
Power Rangers Mystic Force

Magic is dangerous Five special individuals are given magical powers and have the same goal, to destroy The Master, a villain whom wants to destroy all good magic in the world and rule it with his dark magic Join the Mystic Rangers in their magical adventure to save the world

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5 Chs

Mystic Fate (i)

Long ago, there was a magical dimension full with colors and happiness then evil attacked. Five mystical warriors were chosen to fight this evil and stop them from entering into the human world. The bravest of the warriors cast a spell and sent the evil back to the depths and the gate to the under world was locked.

But, with great victory comes great lose and deaths. Till this day, the people living in the human world have no idea of the great sacrifice that was made to save them.


A motorcycle drives down the road and came to a stop at a sigh which read 'welcome to brairwoods'.

The cyclist takes off her helmet and push her right hand through her brown hair. She look at the city below

"So, that must be brairwoods." She says. The girl put her helmet back on and starts the motorcycle again, driving off into the city


Up till this day, evil still try to get into the human world. Only one warrior stands in their way. The white mystic ranger

"Ah" A white ranger yells slashing at the footsoldier closest to her. She kicks another

The white ranger holds her sword up

"Snow Staff" She calls the snow flake on the top glows white

All the footsoldiers turn to ice

The white ranger click her finger and they all explode

"Power down" the ranger says

Her suit dematerialize in a flash of white light revealing a woman in her late thirties with red hair packed in a unique way

The woman held her right hand which hurt. Clicking her finger again, she vanishes from sight

And the humans continue to life their life unaware of the danger that's to come



A girl with straight black hair walks around the record store with her digital camera

"Hey Xander, say hi to the camera" she says pointing the camera to a dark haired boy sitting on a red sofa.

The boy looks up from the magazine he is reading. He flashes a cocky smile at the camera and the girl smiles

Next she move to a boy with spiky strawberry blond hair. He was playing with a make believe sword and had his yellow sweater behind him like a cape

"On guard" he says holding the sword out at the girl

"Oh chip" the girl laughs and turns to the DJ stand. She point the camera at a girl who look a lot like her but with shorter hair. The girl has a head phone on and is nodding her head to the beat of the song she was listening too. She looks up

"Hey sis, come check out Nick Russell's new album" she says

The girl with the camera gasps and drop her camera

"It's out already?!" She asks her sister

"You bet Maddie. And it rocks" Her sister replies grinning and moving her body to the song

Maddie is about to climb up the three stairs to the platform when the front door to the record store opens

A man wearing swimming gears walks in

All four teenagers turned to him and walk to meet him at the door

"Toby, I thought you were taking the day off" Xander says

The man says something inaudible then pulled off his breathing mask

"Yes, as a matter of fact I was. I was swimming in the beach when a small blue fish swam up to my mask and asked; 'are your employees cleaning the store like they should?" Toby says and the teens chuckles at his silliness but Toby continues

"Now I've got to go back to the beach, find the fish and say NO!"

He walk past them into the store

"Don't worry Toby. I'll assign this guys to doing things like sweeping, cleaning" Xander says

Toby turns back to them

"You mean do the jobs I paid you guys for?" He asks slightly annoyed "Come on guys!" He exclaims and walks into his office

Xander turns to his friends

"Okay, you heard the Boss. Chip, throw out the trash. Maddie, sweep the ground and Vida, you re arrange the CD'S. Move it" he says and walks away



The white ranger appears at the base and staggers forward. Her young apprentice, Clare a girl with messy blond hair quickly rushes to her

"Udonna" she says and helps the woman sit on one of the six chairs surrounding a round table with a crystal ball on the middle

"Udonna, you're hurt" Clare says

"It's okay child. What's important is that the footsoldiers didn't get to the human world" Udonna says

"But mother, you can't keep doing this alone. We need to find the chosen five" Clare says in a concerned voice. The young apprentice rarely call the older woman Mother but when she does, it meant she was deeply concerned or excited

Udonna sighs and got up. She walked to a big book

"But the Xenotome haven't told us anything about them yet. We have to wait Clare. When the time comes, the legendary five will come" She says

Clare nodds once



Vida frowns at Xander who is sitting on the red sofa again with his magazine in hand. She drops the CD'S she was holding and walks up to him.

Standing behind the sofa, she pulls the red pillow his head was on away

Xander looked at her with a questioning look

"While Chip is taking care of the trash, Maddie is sweeping and I'm rearranging, what are you supposed to be doing?" Vida asks him

Xander sit up, a confident smirk forming on his lips

"I'm supervising and it's actually harder than it sounds." He gets up "It might look like I'm not doing anything but I'm actually very busy" he says and taps his head with his pointer finger "up here"

Vida scolds at him but before she could say anything, the building begin to shake

"Whoa" She says grabbing on to the sofa

"It's an earthquake!" Maddie yells getting to the ground

The door to Toby's office opens and he looked out looking anything but calm

"Everyone stay calm and remember the safety precautions"

The shaking gets worse

"Get under a table!" Toby exclaims going back into his office

"We're all going to die!" Chip exclaims excited throwing his hands in the air

Maddie grabs his leg

"Get down here" she said and pull him down

Location - Unknown

The girl on the motorcycle lost control of it cause of the shaking and fall over into the side of the road.

Location - Root cord

Clare gasps and grabs onto a chair.

Udonna holds unto the stand of the Xenotome. The base is shaking and things are falling off shelves

The shaking finally stops



Everyone in the record store slowly get back up on their feet after the shaking had stopped.

"I'm alive!" Chip exclaims happily

"Thank God for you" Maddie says with a groan. She dust off her black trouser

"Great, the store is even messier than before" Xander says looking around the store. Everything was scattered on the ground

"You would have thought that wasn't possible" Vida says sarcastically

"At least the building is still standing" Maddie says

Location - Unknown

The motorcyclist sits up on the grass and took off her helmet

She shakes her head making her hair move around

"First twenty minutes I'm in this town and there is already an earthquake?" She asks herself in disbelief "Told mom I didn't want to come here"

She gets up and pull up her motorcycle



Udonna finally gets her bearing

The Xenotome suddenly opens on it's own. Strange writings appeared on the book

Udonna read it and gasps

"Oh no"

"Mother, what's wrong?" Clare asks

Udonna look up from the book.

"There is a crack in the gate. A strong evil have slipped through." She said to Clare "It's time to call upon the five or four as it is"

Location - Unknown

An explosion occurrs and when the flames died down a knight walks out of the dust

"At last I'm free. It's time to conquer the human world" the knight says



Maddie, Xander, Chip and Vida are outside the rock poirum.

Maddie once again has her camera out

"After barely escaping death, the human species cope in so many different ways" she says

She points the camera at her sister.

"Some listen to music" Maddie says

Vida looks up from the magazine on her lap and grins at her sister. She's sitting on the back of her black truck and have her head phone on

"Others use physical activities" Maddie says moving her camera to Xander

Xander is doing some moves on his skate board. He jumps over a table and does a flip then lands on his skate board again

"Nice one Xander" Maddie cheers

Xander does a two finger salute and kept skating

Maddie turns her camera to chip

"And others eat?" She says in a questioning manner

Chip is stuffing his face with pizza

Maddie moves closer to him

"Tell us Chip Thorn, what type of pizza are you eating?" Maddie asks

Chip looks up at her and began talking with a slightly full mouth

"Chicken, pepperoni, cheese and chocolate marshmallows" he says pointing at each item on the pizza

Maddie moves her camera down so her face was visible. She has a disgusted look on her face

"Ewe" she said and moves away

"Well well, look at the motorcycle sis" She says holding her camera to the mysterious girl and her motorcycle which is packed in front of a huge tree on the opposite side of the street

"Whoa" Vida says jumping down from her truck

She cross the street and walk over to the girl

"Cool bike" Vida says

The girl jerks up startled

She sighs when she saw it was only another girl

"Thanks" she says "It was my brother's"

"Cool. Hi, I'm Vida, Vida Rocca. You're new around here? Haven't seen you around before" Vida says holding her right hand out for a handshake

The girl smiles and took her hand

"Yep, I'm new here and my name is...."

"Vida, stop being such a social butterfly and get back here. Toby is already yelling about cleaning the store again!" Xander yells from the other side of the street

"I'm coming!" Vida yells back and turns back to the girl

"Sorry, I've to go. You can come in if you want" She sayd

"No, I've to fix my bike and then head to my aunt's place but I might come around another time" the girl replies. She looks at the store and back at Vida

"It's a record store right?" She asks

"Yes. Rock Poirum" Vida replies

"I'll definitely come around then" The girl says

Vida nods and walks back to the store

Mystery girl bends back down to continue fixing her bike

An old man walks out of the woods. He looked disturbed and worried

"Help. Someone please help" He calls out

Soon enough, people are gather to hear what was the problem

"My brother and I went jogging when suddenly he was grabbed by an ugly creature. The creature took him into the woods just outside of town" The man says

Xander shakes his head

"You want someone to go into the woods?" He asks

The people shake their head and begin walking away

"Won't someone please help me?" The old man asks

"I will"

Everyone turns to the girl with her bike

She looks up from it

"I'll help you" she says

Xander looks at Vida and walks up to the new girl

"Hi, I'm Xander. You're new around here right? Which means you've probably not heard all the tales going on around here and there is only one. You go into those woods, you don't come back" he says with a serious voice

"I've heard of it" The girl gets up and looked Xander in the eyes "I don't buy it and besides, on one else in this town is willing to help the old man find his brother" she says

Xander is stunned by her reply

"I'll go too" Vida suddenly says confidently "Not everyone in this town is a coward"

Xander was about to say something to her but Chip beat him to it

"I'll go too" He exclaims

Xander shot him a disapproving look

"What?" I've always wanted to go on a dangerous quest" Chip says and turns to Vida

"This is a dangerous quest right?" He asks

"Perilous" she replies

"Sweet" Chip said

"Okay then, lead the way" Mystery girl says to the old man

After the four had left, Xander looks at Maddie

"Don't look at me. I'm the reasonable twin" she says raising her hands up



Motorcycle girl, Vida, Chip and the old man are about to enter into the woods when they heard car horning behind them

They turns to see Xander and Maddie get out of Vida's truck

"Xander, I told the the next time you drive my car..." Vida started

"You're going to kill me. I get it and besides you're going into the woods and never coming back. As if you'll ever see it again" Xander says walking up to them with Maddie "And Maddie asked me to drive her"

Vida turns to her twin sister

Maddie sigh

"You're my twin. Where ever you go.." she sigh a defeated sigh "..I'll go too"

The older man nods his head

"And so there are four" he said to himself

"Okay, if you guys are done with the chit- chat, can we keep moving? I've to get to my aunt's before night fall" the new girl says

Location - In The Woods

The six people get into the woods but before they could go any further, the old man stops them

"What now?" Xander asks with an exaggerated sigh

"Are you sure you want to go on? The woods is a dangerous place" The old man says

The new girl fold her hands over her chest and give the man a deeppanned look

"You ask a lot of questions for someone who's brother is in danger" she says "We're going"

"Very well" The old man says

The teens walk into the woods but the old man stay behind

They all pass through some sort of barrier

"Did any of you feel that?" Maddie asks pointing back

"No, wait. Where is the old man?" The new girl asks

The others look around but there was no sign of the man they were there to help

"Great. Ten minutes in the woods and we are already lost" Xander says

"Let's find a way out" Vida says

Location - Same

The five teens have been walking around the woods trying to find a way out to no avail

"This is crazy. We're stuck here and there could be a wild animal around" Maddie says

"You know, I've heard stories of a witch that lives in this woods. They say she's old and ugly with reptilian green eyes and scaly green skin and yellow tongue that drips yucky yellow slime" Chip says

The new girl stop and they turn to her

"You guys really don't believe in all that do you?" She asks "Guys, there is no such thing as witches"

"How would you know?" Xander asks

"Simple. Logic. I'm going to find a way out of here. You guys can stay and look for a witch" she says and walks away

"Hey..." Vida start to call for her but Xander pulls her back

"Let her go. We've got a problem of our own" He says staring straight ahead.

"What?" Vida asks confused. She look in the direction he is looking

"Holy" she gasps and hear the click from her sister's camera

"What the hell are those?!" Vida asks looking at the footsoldiers growling at them

"Guys, I think they're here for us" Xander says

"You think?" Vida asks him

The footsoldiers begin approaching. Her eyes widened

"Run!" She yell at the others and they turn back and begin running

"This is so exciting!" Chip says as he run

"Shut the hell up Chip!" Vida yells at him

After running for a few, they stop because the trees in front of them are blocking the path and the only way they could go in back

They turn back to the footsoldiers

"We're concerned" Maddie says

Suddenly, the footsoldiers turn to their right and the teens look to see what had caught their attention.

Standing there was a cloaked figure

"Huh?" Maddie asks

The person in the black cloth looks at the footsoldiers then the teenagers

With the wave of her wand, four flying brooms come out of no where and pick the humans before flying off

The woman turns her attention to the footsoldiers

She raises her wand up and the top glows white.

The footsoldiers explodes in a flame of fire



Screams could be heard from the teens as they hold onto the brooms trying not to fall off

They came close to a very tell tree

"Wow, that's one huge tree!" Chip exclaimes being the only on who wasn't scared

The brooms suddenly disappeare and the teens are falling. They land on the ground and groan

"That hurt" Maddie says as they got up dusting off their cloths

"Now I know why no one comes into the woods" Xander says and looks around when he sees the woman in the black cloak

"Um guys" He says

The others look and gasp

Xander turns behind them and sees what looked like a dragon head with it's mouth open

"In here" he says and they rush into the dragon mouth and it close

Location - Root cord

Maddie, Vida, Chip and Xander all tumble out of an elevator when it open

They turn around and look at their surrounding

"Wow" Chip says. He walked to where the flying brooms were

"Hey guys, look. It's those flying brooms thingys that took us" he says pointing at them

"Okay, where are we?" Vida asks

"Welcome" A voice call startling them. They turn to where the Xenotome was an see the woman from before

She takes off her black cloak and reveal herself

"I'm Udonna and this is Root cord" she says smiling at them

"Hey, you're that woman from earlier" Vida says

"I am. I thought it's best you're brought here. The woods could be a dangerous place" Udonna says

Xander steps forward

"Hi, I'm Xander. It's a really nice place you've got her. Very .." he looks around and taps the table "...Woody"

Udonna smiles at him

"I know who you are Xander Bly. I know who you all are" she says

Xander nods with an awkward smile and turns back to his friends

"She knows who we are?"

"When you four enter into the woods, you crossed into a magical dimension" She says to them

"A parallel dimension outside of Brairwoods?" Chip asks "Do we leave in a great city or what?!"

"A few years ago there was a great battle in our world and dark magic conquered our realm and was about to enter your dimension when we finally defeated them and sent them back to the underworld but with a great cost. The gate was sealed with a powerful spell. However during the recent earthquake, a crack appeared in the gate and evil have slipped through"

Xander raise his hand and Udonna nods at him

"Hey, remember me? Xander?" Xander asks "Well I was wondering, what does this have to do with us?"

"It could be the end for both our worlds" Udonna replies. She walks up to the Xenotome

"The Xenotome" Udonna says "The book of the unknown. In it is all that we do not know"

Suddenly, writings appeare on the blank space of the book

The others walk up to her and the book

"What kind of language is that? I don't think I've ever seen it before" Maddie says

Udonna looks at her

"It's the writing of the ancients. With time, you'll learn to read it" she says before turning back to the book "It says, when evil rise, five mystical warriors, the successors of the previous mystic warriors will step forward. You're those warriors. You're the power rangers"

"Oh nice" Chip says

Maddie frown

"Wait, did you just say successors?" She asks Udonna and the others realize it too

"You mean our parents..."

".. we're the previous mystic warriors. Your mom was the pink ranger and dad the Blue ranger" she says to Maddie and Vida. Udonna looks at Chip

"Your mother was the yellow ranger" she says and looks at Xander "Your father was the green ranger"

"Okay, that's impossible. My father died in a car accident" Xander says in disbelief

"No. It all had to be a secret. Your parents didn't want you or anyone else to know the real cause of their death so I used magic to fake them. The only one who survived was Melissa, Vida and Maddie mother but she lost all of her magic and was badly injured" Udonna said and looks at the heartbroken teens "I'm sorry. I lost my husband, son and sister to that battle too" she says

"Oh.." Maddie starts but stop. She didn't know what to do or say

"But no time to think of the past now. Evil have risen again and it's time for you four to carry on your parents legacies" Udonna says

Xander clears his throat

"I personally would love to but how are we supposed to defeat pure evil?" He asks and the others nod in agreement to his question

Udonna takes out four magic wands and hand it to them. She gives Xander the green wand, Vida pink, Maddie blue and Chip yellow

"Those are your magic wands, do not go anywhere without them" Udonna says

Vida is about to say something when the sound of running footsteps is heard

They turn to see Clare run in looking worried

"Mother. Udonna" she calls

"Clare, child. What's the matter?" Udonna asks

"Udonna..." Clare stops when she sees the rangers "oh...hi there" she said and turns back to the sorceress and whispers in her ear

Udonna look concerned

She turn to the rangers

"You must stay here until I return. Do not go into the woods by yourself" She warns and disappears with the click of her finger

"Cool" Chip says

Clare snaps her finger repeatedly

"I wish I could do that. I practice and practice but nothing." She says and turns to them again

"Oh, um, hello again. I'm Clare, sorceress in training here at Root cord"

Xander smiles at her

"Hi. I'm Xander" he says

"Where did Udonna go?" Vida asks

"Oh there is trouble" Clare says

"Really? I want to see" Chip says

Maddie looks at her friends

"We all better go" she says to them

"Oh, no!. You guys can't go. Udonna said to wait here until she returned" Clare says stopping them

"I just want to see what's going on" Chip says

"Oh no, this is not good. I know, I'll conjure up a spell that will freeze you where you stand untill Aunt Udonna comes back" Clare says and lift her hands up

"Um..Corum Oviat Detrob" she says and suddenly turns into a sheep

The others giggle and walk away, taking their wands with them

"Oh boy, Auntie Udonna is go to be so ma-a-ad at me" Clare says going after them



"Come on" Vida yells to the others as they ran through the woods

"Look" Maddie says using her wand to point at the destroyed village

They got closer and saw beings with wings and others with pointy ears or nose

"Who are they?" Xander asks

On hearing his voice, Udonna turn to them but she didn't seam very surprised

"I should have known you guys wouldn't stay at Root cord" she says

"What happened here?" Maddie asks

"Woodland village was destroyed. Tomorrow it will be another. The evil destroys everything in it's path untill they finds what they seam" Udonna replies

"What are they looking for?" Chip asks

"Me" Udonna replies "Then they'll come for you four"

One of the mystical creatures look at them and gasped

"It's them. It's them!. The protectors are here! Hail, the mystic force" he exclaims

"Hail" the villagers chant

"I always wondered what it would feel like to be worshipped" Xander says grinning and Vida rolls her eyes "It's not so bad" Xander says

Suddenly, a monster appears and roars. The villagers scream and ran for their lives.

The rangers turn to look at the intruder. The new rangers gasp

"That's... that's bad" Xander says

The monster roars at them and Udonna steps forward. Although she was still hurt from her previous battle, she was still ready to fight

"Take out your wands" she says to the others holding out her white wand

The teens do as told

"Thank goodness we didn't leave them behind" Chip says

"Magical source, mystic force!" Udonna call lifting her wand to the sky. She morphs

"Mystery of Ice, White Mystic Ranger!" She says

" Now..that's...that's cool" Vida says

Udonna took out her sword

"Staff mode" she says then point her weapon at the monster

"Fire!" She says and fires at it

Hidiacs (the footsoldiers) surrounds them

"Guys, we have company" Maddie says

"You guys go. I'll handle this one" Udonna says to them and charges at the monster

Chip look around. They were completely surrounded

"I say we have two choices. We can surrender and be destroyed" he says

"Or we fight?" Maddie asks

"Our parents didn't surrender. Neither will I" Vida stated ready to fight

"No no no" Xander says stopping her "There's a third option. Plan Xander. I'm going to reason with them" he says and step forward

"Huh?" Vida ask the others confuse

"Hi, I'm Xander. We're not really from this part eh, so if it's okay with you, we'll just be heading in another direction" Xander say to the footsoldiers

One close to him kicks him and her fall on the ground

Chip and Maddie quickly help him up

"I guess we fight"

They nodded at each other and run off in different directions.

Xander kicks a footsoldier and moves to punch another but it dodge and one kick him from behind sending him flying into a table

Chip duck from a punch. He punch a hidiac but it hurt his hand. The hidiac grabb him and throws him away

Maddie kicks a footsoldiers. She ducked and got back up. She movs to grab one but it kicks her and she falls

Vida yells as she kick a footsoldier. She grabbed another's hand and twisted it throwing it on the ground. She was about to hit another but she was punched on the shoulder then kicked from behind

Udonna turn to the fallen rangers

"Just remember. To use magic, all you need to do is believe in magic!" She yells at them before turning back to the monster

"Snow Staff, sword mode" she calls and her staff turn into a sword

She begins fighting again

Chip stagger backwards and lean against a tree. He is slightly out of breath

"What did she say? To use magic, all I need to do is believe in magic!" He says and the footsoldiers charges at his. His eyes widen

"I do believe!" He yells and raised his wand to the sky "I believe in magic!"

The top of his wand glows yellow and produce lighting blots firing at the footsoldiers. They get electrocuted and destroyed

"It work!" Chip exclaims "Guys, the magic really works! Just believe!"

Xander is on his back. He lift his wand and closed his eyes

"I believe! I believe in magic!"

Huge Vines shot out from the ground and attack the hidiacs destroying them

"I believe in magic!" Maddie says holding her wand at the footsoldiers

Water shot out of it washing the hidiacs away

"I believe! I believe!" Vida says holding her wand with both hands

She suddenly became a huge tornado. She attack the Hidiacs blowing them away

She lands on the ground

"Whoa, I'm a tornado but I'm pink" she said "I hate pink"

Udonna jumps away from the monsters huge fist

"Snow Staff, ice power!" She yells and the monster turned to ice

She clicks her finger and it was destroyed

"You're iced! Power down" she says and de-morphs

The rangers ran up to her

"Well we'll, very nice" she says impressed "You truly are the once. Are you up for the task? Are you ready to carry on your parents legacies? Your legacy?"

"Oh, yeah. Bring it on" Chip says excited

"I'm in. I kicked some serious evil back there" Vida says proudly

Maddie smiles

"This is unlike me but-- I'm sticking with my sister" She says and Vida hugs her

"Someone's got to look over this guy's right?" Xander asks and the others laugh. Vida ruffles his hair with her hand

Udonna heats footsteps

"Clare?" She asks

"Here I a-am" Clare says walking out of the bushes

Udonna gasp

"Oh child, when will you get your spells right?" She asks

The others laugh and giggle

Suddenly, a symbol appear on the ground and the knight from earlier raise from it

Everyone turn around and look at him

"You may have defeated my hidiacs but you will not defeat me. Wolf Attack!" He says and fires at them from his hand

The rangers get hit. They scream and fall on the ground. Clare runs off into the woods

The knight laughs

"It's the end for you all"

To be continued.....

First episode done.

I hope you like it

I added a new character, BLADE. What do you think of her so far? She might replace NICK.

Another new character coming next chapter.

Please vote and leave a comment

With much love and kisses



Thu, May 20 2021

So today is by friend's first birthday. Wish him happy birthday with be

chronikles_contentcreators' thoughts