

Princess Anna was forced to marry Prabangkara, the king who had killed her father, after she failed to thwart Prabangkara's attempt to build a thousand temples in one night. She had no other choice because she also did not want her brother to be killed in front of her because she did not want to acknowledge the power of Prabangkara who had succeeded in conquering her kingdom. When they were married and living in the Pengging palace, Prabangkara was forced to leave Anna, who was pregnant, to carry out state duties. When Prabangkara is not in the palace, her sister-in-law makes up a hoax by saying that Princess Anna will take revenge for her father's death. Proof of her revenge is the discovery of a dagger under Anna's daughter's bed. What is the next story of King Prabangkara and Princess Anna?

arie_riyan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

4. Many Reasons

"Tell me what made you dare to knock on the door and bother me, my soldier? Several times I have advised you not to disturb me when I am with Anna. Right now I'm sure you dared to bother me because there is important information that I must know immediately."

The soldier in front of Prabangkara bowed and nodded. He then took something from his trouser pocket and handed it to Prabangkara. Prabangkara received a letter brought by his soldiers then he stepped into his contest again.

Prabangkara immediately opened the letter and his eyes narrowed when he read a message from his father asking him to return to the kingdom immediately. Prabangkara feels that he has not been able to fulfill his father's request because there are still matters that must be resolved with Anna as the sole heir to the Boko kingdom because her brother has been in prison. He immediately stepped to the table in the corner of the room to take a paper and a pen, then he wrote a reply letter in cipher form and handed it to the soldier who was still standing at the door.

"Leave this to your father and never give it to anyone. Defend this letter with all your soul and body because when it leaks even a little, your life will be at stake."

"Very well, Your Majesty. I will guard until this letter reaches His Majesty the Panggih King. Now I excuse myself to return to the Panggih kingdom."

"Give my regards to your father and mother. Tell him that I can't go home for something very important in my life."

"Very well, Your Majesty. I beg you to leave."

The soldier in front of Prabangkara bowed and took a step back and after he felt quite far from the viceroy of Prabangkara, the soldier immediately turned around and ran to his horse to return to the Panggih kingdom to meet the noble king of Panggih.

After the soldiers left him, Prabangkara closed the door again and locked it tightly so that he would no longer hear his men bothering him at this time. Prabangkara was really enjoying his company with Anna, who still couldn't communicate because she was too shocked to hear of her mother's death.

Prabangkara approached Anna and he sat in front of the girl. Anna, who saw a man in front of her, looked at her with sharp eyes. Seeing the look in Anna's eyes, Prabangkara knew that the girl's consciousness had begun to recover. He reached out to grab Anna's hand, but Anna immediately brushed it off without a sound.

"I am grateful that you have finally regained consciousness, Princess Anna. Promise me not to torture yourself like yesterday because when I see you like that, I really feel very uncomfortable. You're sad because your mother committed suicide, it's okay, but don't overdo it because you still need energy to move on with your life."

Anna looked at Prabangkara. without meaning to answer the man's statement. She then tried to get up and only left the room they were currently sitting in together. Seeing Anna about to leave him, Prabangkara then followed in the footsteps of the girl he loved so much.

"Where are you going? No one may leave me without my permission or come to me without my permission. You are my prisoner and must obey my orders."

Anna stopped, then she turned around. She wanted to shout and be angry with Prabangkara, but she couldn't because she knew when she was angry the man would only be happy because he had succeeded in making her emotional.

"Sit down and enjoy our company. I want to see you up close. I want to tell you something. Something that might change your mindset towards me and not always blame my kingdom when we have to cripple the power of the Boko kingdom."

"Say it!"

Prabangkara smiled at Anna's order. Only this time he received a firm order from a woman who refused his presence. All this time he had always avoided the women in his kingdom because they were really annoying and shamelessly, openly displaying his charm so that he was attracted to them. At this time Anna really appeared to be a strong and determined person without any interest in him. For Prabangkara this is a fun challenge. If he manages to paralyze Anna's power, then that's when he feels the world will be completely his.

"I'm sorry for all the mistakes I've done to you. You might think that I'm a bad guy who only thinks about my interests, no. I'm not like that. Several times King Boko, your father, kidnapped the girls in my kingdom and raped them."


"Please don't cut me off. I haven't finished revealing the facts about your father and the reason I destroyed your kingdom."

"What evidence do you have for accusing my father? My father was a tyrant king. He is ruthless to his enemies, but father is a king who loves his people very much. You should know that many soldiers are loyal to my father because father always gives them good welfare. Dad must have a reason why he did the kidnapping. He could not have preceded hurting your citizens if they had not insulted my father."

"Maybe what you say is true, but you should also know. My sister just fell victim to your father's greed. She was raped in front of your father's soldiers and rotated in such a way that to this day she is in a state of extreme depression."

Both Anna and Prabangkara were silent, busy with their own feelings.

"Do you want proof? You may come to my palace and meet my sister who is now in shackles in her room."

Anna shook her head. She knew that Prabangkara asked her to visit the Panggih palace probably because he wanted to trap her and lock her in the prison of that great and prosperous kingdom.