

A world where humans are skeptics about Supernatural to the point where it's hard for them to even comprehend the truth which is about Supernatural, And Denzel is one of these humans who are skeptics about it but since Denzel has seen supernatural Being in the start, It wouldn't be hard for him to Disbelief or stay in Skepticism about Supernatural, So Now Denzel would start a Journey After the discovery of Supernatural Truth. Through-out this Journey, Denzel would have to fight with other Beings and possibly even Himself to reach his goals.

Auth_GT · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs


"Hmm, did he lose? In the realm of nominee? H-how?" Morgrathun responds abruptly. 

"Zargo!" Morgrathun states.

When the door opens, Zargo responds with, "Yes, My Lord."

"How much time has it been since Grythor made me retreat battlefield?" Morgrathun asks Zargo in a serious tone.

"Over 1300 years, sir," Zargo replies.

"1300 Years, Huh!" Morgrathun murmurs.

"Declare war on humanity right now. But don't go to Earth right now. Only declare war on the Outline Preserver of Humanity, and after dealing with this junk, we will make our presence known to humanity." Morgrathun commands Zargo.

"Yes Sir." Zargo answers, and then Teleports away to the Outline Preserver of humanity. 

The door closes as the manager exits the hidden door. 

Manager then begins to consider what to do next, but the entire headquarters begins to tremble. The voices of dying people can be heard clearly from the rooftop, echoing throughout the headquarters.

Manager is horrified by the sudden devastation and turmoil, so he rushes out of his office and sprints to the rooftop.

As the manager sprints, he notices injured members slowly descending from the rooftop and urgently asks, "What the hell just happened here!?"

To which the injured member rapidly exclaims, "We are under attack by Demon!!"

Manager's eyes widen as he adds, "Those bastards attacked our base right now!?" Injured Memember replies, "Yes!" 

Manager quickly begins to spirnt and arrives at the rooftop, where he finds a flying demon in space, looking down at the rooftop with dead-serious gaze and killing anything that comes into contact with it.

Demon's gaze meets Manager's eyes.

The demon says, "You must be the-so-called 'Manager' of this base, right?"

Manager answers angrily: "Yes, so what brought you here?"

"My name is Zargo, and I was sent by Lord Morgrathun to declare war on you. You have a few days left, and together with our lord, we will demolish your base, and you know the rest." Zargo replies.

Manager narrows his eyes in rage and answers, "Fine then, you're going to stomp on your death. Don't forget that."

"Don't get too cokcy, We will see." Zargo responds before teleporting away.

Manager is standing on the rooftop, staring at the spot where Zargo was a few moments earlier. 

Manager shifts his gaze from Space to Rooftop and notices all of the dead bodies of my members with a serious expression.

Denzel is meditating in the vastness of darkness when he hears the voice that says, "Hey Kid!" The voice is quiet and inaudible at first, but it gradually becomes sharper.

Denzel concentrates his attention on the voice and asks himself, "Where is this voice coming from and, yes, what do you want?"

"It's an Urgent bad news." The Voice replied.

"What is it?" Denzel asked.

Then a voice said, "Demons have declared war upon your kind, And so, I want you to be prepare for battle."

"But, I am not ready yet..." Denzel responds slightly panicked.

"You only have few days before they rush at the base of Outline preserver of Humanity, And after demons have dealt with them, They will head towards the earth." Voice states.

"Humm... But it's only been a few days since I started my quest. So, can I really overcome these demons who have existed since ancient times? Like, seriously." Denzel provides an answer to the voice.

"Trust the process, and let it happen without making your mortal logic intervene." Voice states.

"Who even are you in the first place?" Denzel poses an inquiry to voice.

"I am the voice of your inner being, I am your Intuition." Voice states.

Denzel suddenly finds himself in the Dream World and begins to interact with it.

Suddenly, a voice from the sky resonates throughout the Dream World, saying, "Your first step for now will be to develop sense. Senses that transcend beyond the physical ones. These are transcendental ones that make you aware of the Spirit World, other heavens, and possibly even underworlds such as Hell."

Denzel nods as he prepares for training. He closes his eyes and begins to focus on his breathing at a subtle level.

However, as Denzel tries to focus on his breathing and achieve a deeper level of consciousness that exists on a subtle level, destructive and mortal logical doubts begin to sneak into his awareness all of a sudden.

Denzel initially tries to remain cool and focus on his breathing as much as he can. However, his attention begins to focus on doubts to the point that he can't think about anything else.

The layer of doubts grows stronger and stronger every time he tries to use his will to focus his attention on breathing. However, the more he tries to resist the doubts, the stronger and more doubts creep in, until he begins to empower all of these doubts with his emotion by feeding them fear.

Denzel gradually begins to experience the fear of failure, and the pressure of war in a few days empowers fear to a far greater amount, causing the empowerment of doubts to increase even more.

Denzel does his best to focus on breathing, but the strength of fear and doubt is too much for him to handle.

Denzel collapses on his knees, sweating and with a terrible headache.

Denzel gives up on trying to overcome his insurmountable doubts.

Denzel looks at Sky with a despairing expression on his face and says, "I-I-I can't do this. It's too hard to focus on breathing when doubts pop up out of nowhere, let alone reaching deeper and more subtle levels of consciousness. So, is there another way out?

The sky produces blinding white light before a voice responds, echoing throughout the dream universe. When The Voice spoke, it said, "The biggest obstacle you will face that will greatly hinder your growth is your insecurity and logical doubts that stem from social conditioning..." There is a pause before the voice continues, "You must then transcend these doubts by confronting your fears. So, tell me when you're ready to face your fears, and I'll yield them so you can confront them."

Denzel begins to feel afraid to confront with his fears, and Glups as he contemplates whether or not to face them.

Denzel's body begins to tremble and turn cold due to the overwhelming fear he is experiencing throughout his entire body.

With his body quivering and feeling cold from anxiety, Denzel gently tries to calm himself by taking long breaths, but his breathing is not as smooth as when he is calm. Denzel begins to reassure himself that everything will be OK because there is nothing to be afraid of; but, the more he tries, the more he understands that his body is extremely scared. 

Denzel wonders if this is actually the end for him and his kind. 

Denzel becomes deluded about the conclusion, until he recalls what he said before beginning to train himself. Denzel has a flashback of himself, {Denzel stands up and says "I have found the reason, Now all there left is me achieveing that transcendence state, Because in the end, What's a Finite Lose to Infinite Win."} This awakens a part of him that drives him to do it.

Denzel's body continues to shake from terror, yet he is currently having a serious moment.

Denzel attempts to relax himself but fails once more.

Denzel therefore begins to prepare to face all of his fears. He begins by taking a few really deep breaths gently, which helps him calm his body down gradually.

Denzel continues to take slow, deep breaths until he moves from fear to calm.

As Denzel relaxes himself, the fear in his body starts to fade away, and Denzel is able to return to his mental ability to concentrate.

Denzel gradually finds himself concentrating on his breathing and experiences all of the tension leaving his body gently.

As Denzel overcomes his tensions, he reopens his eyes with a serene smile and gently begins to rise up, a confident grin on his face.

Denzel's grin grows even broader as he declares to the the sky, "I am ready. "Unleash em all." 

Sky responds, rippling throughout the dream world. "If you say so, then now you must confront your fears." 

As Sky responds, the entire dream world darkens, and the clear sky becomes engulfed by black, turbulent clouds with thunderstorms. A puff of smoke descends from the thunderstorm and lands precisely in front of Denzel with debris flying everywhere.

Denzel, on the other hand, remains unfazed as he watches everything unfold. 

As the smoke clears, a shadowy figure emerges from it, his eyes glowing blazing red. His body begins to radiate a red aura.

"You appear calm, Human. Where is fear?" The shadow entity speaks in a roaring voice. 

Denzel smirks and says, "Oh boy, all that panic was for nothing." Denzel chuckles before getting back, "I'm not afraid of you anymore. What do you want now?"

The shadowy entity laughs and answers, "Such arrogance, who do you think you are, Human?"

"Why hinder my path, Why would you?" Denzel asks Shadow with a serious gaze. 

The shadowy figure responds, "You have no idea the loss that could be caused, do you?" Denzel narrows his eyes and grunts.

Denzel pauses before saying, "What loss can be caused by this path?" "Enlighten me, Doubt."

The shadowy figure chuckles and says, "Like hell would I respond to you. Fight me right now, if you truly want to become a transcendental being. If you win, I will not interrupt you again."

Denzel remains mute as he stares at Shadow's eyes.

Denzel takes a deep breath and swiftly replies, "Hah, challenge accepted. Bring forth what you got."

The shadowy figure smirks at Denzel's confidence.

The shadow and Denzel continue to stare at each other's eyes for a few minutes.

Thunderstrom struck right between Shadowy figure and Denzel.

Both Shadowy Figure and Denzel lunge forward at each other, throwing punches. Causing craters to occur and debris to fly everywhere.

The impact of each other's punch stumbles both of them backwards, and they gradually tilt their heads towards each other.

Shadow exclaims, "Humph!" but Denzel remains mute.

Denzel leaps forward and launches a kick at Shadow's face. However, Shadow easily catches Denzel's kick in mid-air and hurls him to the opposite side of the ground.

Denzel immediately regains balance in mid-air after landing on the ground, leading him to kneel position.

Denzel glances at Shadow with a stern expression.

Shadow slowly approaches Denzel, smirks, looks down at him, and says, "Oh wow, you've really improved since you fought Zaroketh. I assumed it would be easy, but it turned out to be difficult for me."

Denzel slowly rises from a kneeling position and responds, "Oh yeah, I have improved my fighting skills solely through meditation." Denzel grins as he begins to approach Shadow.

Denzel lunges forward, launching a flurry of punches at Shadow with incredible speed. However, to Denzel's surprise, Shadow expertly parries all of his punches, leading Denzel to stagger sideways.

Shadow follows up by grabbing Denzel's face. Followed by throwing him up in the sky, Shadow smirks as he bends his body down while clenching his fist. Shadow jumps and punches Denzel in mid-air, causing greater impact and sending Denzel flying even higher. Follow up with Shadow disappearing from sight, only to reappear behind Denzel's back in mid-air and kicking him in the back with a massive sound that echoes across the Dream World.

As soon as Denzel hits the ground, he swings for a second before Shadow appears in front of him and punches Denzel in the face, causing a big crater to form on the ground.

Denzel is sent flying backwards at a rapid rate by the punch, causing him to smash on the ground numerous times from a distance, followed by his body rolling on the ground, with debris flying everywhere every time he crashes.

Denzel remains immobile for several minutes before pulling his hand slightly. 

Shadow smiles as he approaches Denzel.

Denzel's body began to mend itself rapidly. 

As Shadow examines the mending process, his attitude shifts from smiling to dead serious.

Denzel opens his eyes and slowly begins to stand up, wiping the blood from his mouth and saying, "I must say, I certainly underestimated you."

Shadow becomes silent before responding, "Oh, you're one of those obstinate people who don't know when to give up; I'd suggest, give up on this quest. You'll fail."

Denzel begins to laugh and says, "I don't care what you say; I am going to prevail under any circumstances."

Shadow becomes irritated and says, "You stubborn piece of shit." With that, Shadow sends his knee into the stomach. 

Denzel proficiently avoids the knee, leaving Shadow dumbfounded and left vulnerable.

Denzel finds an opening and launches a side flip kick at Shadows' head. Shadows blocks the kick but quickly realizes the impact of the kick is even greater than his block and clenches his teeth in anger as he is sent flying over and bouncing on the ground with a crater and thud before regaining full balance mid-air and sliding to the surface.

Shadow tilts his head slightly higher, enraged at the attack.

Denzel narrows his eyes and smirks when he sees Shadow enraged. 

Shadow emerges behind Denzel in an instant, attempting to throw a punch to the belly.

Denzel sees Shadow and his attack, so he dodges it and strikes a hard punch in Shadow's gut, causing Shadow to pour blood and stumble away.

Denzel continues the combo by grabbing Shadow's arm and pulling him closer, landing a powerful knee in Shadow's stomach several times, and then charging a punch and landing it directly on Shadow's throat, causing a crater on the ground with debris flying everywhere and Shadow struggling to breathe.

Denzel grabs Shadow by the head and smashes him on the ground several times in a row before hustling Shadow by the head on the ground for a few meters before hurling up in the sky. With a smirk, Denzel begins to gather energy and build a deadly energy beam, which he fires at Shadow in mid-air.

As the energy beam hits the shadow in mid-air, the surrounding environment transforms into a continent-sized crater.

Smoke engulfs everything. 

As the smoke clears, Denzel can be seen with his eyes wide open and smiling, while Shadow lies motionless on the ground.

After a few moments, Shadow attempts to stand up but collapses on the ground, moaning, "GARGH!" 

Denzel watches. Shadow struggles to get up but fails. 

Shadow realizes he lost and accepts defeat.

Shadow says, "Y-Y-Y-"You won. I lost. But the reason I interrupted your voyage was because I was afraid that it would be a waste of time if you worked hard to obtain it but failed. And I don't want you to go through that; I thought I was helping you save time, but now that you've defeated me, I can only observe."

Denzel listens to Shadow, and his look changes from one of happiness to one of sadness.

Denzel responds, "No need. Become a part of me and experience my trip. Do not fear, I will attain my goals regardless of the circumstances."

Shadow reacts with, "Humph, I guess I have no choice but to observe your journey." 

Shadow's eyes turn black, and his body begins to morph into pure white, cleansed of evil. 

As the shadow heals, the surrounding environment changes from black, chaotic clouds with thunderstorms to clear crystal sky.

Shadow smiles at Denzel and says, "May you be successful in your quest. This is my farewell to you, Denzel."

Denzel smiles back and says, "I hope we meet again someday, Shadow."

Shadow gradually fades away from existence, leaving no trace of him behind.

Denzel smiles, content with his win, and tilts his head up to the the sky.

Denzel says, "It's done; I have overcome my doubt."

A few minutes of silence pass before sky responds with, "Well accomplished, now you can train on yourself without any problems."

The voice continues by stating, "Now, shall we proceed to the next step?"

Denzel smiles wider and answers, "For sure."