

This story is based in a world where zombie like creatures are taking over. Because of this,scientists have found a gene called the X gene which granted special abilities to it's bearers. The Main character is a boy who is forced by his parents to go to an academy to hone his skills and help fight in the war against these creatures.

Wickedworld · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


You know that moment when you just want to roll up in your blanket and sleep like there's no tomorrow? Yea, that was me the moment this whole game started but unfortunately I have to do it. I eyed Johny and looked at my teammate who just threw up some kind of.....wax? I was almost 100% sure it wasn't wax but it looked like it a lot and was hardening like wax, interesting. I noted that in my mind and took up a ball just in time to see Hope doing the same and throwing it at one of the girls who took a deep breath and screamed. Waves of what looked to be sound slowed, down the ball before sending it back at twice the speed towards Hope. 'Sonic screech, noted' I thought as the forcefield girl outstretched her hand and brought up a shield, stopping the ball and directing it towards another girl on the opposite team, hitting her as she was about to fire what looked to be some sort of light ray. "Ow!" she shouted as the ball hit her as she glared at forcefield girl but walked off the court. One of the guys got mad and outstretched his hands, taking up two balls and holding them up, "You're gonna pay for hitting my April" he said as he threw them at us. Hope intervened, catching them and sending them back "Can ya'll step it up" she asked as Miguel dodges the balls sent at him and bug dude threw up on some and sent them at Hope, "Use these" he shouted as Hope nodded and sent them at long limb dude, grinning as he got stuck in them, the wax thing sticking to him like glue and hardening. "Eugene, you're out. Go join your girlfriend on the benches" Coach said as Eugene sulked over to the benches with the balls still stuck to him.

"That's more like it team" Hope said as one of our opponents set a ball on fire and sent it towards us, "Forcefield" I called out and the girl went in front of us and made a shield but I was slightly worried as this shield was a bit shaky. I was about to call to Hope when the ball hit the shield, burning through it and hitting the girl. I winced as she flew back and slid a bit before stopping. "Aurora, you're out!" Coach shouted as Mist dude helped her up and was about to help her off the court when coach spoke up, "Only those who are out can leave the court". I sighed and looked at my remaining teammates and then back at Mist dude, "We got this, help her out" I said as he nodded and looked at coach. "I'm out" he said and with that left the court. I took up a ball and held it, thinking of a plan, "Azrael duck!" I heard as I did just that, heart beating fast as a ball flew past my head and into the wall, leaving a dent. "Got to keep your head in the game Casero" I heard Miguel taunt as he high fived his remaining teammate. "Yea? well I can at least keep my players in" I replied with a smile as his smirk faded from his face. I picked up a ball and he did the same, "This one is for you Casero" he said as he kissed the ball and threw it at me. 'No way in hell I'm touching that' I thought as I used the ball in my hand to hit his ball up. I then reeled my arm back and threw mine with all my strength and then looked up, turned around and did an Aerial cartwheel, kicking the other ball. Need I remind you that my legs were twice if not triple the strength of my arms? I heard a loud BAM as well as a series of gasps from my other classmates and turned around to find the pleasant sight of Miguel on the floor, with an angry ball mark on his forehead. "Andreas, take a seat" Coach announced as whispers began being heard as well as a series of giggles. Miguel punched the floor in anger and walked off the court, leaving only the fire powered one to deal with. "Any ideas?" I asked as the dude set fire to two balls and sent them at us. Hope caught one with her telekinesis and I kicked one away, jumping a bit as mine hit the bug eyed dude, making him pat his clothes. "My fault for being in the way I guess" He sighed as he hung his head low. I pat his back and kneeled down so I could look up at him. "Nah, this is my fault for not seeing you so don't beat yourself up" I said as he sniffled. "Yea but-" I cut him off and put a finger over his mouth, "It's both our fault so let's go with that" I said as he smiled and nodded. "Oh get a room!" Hope yelled out as she was struggling to hold on so much of the fire balls. Bug dude walked off the court and I went over to Hope. "Ready to end this bestie?" I asked.

"You know it bestie" Hope said as he held the balls in a row. I aimed and punched them towards the last opponent as he dodges. Hope kept on aligning the balls and I kept on punching them, our opponent getting tired until we no longer had any ammo left on our side. "Finish this bestie" I said as Hope outstretched her hand and made all the balls float around our opponent before she closed her fists and made them all hit him. "Ace, your OUT!" Coach yelled out as our classmates cheered loudly. Some of our opponents clapped bitterly while others straight up cursed each other, blaming them for their defeat. "I must say I'm impressed by your skills Casero, not ability wise but strategizing and working as a team, while Miss Pierre here seems to be teams spirit. Keep it up you two" he said as he walked away. Hope and I smiled at each other as our teammates walked towards us. "Um, would you two like to have lunch with us?" Forcefield girl asked nervously.

"What's in it for us?" Hope asked as I nudged her.

"I was kidding, geez, Yea we would love to" she replied rubbing her shoulder. They all smile and nodded, going to get changed. We went and did the same, meeting each other at the exit. Before we left I heard someone utter my name and turned around, seeing Miguel glaring at me. "He said from now on you two are rivals by the way" Hope said with a shrug. "...…..wait WHAT?" I exclaimed as she shrugged once more.

"And that next time you two see each other you're dead".

"Ah, f**k my life".

Y'll I'm so sorry that I've been gone for so long. My computer was not working and I just got a new one. Since I was gone for so long it might take me while to really connect with this novel again so please bare with me. I'm posting again tmrw as you guys deserve that much and once again I'm so sorry. Kindly leave what y'll thought of this chapter and stuff you'll like to see or be explained in upcoming chapters.

Wickedworldcreators' thoughts