}

"There it is, The glimpse... of both of there soul's true power." Azuron remarks with a intrest.

"So, This is the beginning of there true power, huh?" Auren says.

Azuron simply responds, "Yea."

Denzel puts his hand on his chin and says to Micheal, "Hoh... So, that is the fraction of what your capable of. I must say, I am impressed. Now go ahead, and show me, What you got. ENTERTAIN ME!!" He says while being overly excited.

Micheal looks at denzel with surprise but he can resist fear, causing him to be fearless. Micheal's expression transforms from surprise to serious as he says in his head, "[[I see... So Denzel has two personas... One is Natural while other one... Is just a pretend. So which one is he right now? Is he pretending and acting crazy or is it natural?]]"

Denzel speaks with a huge smirk, "What's wrong? Why aren't u attacking? Are you still wondering, Am i really Denzel or not? It's boring to know who i am either ways. Just show me your power, Micheal."

Micheal grunts as he stares at Denzel while in his head, He says, "[[Did this persona said my name...? Ok... I don't know why i am acting surprised, But fuck it.]]"

Micheal in an instant launches punch at Denzel. Micheal's eyes gets wide open as he notices, Denzel has grabbed his punch like it's nothing. He thinks, "[[This guy...]]"

Denzel spins Micheal by his arms and hurls him at ground. But Micheal easily gains balance mid-air and lands on ground with his feet.

Micheal starts to slowly approach Denzel while saying, "How did you managed to keep up with my speed, You are no joke. I do not know, Who you are. But all i know is, I gotta defeat you right here, right now. You give me troublesome vibe. You shall be laid to rest here."

Denzel chuckles before replying, "You truly are a comedian afterall. I can sense you have alot of potential. But, You will meet your demise if you keep stubbing your toe in everything you encounter." 

Micheal spawns his kusarigama in his hands and with a cold expression, "You have death wish. And, The denzel i know, Will never tell me that i would meet my demise. All these years, Whatever we did, almost did together. You are demon not human."

Denzel giggles at Micheal's response, and replies, "I guess, Your right after all. I am not denzel, I am beyond It."

Micheal narrows his eyes as he leaps in air and launches a horizontal swing at Denzzel with kusarigama. While, Denzel easily evades it by side flipping over it.

Micheal pulls kusarigama back, aiming for heart. But denzel yet again, Evades swing by flipping over it without even looking.

"To defeat me, You will need WAY nore than this, Micheal." Denzel states while evading swings.

Micheal unexpectedly, launches a punch at Denzel's face, catching Denzel off guard. 

Denzel gets surprised as he is staggered for few moments. 

Denzel quickly tilts his head towards Micheal, showing a clear happy and excited face expression, saying, "IMPRESSIVE! Perhaps, This will be more exciting than i envisioned. Go ahead and entertain me MORE!! After so many years of slumber, When i could only manifest the glimpse of my power in this body, The first fight surpassess my expectation and first opponent after ages actually manages TO HIT ME! YEYEYEHAHAHAHA, NOW THIS IS WHAT I CALL HEAVEN!" 

Micheal is now completely surprised by what he heard, He thinks to himself, "[[Many years of slumber? What does he mean by that? Is he insane?]]"

Auren is now sweating as he observes the fight, Saying, "Ah Shit... Do we truly have to go through that hell again? He has now awakened, hasn't he?"

Azuron just silently observes Denzel and Micheal's fight. As he notices something.

"No... He hasn't awakened yet. Beside, It will more be self realized rather than awaken. That's why he mentioned, "Denzel" as 'IT' rather than him. Because, Denzel is the name of 1 entity not two entity. 'Denzel' is more of a, name for a vessel human body rather than single soul entity that resides."

Auren asks, "I know he got reincarnated in that body, But i thought he was seprate entity living in boy's body while boy had seprate soul. And, Boy's consciousness resisted his will casuing him to go back to slumber. And, Also, If this is not the case then, How come He has taken over boy's body?"

Azuron responds, "Seems like you misunderstood. First of all, In this existence, Two soul cannot reside in one body, That is impossible but there are few exceptions and conditions, But i know that, In this situation, There is no condition or exception. Meaning, In boy's body, Only one soul resides and that's his. However, Because of Past deeds and calamity the entity was, It was cursed to have two dualistic natures. One Nature is obviously artificial as a punishment, While other nature [The True nature] got sealed away deep in the soul. Which is why, Boy had a good heart in the start." 

Auren asks another question, "Ok, I got clarity of the situation, But yet, How come the sealed nature was able to show it's glimpse out of sudden?"

Azuron immediately responds, "From my observations, The moment boy's becomes unconscious, It effects the artifical nature of him, Causing the seal that holds true nature to leak it's glimpse. But this glimpse is actually very limited. The only way, True nature could manifest itself fully, is through Self-realization."

Auren gets scared as he hears answer and responds with, "Isn't boy right now on the quest of his Self-realization. If he attains self-realizes, Then whole world would be in danger, wouldn't it be?"

Azuron replies, "You are right."

Auren asks, "Shouldn't we kill them right now? Not just him, But also other kid, would become threat to not only ours objectives but also whole universe again."

Azuron responds, "No, Let's see how worse can it get. What would really happen if kid self-realizes."

Auren immediately responds with nervous tone, "But-"

Azuron calmly interrupts Auren mid-sentence, saying, "It's okay. This going be very intresting to watch these two kids to realize who they are truly."