
Power Over Me

"That's what love does... It makes you want to rewrite the world. And when it's just the two of you, alone in a room. You can pretend it's the truth, that this could be your future." Ella's life changes completely after she meets Dominick Carter in a bar. From there, the decisions she makes and the discovery of things she didn't know about her family and the people around her that make her question everything she believes in.

4C1D5T0RM · Fantasia
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2 Chs

I - Lose Control

The rising sun is reflected in the motorcycle's rearview mirror as brightly as it is on the men's helmet. Dew slowly drips from the leaves onto the ground, heralding the onset of the morning. No one notices him there, watching the waves crash against the beach, thinking about a future he can't have...

He already loved once. A woman with dark hair, black skin, and brown eyes. They were friends before they were anything else, the best way to start a relationship, and probably the worst way to end one. One would assume that one was perfect for the other and perhaps this could have been true, in a distant dream. But that was before she fell in love with someone who didn't exist.

For weeks he thought about what that meant. How it should be? Fall in love with someone you don't know exists? How should it look from an outsider's point of view? Being in a relationship, happy and loving, but you can't feel those things?

Taking a deep breath, he tucked the Moleskine into his backpack and put on his helmet, remembering it wouldn't do any good. And if there was one thing his job could use, it was the anger building up in his chest.