Prudy, Kiara and Abbie find each other at California University L.A. They learn to co-exist even with their differences in colour and status. They live life one day after the other and make life decisions on their way. They get caught up in love triangles and find their way out together. They teach the importance of accepting oneself before others can accept you as well as the importance of "all lives matter" instead of "one race's life matters". They make life changing decisions, some bad some good, some, you be their judge.
Kiara's POV,
Today I don't have plans until later so I sit idly in my room playing dress up on my laptop. There is a knock at the door. Before I can even get myself to open the door, Carl, my official next door crush enters.
"Can't you just once knock and stay out? I move to hug him. Its not like I meant to complain anyway.
"We goin'?" Where? Yea he said he is inviting me to his house to lunch.
"Is it okay? I mean yea if its okay by you." Really girl? I smack myself internally. I turn my head and pretend to look for something and I guess he realizes it.
"Sure." He half whispers and I make way for him to lead leaving the house.
"After you." He says but I call him out for it.
"It's my house remember? After you." I raise my eyebrows at him. Oh, my, I'm flirting aren't I?
"Who is this chick." He manages to chuckle slightly before he walks out and I praise my inner ego.
His house is just like over the fence of mine on the same block.
"Feel comfortable." He smiles and pushes his T-shirt above his head. My mouth opens slightly and falls. His eyes meet mine and I clear my throat looking away with flaming embarrassment. I keep looking up at his shirtless torso until he sits with me on the couch and turns on the tv.
"You are kidding." I state in disbelief.
"What? Why?" How ignorant can a guy be?
"You are." I raise my hands to illustrate and when he gives me that confused look I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding and laugh slightly but sarcastically. "You're shirtless."
"Well, yes I am, can't I be shirtless in my own house?"
"Do not go there." I say and look away.
"Wait, I don't understand. It's only you that can do whatever you want in your house and I can't?" Yeiks.
"No, but, you don't wanna be a bad host do you? I am your guest and it's uncomfortable." I smile at my point which I was sure will win me some bargain.
"Ah, is it?" I stare into his brown eyes to prove my point. "Damn, fine, I can't beat you at this." He slips into his T-shirt and breaks eye contact while at it. He selects a sports channel and the NBA championship game is just about to begin with the Lakers going against the Chicago bulls team.
"Whaat, I forgot it was today!"
"You welcome." He can't help himself when it comes to bragging, can he?
"Wait, how did you know I'd wanna watch that?"
"You play basketball." He shrugs his shoulders and I throw a suspecting glare at him.
"Did you run a background check on me?"
"Everyone knows you play basketball but, yea maybe I did."
I can't take any more of this awkward moment. Why didn't I think of running one on him now he's a total stranger that knows all about me. Well, most of it. I rather focus on the game.
Prudy and Abbie won't stop throwing weird glances at me. They pretend to focus on the drinks but I can obviously tell that's not where they are at.
"Fine." They all turn to look at me, interested.
"He ran a background check on me?"
"Uuh, did he or did he just know you because well, you know everyone knows you."
Of course always count on Prudy to be super honest.
"Uuh, it's, he really..." I can't get my words straight.
"Kiara, something about this guy doesn't cut it. Is he being friendly or is he flirting with you. Unless you are one step ahead of these people you will be hurt."
Abbie seconds her with a long puppy face. She is right but, there is something about this guy that I've not felt for a really long time.
"You know what, why don't we talk about Sally instead." I am craving to change that topic because for some reason I know she is right. We haven't done anything yet with him but, it's too soon to be feeling this way about a guy. I mean I just met him.
"Or rather not talk about guys and enjoy our coffee?" She says real quick and I kinda feel her.
"Like the trip we'll be having to New York next week?" Prudy does her happy leap and sits back, sipping her coffee as if 'that' didn't just happen.
"A trip to New York?"
"I just said that." She is so cool about it now.
"I know right? I've dreamed to be in New York all my life!"
"Ah, yea, yet here you are in LA, life ain't fair bruh."
"Can I come?" I know Abbie deliberately ignored her comment. She seems so excited. "Please?" She adds to make it harder for Prudy to say no to her.
"There we go..." Prudy begins but I cut her mid sentence.
"Let her," sometimes she behaves so cute you cannot help but adore her.
"Yeees!" She does the thing with her legs.
"But..." She pouts and looks at Prudy.
"You will need google maps. I'm not running round the subways holding hands like we some lesbian bitches. No way."
"I'm coming too, that way you can have your band vacation or whatever it is you doing in new York and we can have our time."
"No, you stay here and fix things with Mr next door guy."
"I have nothing to fix with him, we only met."
"Can we just not have this conversation now?"
"That is what he says." I throw back before I can think.
"That is what everyone who is trying to get the easy way out says." Abbie says with certainty.
I swipe my credit card to pay for the coffee as we leave. The night is still young and going to the frat house sounded like a good idea then. Everyone needed a get away anyway.
"Prudy." Allan walks towards her and she turns away his hug by stretching out her hand instead. She does that fake smile and Allan grins back. Abbie finds her safe spot with Berlin and I walk to the kitchen to get us drinks.
"Allan is here."
"He lives here Prudy."
"Yea I totally knew that."
"You are over him right?"
"Ptsss, don't ask me like you don't know me yet. I don't fuck with boys." Prudy walks out holding her oversized cup and I follow behind shrugging at how much she is controlling herself.