
I got you!

" It's already 10 o'clock billie ! your brother is about to leave . You are going to be late again!

How many times do i have to tell you that you must sleep early so you can woke up early too! "

" Goodbye,Grandpa . I have to go now! Iloveyou.

It's absolutely a great friday. Her 64 years old grandfather who always scolded and yelling morning calls towards her. His time is always advance since they don't have a new clock to buy. She only have her phone and can easily monitored what time is it and it is actually 7 o'clock in the morning. It feels so annoying everytime she reminded for her grandfather but she believed that her grandfather cares a lot for her.

She is Billie, 21 years old girl and a 4th year college student now. One of her issues in her life is that she don't have a boyfriend since she broke up with a guy 6 years ago. It's quite long time so she pressure herself to find someone who can make her feel love and inspired everyday. She believed that one day they will meet by the destiny.

While she's walking on the road while listening to the beat of the music that usually can make her dance. She really loves music and dancing is her passion.It makes her feeling so bright and graceful.While she's dancing there is one guy at her back who laugh at her. She heard it but she doesn't care about it. She just feel the beat of the music while making steps on her feet. It was really a great day!

" Hooooo! Thanks God it's friday. I am so excited to have fun tonight with my friends! . She shouted along the way.

But suddenly,

" Splaaaaaaassh!

She slipped to the groud. She can't move and she can't talk .It seems that she can't open her eyes widely and she can only see the blury things. Her head is aching and she can stand up.

She heard the voice of a guy who called her name and she wakes her up. But she can't open her eyes and she thought that she was dreaming so she pulled the guy towards her. She's still lying on the ground and trying to look the guy clearly but she can't identify him. He doesn't looks familiar to her and one thing she have noticed is that why this man already knows her name.

" Are you okay Billie? Do you need help?

" Who are you! How did you know my name! Are you my stalker ! "

" Hey . please calm down and let me hold your hand so that you can stand up "

" No! I don't need your help ! leave me alone. I can handle myself !

She tries to get up .

"How did you know my name? "

"I'm just .. Looking at your Identification Card that is why ..

" Ah . ha?

She felt so embarrass of what she have said to him so that she stand up and act like a crazy girl that knows nothing.

" You know what i'm always waiting for you! What took you so long my dear? I've always think of you ! Why did you do this to me? I'm begging you please come back to me! Please! Come back to me I'm begging you .

She knelt to the ground. All the people are looking at them. The guy took his hand and told her to stop. But Billie is good at this way inorder that she will escape this guy.

" I will never leave you again , I promise.