
Precious Touch

Hogint was a modern world similar to Earth until 300 years ago, gates containing monsters opened all over the world causing destruction. However, humanity was not in a desperate situation because a few days before the event, everyone who was 15 years old and above were given a system. With this system, humanity was slightly prepared for the incoming attack and managed to defend against the monsters. Hogint became a world of magic and humanity used the system to protect their world from the monsters. Wayne was a teenager raised by a single mother. However, his mother passed away and left him a will that said he was not her child. Other than that, she also told him who his real parents were. Wayne went to meet his parents but stopped his intention when he found out that his parents were from a rank S noble family. Wayne decided to meet his real parents when he had become stronger. He was too ashamed to meet them in his current condition. His 15th birthday came and he obtained his system. He was surprised to see that he got a special skill, Precious Touch. With this special skill, Wayne started his adventure to become strong to officially meet his real parents.

PaperCut77 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 1 - Awaken

Chapter 1 - Awaken

Winter 27th Year 2500

'Piuu~' A train was moving along the track smoothly. Inside the train, a young man who was around 15 years of age sat while looking listlessly outside the train's window. Though he looked listless, he was smiling.

The young man was Wayne Weller. He was a normal young man and had nothing special happened to him until a month ago when his mother, Lena Weller was inflicted with an unknown illness and passed away.

The doctor said that it might be a new illness that originated from the Special Dimension. Though many new illnesses appeared after the appearance of the monsters, not all of them were curable and known to humans.

Every year, there would be tens of new illnesses found due to the monsters. Most of them were curable if they knew the origin of the illness. Even so, many were mysteries and incurable.

Lena Weller did not know from where and when she got the illness. It came suddenly and the doctor found out that there was no cure. She suffered for a few months in the hospital and passed away a month ago.

Wayne Weller was a single child and he was raised by Lena Weller alone. He had no father and no other family. Even so, after Lena Weller passed away, she left a will. Owen inherited all of Lena's inheritance and he found out from the lawyer that Lena also left him a letter.

When Wayne read the latter, he was shocked to find out that Lena was not his real parents and Lena stated in the letter who was his real parents. Wayne was conflicted about the matter of his parents but after a month of contemplation, he decided to meet them.

Be that as it may, Wayne found out the real identity of his parents. They were part of the Rank S noble family on the planet, The Furiose Family. Just like the grade given to the family, they were special and super prestigious.

The Furiose Family was a massive noble family that held a lot of power in human society. Other than the royal family and a few other Rank S families, the family stood at the top.

Wayne was nothing more than a commoner. He was not special and hesitated to meet his real parents when he knew that they were part of the Furiose Family. Not only that, but Wayne also found out that his parents were a super strong mark holder. The same with his older brothers and sisters

Due to the fear that his family would not accept him, Wayne decided to see them from afar. He saw his parents and siblings from afar but did not meet them. When he saw them, he knew he was part of them because he slightly resembled his family.

After that, Wayne left. He took the train and went home. Wayne looked listless because he could not meet his family but he was smiling because he knew what he needed to do if he wanted to be accepted by his family. Wayne needed to become stronger.

Wayne's 15th birthday was on 30th Winter. In three days, he would awaken and get his system. Even after 500 years had passed since the appearance of monsters, humanity did not know the origin of the system. All they knew was that the system was helping humanity to fight the monsters and all humans would get the system when they reached 15 years old.

Wayne would soon turn 15 and he would get his system. Once he got his system, Wayne was determined to become stronger and met his family. He wanted to make his name and become as popular and powerful as his family and announced to them that they were his family.

Wayne knew that it was hard to become strong but he would work hard on it. He had a goal and he would do his best to complete it. He longed to meet his real family but he would endure for a while before he met them.

Wayne got off the train and got back home. Though his family was not noble, Lena was a strong explorer, so Wayne was living a good life. His family was not poor and Lena was rich. Wayne did not know Lena's standing in the explorer world but she might be one of those at the top of her generation from the riches she had.

Wayne inherited all of her inheritance and if he decided to not become an explorer or hunter, he could live without any problem with all the money left by Lena. Even so, that was not the path that Wayne wanted. He had decided to enter that world.

Once Wayne awakened, he could immediately forge his path as a hunter. As for explorers, he needed to wait until he entered the high academy.

After the appearance of monsters, two main professions were created to deal with the monsters. They were hunters and explorers. These two professions were the same, killing monsters and becoming stronger.

However, the locations where they could kill monsters were different. As for hunters, everyone could become a hunter and their base of operations was in the dungeons that appeared all over the world.

The dungeons appeared out of nowhere but it was a one-time thing. Once the dungeons are completed by the hunters, it would disappear. Hunters could only hunt in these dungeons. If there were no dungeons, there would be no job for hunters.

Even so, even after 500 years had passed, there was never once an occurrence that the hunters did not have any dungeon to raid. The dungeons were abundant and it was hard to complete them. The fastest completion would take at least one month.

Even though the dungeons were called 'dungeons', they were not a closed place like caves depicted in ancient novels and animations. The dungeon was a small world of its own with monsters roaming inside it.

The hunters would need to enter this small world and kill all the monsters present to prevent them from coming out of the dungeon to the real world. As for completing the dungeon, they would need to kill the boss of the dungeon.

Be that as it may, the government forbid any hunters to close the dungeon that fasts because the dungeon was filled with resources. After all the resources were collected, the government would allow the killing of the dungeon's boss.

It would usually take a year or more for humanity to collect the resources from the dungeon and thus, most of the time, a dungeon would be completed in a year or two.

The one-month completion happened by accident when an arrogant new hunter who wanted to prove his strength went to kill the boss as fast as possible. He proved his power and became popular but got fined by the government and even until this day, he had yet to finish paying the fine.

Explorers were slightly different. They could enter the dungeons but their main locations would be the special dimension. The special dimension did not appear like the dungeon and humanity did not know the real location of the special dimension.

Similar to the dungeons, the special dimension was its world but even after 500 years had passed, no one had reached the end of the special dimension. It was massive and full of danger.

Since humanity did not know the location of the special dimension, how could they enter it? The answer would be the explorer. Explorer titles were given to humans who had the mark. The mark was given to certain awakened humans once they touch a special crystal called The Marker Crystal.

There was only one Marker Crystal and it was owned by the only high academy in Hugint, The Diam High Academy. After the discovery of the Marker Crystal, the Hugint government decided to combine all high schools in the world into one and called it the Diam High Academy and put the Marker Crystal there.

Not all awakened humans could get the mark. Only 50% to 60% awakened humans of the same generation could get the mark. Those that got the mark would forge their path as an explorer and explore the special dimension while those that did not get the mark would usually become a hunter.

Wayne enters his house which was a big single bungalow. Once he got in, he turned on the heater, and warm air filled the house. It was winter and it was super cold outside the house. Wayne prepared his dinner and went online to get more information about becoming a hunter or explorer.

He knew the general knowledge of hunter and explorer but becoming one would need a lot of procedures. He needed to have a license to become a hunter or explorer. He would need to take some exams to get his license. Without the license, he could not enter a dungeon.

29:47 pm. Wayne looked at the time on his laptop and decided to end the day. It was late and he decided to rest.

"I hope when I awaken, I will have a good potential and talent. Without that, it will be hard for me to become strong," said Wayne while looking at the ceiling of his room. Wayne clenched his fist and closed his eyes.

Winter 29th Year 2500, 29:59 pm.

Wayne was staring at the time and he was excited that in a minute, it would be his birthday and he would awaken and could finally start his journey as a hunter. Once he officially became a hunter and possibly an explorer too, he could become stronger and meet his family. Wayne was excited.

30:00 pm. The time hit midnight and the clock number changed from 30:00 pm to 00:00. In Hugint, there would be 30 hours in a day and there were only four months (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter) in a year where there were 100 days in each month. It was currently winter and in 70 days it would be the new year.

As the time hit 00:00, Wayne's body shone and he could feel something entering his body which he suspected of the system. He had read online since he was in primary school that all awakened would feel like that. He had anticipated it and did not feel shocked at all.

Wayne was not the only one awake that night, many other youths around the world went through the same process. His body did not shine that long. 5 seconds later, the shine stopped and a floating screen appeared in front of him with words [System Installing] and a meter bar below it.

Wayne expected this too as it was mentioned a lot online. According to those that had awakened, it would usually take about 5 minutes for the system to finish. Wayne waited patiently and stared intensely at the meter bar.

Five minutes later, the bar was full and the system activated. A single floating screen appeared in front of Wayne with three menus available. These three menus were the basic thing given by the system. All newly awakened humans got the same thing.

The three menus were the status, equipment, and storage. In the status menu, it would list out the status of the human including the skills learned by the human.

The equipment menu was where the human set up their equipment. Once the equipment was set there, they could easily summon them to equip themselves in battle.

As for the storage menu, it would be the place where humans could store their things. In the beginning, the storage would only provide 1 cubic meter of space. The storage was upgradable by using the cultivation gem. It was not hard to upgrade the storage.

To increase 1 cubic meter of storage, they would need to use 10 pieces of normal rank cultivation gem. Once the storage reached 10 cubic meters, the cultivation gem needed would double. In the next 10 cubic meters, the amount would increase by another 10 normal rank cultivation gems for 1 cubic meter and it would continue until the hunter or explorer decided that it was enough for them.

There was no need for Wayne to check the equipment and storage menu because there was nothing there. Wayne chose the status menu to check on his status.

Name: Wayne Weller/Furiose

Age: 15

Lifespan: 100 years

Potential: B+


Body – B+


Health: G+ (Level 1)

Energy: G (Level 1)

Strength: G (Level 1)

Endurance: G- (Level 1)

Dexterity: G+ (Level 1)

Magic: G- (Level 1)

Luck: G (Level 1)


Precious Touch (Rank: Special) (Grade: Special)

The status menu would show the basic status of humans. The first section would be the name, age, and lifespan of that person. Wayne's name, age, and lifespan were stated there. Name and age were explainable but for lifespan, it was a bit different.

Wayne had a lifespan of 100 years. That did not mean that he would guarantee to die at the age of 100. He would die at 100 years old if he was healthy all the time and did not encounter any danger. If by chance he contracted an incurable illness or heavy injuries, he could die before he reached 100 years old.

The second section would be potential and talent. Potential and talent would determine the maximum number of cultivation points that could be built for his cultivation map in his soul sea. The higher the potential and talent, the maximum number of points would be higher. Potential affected all but talent would only affect the one related to the talent.

For Wayne, he had the potential of B+ where his maximum cultivation points would be 180 added with his body talent of B+, his total maximum cultivation points he could build would be 360 points. It might look a lot but he could be considered average.

"B+ is better than nothing," thought Wayne. He was fine with B+ potential and talent.

For talent, it would be given randomly to all the awakened humans. Some people would get only one talent while some would get more than one. What type of talent they got was random too.

They could get the most common talent such as the body talent Wayne got or a super rare talent like time and space or life and death. It was all random. However, even if they got a rare talent, that did not mean they could become the strongest.

The reason would be their cultivation map. The number of points built in their cultivation map would determine how strong a hunter or explorer would be. If they had the super rare talent but could only build a cultivation map with only a small amount of cultivation points, a body talent hunter could easily overpower them with more cultivation points.

Wayne got a common talent but he was fine with it because he knew the type of talent did not determine the power of a hunter or explorer. Many factors would contribute to the total power of a hunter or explorer.

The third section would be basic status. They were health, energy, strength, endurance, dexterity, magic, and luck. All this status would affect the hunter or explorer.

Health was similar to HP. The higher the health, the better the hunter or explorer will take more hits. Be that as it may, even with level 100 grade SSS+ health, that did not mean they were invincible.

Other than that, health affects the human body to self-healing and immunity to illness. At level 1, the human would usually be getting some resistance against common illness like cold and fever. At level 2, a more serious illness like high blood pressure and diabetes. At levels 3 and 4, they would be immune to the previous illness and gain strong resistance against incurable illness (used to be incurable before the age of magic) such as cancer. At higher levels, those hard to cure or incurable diseases in the past would not affect humans at all.

Energy affected mana and stamina. High energy meant more mana and high stamina. More mana meant the hunter or explorer could use their skills for many times. More stamina meant they could last longer in a fight.

Strength affected both physical attack and defense (both physical and magic). Endurance affected defense and stamina. Dexterity affected speed. Anything related to speed including skill cast time was affected by dexterity.

Magic status affected magic attack or mana-based attack. As for luck, it affected critical hits and slightly affected real-life luck and monster drop. However, no one knew how much it affected them but they had a feeling that luck affected these two.

All of Wayne's status was at G. It was not surprising to him because every human that had just awakened would have G's grade for their status. Once they started their cultivation, their status would increase.

G was the lowest grade status could have. The highest grade would be SSS. Each grade would have three stages. The '-', normal, and '+'. So, in essence, G- was the lowest while the highest would be SSS+.

Once a hunter or explorer raised their status past the SSS+, the level of the status would increase and the status would revert to G-.

Moving on from the third section, Wayne looked at the fourth section which was the list of techniques and skills. Supposedly, someone who had just awakened would not have any techniques or skills in this section.

Be that as it may, some people would get lucky and get a skill or technique upon awakening. The skill or technique gained during this time would usually have the rank and grade as special. That meant, the skill would not be able to get stronger and was fixed at that strength.

Even so, the skill got the special rank and grade meaning they were not normal. They were special and could not be grouped with other techniques and skills. Thus, humans called them The Special Skill.

Just like the name suggested, the special skill was special. In the history of humanity after the start of the magic age, there were many hunters and explorers awakened with special skills. Having a special skill did not mean a fast track to the top but the special skill did indeed help some hunters and explorers making their name.

"Precious Touch," said Wayne while looking at the special skill he got when he awakened. Wayne was excited when he saw and gained knowledge of the skill because from what he understood about the skill, it would help him immensely in his path to becoming stronger to meet his family.

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