

Princess Anna was forced to marry Prabangkara, the king who had killed her father, after she failed to thwart Prabangkara's attempt to build a thousand temples in one night. She had no other choice because she also did not want her brother to be killed in front of her because she did not want to acknowledge the power of Prabangkara who had succeeded in conquering her kingdom. When they were married and living in the Pengging palace, Prabangkara was forced to leave Anna, who was pregnant, to carry out state duties. When Prabangkara is not in the palace, her sister-in-law makes up a hoax by saying that Princess Anna will take revenge for her father's death. Proof of her revenge is the discovery of a dagger under Anna's daughter's bed. What is the next story of King Prabangkara and Princess Anna?

arie_riyan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

5. Making Request

Anna is still silent and busy with her dreams. The image of her father reappeared in front of her. Her affection for the man who has brought her to this earth is deeply rooted and she can hardly be shaken by the fact that her father is sexually abused by raping girls in other kingdoms. She knows her father has a wife, namely Queen Boko, her mother. a gentle woman who always showed a sweet smile to anyone even though she was in a restless mode.

Anna sighed. She wanted to run and meet her mother, but once again she fell silent. Tears escaped from her eyes again.

Prabangkara who saw the bitterness on Anna's face immediately reached out his hand to calm the girl in front of him, but Anna immediately slapped him. She doesn't want to receive empathy from a man who has made her suffer the misfortune she is now.

"Anna, I'm sorry."

Prabangkara stretched out his hand and hoped that the girl would accept his hand for a handshake. His hopes were just in vain because Anna didn't want to look at him at all. Prabangkara pulled his hands and crossed them in front of his chest. He knew there was no way Anna could be reconciled with his gentle ways. He immediately stood up and grabbed Anna's hand and carried her to the bed. He wanted to bring Anna to her knees in front of him. Several times he kissed Anna and locked her movements until the girl really felt very annoyed. She rebelled and occasionally slapped Prabangkara in the face.

"Let me go. Don't because you have defeated my kingdom that you feel free to humiliate and harass me."

"Why? Is it wrong for me to do the same thing your father did to my sister? Your father did it in front of the soldiers and I did it in a room. I think I'm more human than King Boko."

"Don't. I do not want to."

"Tell me why? Is it because you're not married to me yet? You think I can always be nice to everyone? I've been doing my best to cheer you up all this time. I've humbled myself just so you want to look at me with a sweet look. But the truth is, all I accept is your rudeness."

Anna looked at Prabangkara. She couldn't do much other than shut up and be quiet. She couldn't express her annoyance at the moment. She looked down, trying to avoid the man's gaze.

"Marry me!"

"I-I don't. . . ."

"There is no refusal Anna. I'll give you three days to think. You can ask me anything."

Anna is silent. there was no point in disputing Prabangkara's orders. She tried to think about what request she would make when the time came. Several times Anna tried to analyze the possibility that she could thwart Prabangkara's plan. She was annoyed with her behavior, but she was even more annoyed because the man was completely irresistible.

"Let me meet the ladies in the princess. I need a discussion with them."

Prabangkara was stunned to hear Anna's request. He hoped to see a smile from the woman he had loved for a long time. He then nodded and reached out to give Anna permission to leave her father's room.

Anna immediately got out and ran to the princess palace to meet the ladies in her palace. She hastily gathered them and discussed what request she would make to Prabangkara in the next three days.

"It is impossible for the Princess to ask for the jewels or the territory back. King Prabangkara will certainly be able to grant it, Your Majesty."

Anna looked at Suketi. She confirmed what the middle-aged woman in front of her said. She knew she didn't need treasure, throne or anything. Anna just wanted her to be free from the confines of the invaders who had killed her father and mother and imprisoned her brother. She just needs a quiet life with a breath of fresh air. Anna doesn't care what she will experience while living in the village with one of her maids. What she hopes for is the peace of life and true happiness that he can feel. All this time he had lived in the palace, but he had never felt any peace at all.

"Princess, how about if the Princess asks Her Majesty the Queen to come back to life? It will definitely be very difficult for King Prabangkara."

Anna smiled. She felt the folly of the lady who asked her to bring her mother back to life. Impossible things that can not be done by anyone except God the creator. She didn't want to be seen as stupid for making such an unreasonable request.

"Is there anything else?"

"I, Your Majesty."

A young lady came forward to Anna and tried to whisper her idea to the daughter she loved so much. Anna nodded and smiled. She hoped that what she was going to ask for really could not be carried out by Prabangkara so that the marriage between them would fail forever.

"Your idea is brilliant g, Dayang. I salute you. Then when did I ask Prabangkara to do it?"

The young lady in front of Anna smiled and closed her eyes. She tried to find out the best time that could make Anna ask Prabangkara to do Anna's request.

"Full moon night, Your Majesty."

"Full moon? So how many days from now?"

"Three days, Your Majesty."

Anna sighed. The time that Prabangkara gave her to think about the request she was about to say was the same as the time that her request had to be carried out by Prabangkara. Anna smiled at the thought of how satisfied she would be to escape her father's killer.

"Sumbi, I really hope that the idea you come up with can make me free from that killer. Sumbi. Thank you for your dedication so far. I don't know what I can give you. All the treasures in this palace have all belonged to that man and I have absolutely no right to use them."