
Potter's luck

Plot: When the last descendant of the Peverell family cries out for help, two beings answer his call: one is a legendary sorceress, and the other is the goddess of death, among tags: sex, immortality, space, personification of death, relationship development, other planets, group sex, dystopian themes, alternate universe, imaginary beings, educational institutions, femslash elements. Advanced Chapters: pat reon.com/FanFictionPremium

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51 Chs

Chapter 24


Standing at the window and watching the surroundings of Hogwarts, Morgana crossed her arms behind her back and remained silent for a while. Narcissa Malfoy, who was sitting in a chair, eyed her older sister warily. Since her 'husband' had gone to Europe on some important business, and although Narcissa knew full well that Lucius had gone to his lover, she had to take care of the man while listening to her sister's grievances with Draco.

The blonde-haired sorceress had realised since her marriage that her relationship with Lucius was a sham, but Narcissa couldn't run away like Andromeda. For a while, the woman hoped that she would be allowed to raise her son as the pureblood heir of two families, but alas, that didn't last long. When Draco was 7 years old, Lucius took him away and began to bring him up in his way, so that soon the boy became excessively arrogant, narcissistic and arrogant. With each passing year, Draco became more and more estranged from his mother. Both Malfoys did not consider the woman's opinion. True, Lucius was still wary of raising his hand to Narcissa - she was Black by birth. But despite that, the man was making the witch's life completely unbearable, and her son's antics were making Narcissa even more nervous. And now, sitting in the headmistress' office, Narcissa listened to everything Bella was telling her. Morgana stood at the window and looked out at the street in silence.

The blonde-haired third-year student in the room was not about to repent, for Malfoy's pride was quite high. The teen stood with his head proudly raised and looked contemptuously at his mother, who was trying to protect him in some way. But Malfoy, who had been brought up in a spirit of excessive misogyny, ignored his mother in every possible way.

- What do you have to say for yourself, Mr Malfoy?" - Bella finished talking to her sister and turned her attention to her nephew. However, the latter continued to act as if he was the king of the world and everyone else was a mongrel.

- I did as you asked, Professor, amusingly presenting the boggart. And besides..." Malfoy started to speak but was interrupted by the woman.

- No, look at him. He doesn't even think about apologising, narcissistic, petty..." Bellatrix was beginning to worry.

- Come on, Auntie, any pureblood witch shouldn't be ashamed of her body, and besides, as heiress to the ancient and respected Malfoy family, I'd like to say that it's high time Professor Le Fey found herself a pureblood wizard to marry and become his subordinate, as befits any decent wizard... - smirked the third year girl.

- Draco - standing up from her seat, Narcissa tried to calm her son down before he made more trouble. However, the spoilt teen ignored her.

- Shut up, woman, I am the heir to the family and you have no right to cross me," the third year student's words were like a slap in the face for Narcissa, and falling back into her chair, the blonde-haired woman couldn't get a word out.

- Mr Malfoy, I will not allow you to behave like that to your mother," Morgana finally spoke, turning to the blonde Slytherin.

- Professor, the way I speak to a member of my kind is none of your business," the teenager tried to shout.

- You little brat, you dare to snap at the headmistress! - Bellatrix hissed furiously, pulling her wand out of her pocket.

- Bella calm down," Morgana said, placing a hand on the Slytherin Dean's shoulder. She then looked at the silent Malfoy carefully.

- 'And as for you, young man, in the space of a few minutes you've managed to seriously insult not only me but your mother as well. Your upbringing leaves a lot to be desired. And another thing," Morgana turned around sharply and, instantly, threw a bright beam of a spell at Malfoy, sending the teenager flying and throwing him back against the wall.

- It is not for you, you spoilt brat, to tell me what I should do or discuss my status. I'll decide for myself who and when I get involved with, and certainly not with a pure-blooded bigot like you.

- Only hereditary wizards are better than shitty half-bloods and mudbloods," Malfoy said and immediately felt a great deal of pain. Morgana was a commoner by birth and would not have tolerated such treatment. But she wasn't going to say it out loud.

- So, for total disrespect to her mother and all wizards in general, as well as xenophobic remarks, I am stripping the Slytherin faculty of all points for this term. Furthermore, Mr Malfoy, under no circumstances will you be made head boy not only of the faculty but of the school as well. I guarantee you that. And Professor Black will use you in duels during DADA lessons all the time." As Morgana spoke, Malfoy hovered in mid-air and stared in horror at his aunt who was looking at him with a wolfish grin.

After Malfoy had returned to the faculty lounge, many of his fellow students, who had learnt that thanks to a certain white-haired ferret, their department had fallen below Hufflepuff in the inter-school competition, losing the lead to Gryffindor, had given Malfoy a serious beating. As a result, he ended up in the school infirmary. Soon Draco almost completely lost influence in the faculty. But the teenager did not change his behaviour. After the conversation in the Headmaster's office, Narcissa returned to Malfoy Manor, quickly packed all her things and with Harry's permission moved in with her sister in Potter Manor. Sirius, after hearing from Narcissa how things were going at her house, decided to break the Blacks' prenuptial agreement with the Malfoys.


Third-year students loved the Defence Against the Dark Arts class. Except some individuals, like Draco Malfoy, would say nasty things to the professor, but quietly and not during class.

After the boggart, the third-year students fought the Redmen. These ferocious dwarves were found wherever blood had once been shed - in the cobwebbed corners of castles, in the ravines of battlefields - and used their clubs to kill lost travellers. Then we studied the creeping watermen. They were like monkeys, only with scales, living in ponds and strangling with their webbed feet anyone they could lure to them.

Every day Harry became more and more immersed in his studies, especially since his homework on Ancient Runes and Arithmancy was very extensive and interesting at the same time. Therefore, Harry spent most of his free time in the library, and as a result, Potter's time to socialise with friends was drastically reduced. However, something curious soon happened. One day during dinner in the Great Hall, Harry received two gifts. The first curl was excessively long and bulky, and the second was the opposite. Applying a diminishing spell, Harry removed the strange gifts from the table. Potter didn't want any unnecessary attention drawn to him again.

Returning to his room and closing the door, Harry returned the presents to their normal size. Opening the first package Harry found a new model of the Nimbus 2001 flying broomstick, and in the second package was a book on the Dark Arts called '1000 Ways to Destroy an Enemy'.

Potter immediately realised who exactly had sent him these gifts. Harry smiled slightly: his godparents were in their repertoire. If Sirius loved Quidditch, flying and all sorts of pranks, Bellatrix was a true expert in Dark Magic, not for nothing was she the only witch in Western Europe to have a Master's degree in the Dark Arts.


After his last lesson, Harry went to the library to find a book on anti-dementor spells. It was exactly what the teenager wanted to study. After a few minutes of searching, Potter found the book he wanted. Sitting down at the far table, the Slytherin began reading the textbook until he found the paragraph he wanted.

≪ A Patronus is a magical creature summoned by the spell "Expecto Patronum". It serves as a defence against Dementors and Smerkut. It can be expressed as a simple cloud of silvery vapour, or it can take various forms (the so-called "corporeal patronus"). "Bodily Patronuses" usually take the form of some animal corresponding to the character of the wizard who summoned it. In "combat conditions" Patronuses can only be summoned by a strong, experienced wizard, as it is a very complex magic. To summon Patronus, you need to recall the happiest memories, otherwise you will get nothing but a flash of light. Patronus summoning charms are very ancient, it is not known when they were invented. The shape and size of the Patronus do not affect its power. There have been cases where a Patronus in the form of a tiny mouse has driven away a pack of Dementors. In addition, the shape of the Patronus can change during the life of a sorceress or wizard. There are known examples of the Patronus changing shape as a result of bereavement, when a person falls in love, or when there is a profound personality change. Some sorceresses and wizards cannot create a Patronus at all until they have experienced psychological turmoil.≫

After finishing his reading, Harry decided to try and start practising Patronus summoning over the weekend. But first, the teenager decided to get a little distraction. Leaving the library, Potter headed to one of the courtyards where he spotted Malfoy trying to harass Daphne.

- 'Leave me alone, Malfoy,' the blonde hissed, but the narcissistic Slytherin wasn't listening to her.

- 'Greengrass, when a pureblood mage like me speaks to a sorceress, she should listen to him carefully,' Malfoy said, squeezing his companion's hand tightly.

- Let her go, Malfoy!" said Harry firmly, heading towards his fellow students.

- 'Get out of here Potter, I'm talking to my fiancée,' Draco said.

- 'Malfoy, I'd rather give myself to a Muggle than date someone like you,' Daphne said firmly.

- I'll get you," the white-haired Slytherin tried to hit the girl.

- Don't touch her, Malfoy! I said don't touch her! - Using a repulsion spell, Harry threw Malfoy back a few metres.

Daphne quickly scurried off to the side and Harry slowly approached Draco, who was trying to get up off the ground. Without giving him a chance, Potter kicked Malfoy in the body, causing the blond to bend further and fall to the ground.

- Potter, I..." Malfoy got up off the ground and tried to attack Harry from behind, but just like last time, Bellatrix intervened. Walking around the patio, Black saw her foolish nephew trying to attack her godson from behind again.

- 'Malfoy, I don't think that didn't help you last time,' the dark-haired witch hissed, knocking her wand out of her student's hands, 'then I'll have to repeat the lesson.

Taking the blond by the scruff of the neck, Bella led Malfoy out of her office. Watching this, Harry smiled contentedly and continued his walk with Daphne.