

This story is based in a world where zombie like creatures are taking over. Because of this,scientists have found a gene called the X gene which granted special abilities to it's bearers. The Main character is a boy who is forced by his parents to go to an academy to hone his skills and help fight in the war against these creatures.

Wickedworld · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


'August 4, 2003. That's the exact day I was born. I can't say that my life was all dark and gloomy but it wasn't exactly sunshine and rainbows either. I guess you could say that it was both and yet neither. You see, a decade ago, a new form of flesh eating monsters rose from out of nowhere and started terrorizing humans, it was then that a new gene was discovered in people called the x gene that somehow gave them powers. Scientists from all over wondered what was this weird gene and how it works and thus, experimenting on humans began. How the gene works is still a mystery but I think I've grasped the gist of it. When someone has the x gene, it could be activated or in-activated. In-activated genes means that you're pretty much powerless. While the other activated gene would gerantee you abilities. If two activated x genes have a child, the child would automatically be a Powered. This is what we call people with the activated x gene. Normally they go to an academy to hone their skills and help to fight the war against these creatures. My name is Azrael Casero and standing in front of me are my parents who are forcing me to go to said academy'. "Ah F**k my life

Just thought that I would keep the intro short as a way to get ya'll blood flowing

Wickedworldcreators' thoughts