
Death.... Is Inevitable

AN: I will be making a second novel called Powers Beyond Infinity it's literally the same as Powers Beyond All but with less mistakes,More Edits and less shit than this novel I will be just remaking Powers Beyond All into Powers Beyond Infinity I decided to do this because Webnovel Restricted My Novel anyway just keep reading Powers Beyond All but if you want to support my novel or give power stones please do so in Powers Beyond Infinity as Webnovel Restricted Powers Beyond All anyway I'll be writing Powers Beyond Infinity when I I hit like idk 500 Chapters Anyway just continue reading but please keep this in mind.

Also I was sick for a couple of days, school closed because 4 people got Murdered, my dad has covid and everything hurts.

"Issei Hyodou..... Prepare To Die"

~Mc Pov~

I look at the frightened Issei as I step forward the sound of rock crushing beneath my feet and my figure approaching closer and closer as Issei begins to freak the fuck out and tries calling Rias.


'Issei? what's wrong?'



Suddenly Issei's Telepathic connection fades as he couldn't Contact Rias Anymore.

'PREZ!? RIAS!!?!? HELLO!?!?!'

No response

"That can't hear you..... No one can"

'ooh that was badass right?'

I corner him as go through the shop and find a suitable weapon.


[Search: Blades]

Sword Of Nightmares: Akumu


A sword made out of the very fabric of nightmares once hit Darkness envelope's the user as every single moment they have ever regretted is displayed in their mind as they relive it over and over again while the darkness consumes them and if killed by Akumu the victim will be put in a endless eternal nightmare

Storm Killer

[-1 × 10^1000]

A 3 Metre Long Zweihander engraved with battle scars and shining blue thunder runes wielded by many but Storm Killer had bonded with The Lord God Of Thunder Demetrios forged out of Anki Star Metal and with using the heat of The God Of Fire, Lava and Ash Dorman, it's usually needed to form a bond with the Wielder and the stronger the bond the more power is drawn Storm Killer also copies the power of its users so the current wielder can use the previous users powers.


[-5 × 10^100000]

A Weapon that has more and more forms as it receives power for example imagine you were a powerful godlike being you would be able to make Sentra evolve/ transform into a better and upgraded version of itself but only up to MK20 someone even more powerful could maybe do MK30 basically the higher the power you have the more forms you can activate

I pull out Sentra from thin air as I think about how badass I look.


But with his Luck Of The Protagonist skill Rias and the others Arrived they all stood Infront of Issei protecting him which made me chuckle a bit because isn't it supposed to be the other way around? sigh Issei the beta male.

"You.... are not my Target" (MC)

I said coldly as ice began slowly forming around the room with everyone trembling slightly.

"But If you get in my way....." (MC)

I point Sentra at Rias.

"I will kill you" (MC)

Now most of them are Terrified except Rias but I can tell she knows she's fucked but I can tell Rias is just not showing on her face

"W- Who s-s Sent you?" (Rias)

Her voice with a slight hint of fear as she stutters.

"You have 2 choices, Leave and forget Issei ever existed..... or Die" (MC)

The Ice now turned into spikes as I force my overwhelming aura upon them Making all collapse Unconscious except Rias and Akeno barely holding on to consciousness.

"No..... Issei... ru-" (Akeno)

Before she could even finish her sentence I plunge Sentra into her heart killing her as Issei screams out.


Issei runs at me but as soon as he got close and activated his Holy Gear Rias still in the floor grabbed his leg stopping him before they both Teleported away, I look at the others still unconscious as a idea form in my head.

Why don't I use [Evil] and [Matter Of Darkness]?

[Matter Of Darkness]

[Omni God Skill]

It creates this matter to make a true evil source, which makes anyone who touches it become evil and about 1500x stronger. It depends on how evil that person was originally.



Makes Someone Evil and User can choose

what evil traits, personality, preferences,style whatever as long as it is defined as evil

If I use [Evil] and make a person A literal evil son of a bitch then I use [Matter Of Darkness] which makes a person evil and stronger depending on how Evil that were originally to make someone incredibly powerful and you guessed incredibly evil Let's test it on Koneko.

I walk up to her and use [Evil] as a black and purple liquid appears on my finger and drips unto Koneko before a a Black light covers her and then dissapearing appearance wise nothing happened but I can sense a dark energy in her and feel a strange connection to her I then use [Matter Of Darkness] and behold the same thing happened to when I made that one Suicidal Depressed Ginger Kid into a Demon (Check out the chapter Side Story: Rose On Fire Part 1 if your confused)

Her hair turns black same and her eyes turn Black with a red slit and she now has black panther ears and tail, she has a- actually I'll just show you the picture but imagine her eyes like I said.


She kneels to me with her had down arm to her chest.

"I thank you Master for turning me into your pawn as my greatest pleasure is to only serve you and I give myself and all I have to you my Master all I wish in Return is for me to forever serve you Master as this is all I want" (Koneko)

Damnnnnnnnnnn I guess this like how Ainz felt when the guardians professed their undying loyalty Although I know Literally all my servants,soldiers,people pretty much has the same or more loyalty and dedication but to see it openly admitted to me, wow just wow so After snapping out of my thoughts I look to Koneko- actually since she's evil and serving me now I'll give her a new name so from now on she will known as Nyx

"Put these on and take this sword" (MC)

I gave her these if you were wondering.

Mark Of Immortality

Able to give others a mark of Immortality and when that person dies can revive then as many time as the user wants the mark is a Tattoo Mark that can only be applied once and user will have to buy more to mark more people.

Arthur's Katana

A Golden Katana able to summon the might of all who fell to it and also summon fallen soldiers, Divine Holy Energy, Power Magnifies when in a battlefield or around fallen warriors, Able to enter any Heaven or Hell from all religions and Fiction, Immunity To Everything, Grants Wielder Absolute Immortality, Grants Wielder Royal Bloodlines and Powers.

Collar Of Fides

When a User puts a Collar Of Fides on someone that person will have Unending and Extreme Loyalty to whoever put the Collar on them The User can also has full control over The Person able to make them do anything also Able to change that person and even kill them with a simple command the collar can only be taken off by the User.

Ring Of Sins

Whenever the user commits any Sin a stat relating to that sin will gain 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 Example: User commits a sin relating to Lust Charisma will go up 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 The ring cannot be taken off.

Essence Of Time X7,000,000

A Hourglass that if broken will stop time and only people allowed to can move and only people with immense time Manipulation abilities while time is stopped, Time can go back normal whenever the user wants it to but it if left alone Time Will Resume after 1 Million Years.

Pass Limitless X7,000,000

A Black Glass Ball that when broken will allow the user to surpass their limits Infinitely for Around 5 Hours but After 5 hours if The Users Body Cannot able to contain that power then they will end up Either Dead Or Close To Death.

Cheating Death

A Black And Red Dagger that when stabbed into someone close to death will bring them back to life and also healing all Injuries,Diseases,Curses or any bad effect and their lifespan will also reset Example: If A persons lifespan was 70 years and they lived 50 years of their life if they were at death's door and brought back with Cheating Death they will still be 50 years old but their full lifespan aka 70 years will be Added on making them have 90 Years left they also tend to look younger but they can look older if they wanted to also when being brought back they can change their appearance/body but Anything else will remain the same.

Cloak Of Xeno

Wearer Gets Immortality, Invisibility, Super Strength, Super Speed, Invulnerability, Telesthesia Apportation, Kinetic Absorption, Clairolfactance, Disintegration, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Omni-Linguism, Mind Control, Memory Manipulation, Elemental transmutation, Scrying, Claircognizance, Power Augmentation, Empathy, Prophecy, Possession, Power Augmentation, Psychometry, Time travel, Clairsentience, Intangibility, Probability Manipulation, Cross-Dimensional Awareness, Clairgustance, Thoughtography, Retrocognition, Psychokinesis, Telesthesia, Kinetic Absorption, Apportation, Destruction and Reformation, Sound Manipulation, Power Sensing, Heat Vision, Freeze Vision, Innate Capability, Dimension Travel.

Legendary Angel,Demon,Mortal Form

3 Unique Legendary Forms the user can take and each grants unique Powers, Abilities and Skills.

Elemental God Of Darkness

Part of the 9 Elemental Gods this god controls Darkness and everything with it.

All of them were bought from the shop and given to Nyx I decided I'm going to have 9 Elemental Gods serving me and Koneko will the first she will be The Goddess Of Darkness there are 8 God's left to assign Lunar, Chronos, Ember, Cryo, Terra, Aero, Light and then Null I'll just choose people as I go along.

"You are no longer Koneko from now on you will be called Nyx" (MC)

"I am honoured, I shall treasure the name Master has given me and take pride in it for Master kindness knows no bounds hiving me All these valuable items and a new name I and truly humbled and grateful for such a Kind and Giving Master" (Nyx)

Woah there she REALLY likes fueling my god complex and I love it.

"Your first order as Nyx is to spy on Rias and everyone's else's peerage and also contact me when you've found one of my targets" (MC)

"Your Wish My Command" (Nyx)

Nyx Says before vanishing into a cloud of darkness as she goes to fulfill on her mission.

Well she didn't Fuel my god complex this time anyway after she leaves I convert the rest.

~A little bit of Timeskip in my mind! A little bit of Timeskip in my life!~

AN: I Hope some of you understood the song reference 😂 it's been stuck in my head😭 so yeah Timeskip 6 month's

It's been 6 month's and here's what happened... Next chapter