
Potestas Academy: Xino Ryu

Xino Ryu is a 14 year old boy who has been isolated in a white room his whole life. When he finds out he’s secretly a powerful hero and being sent to the Academy for heroes in training, strange things begin to occur

Evaandlills · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


What would you do if someone told you that superheroes are real? That regular people like you and me could be more than just that. Well, I'll tell you a story of a school on a planet not too far from our own. The school was none other than the most prestigious academy for young superheroes in training, children born with special powers. They work hard in their secret school, training hard each and every day to meet their true abilities.

But our story starts somewhere else. A small house in the suburban land of Liarenare. A boy with special abilities lived inside this town under his parents' protection. Nobody could find out about these strange powers, not until they understood them themselves.

Xino stared blankly at the white walls of his room, plain and boring they were. His parents refused to give him anything colorful. Despite his pleas and cries they would never allow him any creativity, it was "dangerous". Of course, he never understood why he was dangerous. Xino was born with a special power, one that nobody could know about. Thus why today was a very special day.

"Xino!" That same stern voice he heard everyday at exactly twelve o' eight pm. His life never differed from the usual routine. Wake up at eleven in the morning, get dressed and showered before twelve, and stare at the wall until twelve o' eight. He never had time to do anything else.

Xino stood from his bed, orange eyes covered by his jet black hair. He sighed in annoyance as he stepped out his bedroom door, into the place he compared to as prison. Everything was white. The walls, the furniture, even the food. It was the same thing everyday, a blank canvas with nothing to draw. That was Xino's life. He was meant to be an artist ever since he was born, but the danger that came with his art was too much for the world to comprehend.

"Good-" He started before his mother fell into his arms, her dark hair a mess along with her white dress.

"Xino…I hope you are treated well.." She sobbed, his father entering behind her. This wasn't his usual routine.

"Father?" His voice shook as he stared in shock at his mother. This was the most real she had ever looked. His father gave him a sad smile as he got closer.

"Xino, my only child. You were given power and now that you have finally turned fourteen I think it is time you learn how to control it."

Everything seemed to stop as he stared at his parents. Powers? What was that supposed to mean? His father tried his best to explain, Xino's head spinning with every new question. Soon enough, his mother pulled out some cards. As he inspected them he noticed each card was a different color. Red to purple and every shade in between. His eyes couldn't leave the different colors. He could only remember the faint glimpses of color from outside his parents' windows, which were always covered. This was something different, he felt different.

His mother smiled as she told him of each color, teaching him new words and things he would have never known. His mother, who used to be an artist herself, looked so happy for the first time in a while. Xino couldn't remember the last time she talked about art, it had been years.

"Xino, your mother and I have agreed on something for you." His father finally interrupted.

"What is it?"

"You will be going to school. The most prestigious superhero school in all of the world."

Xino couldn't remember the last time the sun touched his skin. His mother had made him wear three layers of sunscreen and he could still feel the burning. But that was the least of his worries. This was the first time he had been outside ever since he was a baby. He couldn't remember the trees being so green and the sky being so blue.

So many ideas were filling his brain. He wanted to paint the world. He didn't have time for that, of course. He was supposed to be on the bus and taken to the school. Which led him to his first problem. There was no bus to this so-called "superhero school" in their town. The temptation to ask around was lingering within him, but he had never spoken to anyone besides his parents. All he had was his white attire and the suitcase in his hand.

His parents had to say their goodbyes early as he left, most people in the town didn't even know of his existence. Xino barely noticed the strange looks he was getting as he admired the world for the first time. His eyes were starting to hurt from all the new things he was exposed to, he wasn't sure this was safe. He felt as though the white of his home had drained his sanity and his ability to converse. He was lucky to have had his parents or he may have gone insane.

"Excuse me, are you Xino Ryu?" A smooth and serious voice spoke from behind him. He turned around with a small jump as he looked up at the owner. The man was at least seven feet tall, wearing a sparkly gold uniform that went well against his dark skin.

"Y-ye-yes." The boy stammered, fearful. The man laughed and gave him a gentle smile.

"You are smaller and skinnier than most, you know? Come on, the bus is waiting!" The man turned and started walking towards the bus stop, but as far as Xino could tell, there was no bus. He barely even knew what a bus was.

The man kept walking, and Xino couldn't keep up. He hadn't walked this far..ever. He was about to question the man when he took a step up and disappeared. Xino let out a small gasp as he looked around. What?

"Hurry up, kid! Registration is in six hours and it takes an hour to get there!"

Xino tried his best to find the voice, but he was nowhere to be found. Finally, he took a step forward and found what seemed to be a step. He took another one and found himself in what looked to be the fanciest bus in existence. So many colors and lights. It was almost too much. There in front of him was the man, sitting criss cross and scrolling through a phone. Xino had only ever seen his father use a phone for work.

He took a deep breath and sat down, taking in his surroundings. There was a mixture of love and hate flowing through him and deciding on one or the other didn't seem to be an option. He wanted to see every color the world had to offer, but he also wanted to hide back in his blank mindspace where everything was familiar. He was going off track, off track was bad, and he didn't like it. It wasn't normal to see so many new things, everything was so foreign.

It wasn't long before he found himself falling asleep. Taking in so much had drained him of all energy. As much as he wanted to stay awake, he needed rest. There would be a lot more for him to learn soon enough. It was going to be his first time in a real school, first time seeing people his age and being free to do as he pleased. He wouldn't have to follow the same exact schedule every single day, despite his class order of course. This was a new beginning for Xino, and he was going to be well rested to experience it.

When Xino woke up he was in a bedroom. It wasn't his normal bedroom, no. This one was very different. For one thing, the walls weren't white. They were a very dark blue with glow in the dark stars covering it in the shape of his name. Along with the stars there were canvases all around the room, paint and pencils everywhere. He admired each color so perfect in their places before deciding he hated the organization.

He quickly stood and began spreading things out, spilling some paint on his clothes in the process. He noticed the floor was as white as the snow, and that wouldn't do. If this was his home now, it needed some color. He took a purple paint bucket and splattered some on the floor, an artistic painting made by him. His first piece of art. He continued, mixing white with blue until it was a baby color and adding some more splatters, doing the same with pink and yellow. He added pastel greens and oranges to the mess on his floor until it was exactly how he wanted it.

His first masterpiece, and it was beautiful. He then took the stars off his wall and hopped up on his bed, jumping up and down to place them all in a mess on his ceiling. Soon enough, the room came to life. He did need some more furniture, of course. His bed was plain and the wardrobe didn't quite match his style, but he could figure that out another time. He walked over to the mirror by his wardrobe, checking out his outfit. It was covered in paint splatters just like the floor, his pale skin the same. He found himself smiling brightly, perfect.

Once Xino finished admiring his outfit, he got to work again. He moved his bed to the corner and the wardrobe right at the end. He painted little stars and hearts all over it, the white coating making it much easier to see. He then moved his bags and clothes into the wardrobe, stepping back to check on his work. The room was beautiful, in a messy but neat sort of way. Paper and paint all over the floor and bottom of the walls, stars on the ceiling, and light streaking in through his window.

Xino had never been so happy before, his mind was running with ideas. He could try and get a desk to put in the other corner and maybe a bean bag. He was so excited, a new sensation overflowing. Then, he heard a knock. He turned around and smeared the paint off his face, hoping he didn't look insane. He opened the door slowly, peaking out and meeting someone else's blue eyes.

"Hello roomie!" The person jumped up and down, a smile forming quickly. Their hair was a pastel green and skin hazelnut. They were wearing what looked to be the school's uniform, a brown jacket and red tie with pants.

"U-um hi." Xino whispered, opening his door just a little more. The person peered in and gasped in surprise, immediately running in and not noticing the wet paint on the ground.

"Careful, you'll get your shoes messy."

"That's fine! I love your room, it looks so cool and very artsy! My name is Leaf, by the way!" Leaf beamed as he looked around the room, Xino's smile coming back quickly.

"Thank you, I did it just now. My name is Xino.."

The two talked a little bit, Leaf going on about how he was super excited for the new school year. Xino lightly mentioned how he'd never been to school, grabbing the green-haired boy's attention pretty quickly. In only a matter of ten minutes, Xino felt as though Leaf knew everything about him. It wasn't saying much though, he'd been trapped in the same white house for the past eight years. Soon enough the two went downstairs, Xino excited to explore the rest of the dorm.

The living room was a nice blue theme along with the kitchen, a nice and open feel to the house. Leaf's room was covered in plants, his floor all the way to his bed. It was as if the foliage was growing out of the ground and surrounding his room. Leaf didn't have time to explain though as they heard someone entering the house. Leaf squeaked and ran out to check who it was, Xino slowly following behind him. They both watched from behind the wall as a tall guy wearing cyan and black entered the dorm.

"Hello?" Leaf asked, stepping out into the main area. It was just the living room which hadn't yet been decorated much.

"Oh, hey! Are you Leaf or Xino?" The guy asked, pulling off his jacket to reveal a t-shirt that said King Of The Sea in blue letters. Leaf smiled and waved for Xino to come out.

"I'm Leaf and this is Xino, you must be Alon!"

"That is me, it's nice to meet you both." Alon smiled and walked over, looking around the place. His hair was dark, not like Xino's, but pretty close. His eyes were hazel and they glistened in the light.

"Hey." Xino waved before turning around to step out onto their balcony. He assumed they were on a hill, the view of trees was breathtaking. Their dorm had three stories, a basement, a second floor and then the main floor.

"So, what are your powers?" Leaf said, making dramatic hands while saying "powers". Alon chuckled and held out his hand, a bubble of water floating around it. Leaf gawked while Xino stared in amazement. He knew he was here because of his powers, but he'd never really comprehended that they existed.

"So cool! I make plants grow, which is really helpful for the environment." Leaf smiled, waving his hand around and watching as a sunflower grew next to Xino.

"Neat, I can water your plants if ever needed. What about you Mr. paint?" Alon and Leaf both turned to Xino, his face heating up.

"Honestly? I don't know. I spent my entire life sitting in a blank room just to be told I have super powers or whatever. I have never seen so much color in my life. Or people."

"A blank room?" Leaf tilted his head and leaned against the railing.

"Long story, haha. But I guess I'm here to figure things out."

Xino had left his roommates to get changed, they still had an hour before they needed to be at the school for registration and announcements. The school was apparently really big, you could see it from his bedroom window. He wondered if all schools were this big, if the teachers were nice or mean, if the walls in the school were blank or full of color. Xino had been inspecting Leaf's hair and decided he wanted to dye his as well, and he also decided to paint all his plain white clothing. Before he knew it, Leaf and Alon were calling him outside so they could get to school.

It was different, having friends. They talked about their lives at home and about what they wanted school to be like. They mentioned their powers a few times, they weren't supposed to use them outside of school. Xino stayed quiet for the most part, he was still getting used to talking. Instead he looked at every little thing and tried to engrave it into his memory. He still didn't understand why his parents kept him in a blank slate for eight years. He hadn't done anything yet.

Eventually the trio made it to the school, crowds of students and maybe teachers were entering from the dormitories, all different people with so much color. Some people had crazy hair or bright colored clothes. He even thought he saw a tail flicker in the crowd, and maybe some bunny ears. So many new things that his brain was brimming with creativity.

"You okay?" Alon asked, they were all trying to stay close together.

"Better than that…" He whispered, his eyes darting to each thing he saw. He could almost picture putting all these people standing in the one big room called an auditorium, put together perfectly.

And with one blink, everyone he had imagined was sitting in the auditorium, confused and freaked out. Xino looked at Leaf, who was spinning in circles faster than Xino knew was possible.

"What was that!" He screamed, his voice being drowned out by the swarms of people.

"Not sure..but whatever it was, we don't have to walk anymore." Alon laughed, looking up at the stage.

"Welcome students! Please everyone, take your seats." A female's voice rang throughout the auditorium, everyone sitting down in the chairs behind them. "Thank you, now..I welcome you to Potestas Academy!" Everyone cheered wildly, Xino had to cover his ears in fear of going deaf.

"Quiet down, students." The man who had taken Xino spoke now, he stood up next to the woman, two others joining them. "As some of you may know me, I am The Flamboyant! Top five of the top five." His voice boomed across the room as his outfit shined brightly. His yellow hair was spiky and he looked almost surreal.

"And I am Nymphalid, the butterfly walker. Top four of the top five." The woman from before spoke, she spread her arms and revealed wings that looked just like a butterfly, black fading into blue with designs. Everyone cheered once more as she fluttered gracefully, her dress flowing behind her. The dark colors went well with her light skin.

"I am Dormir." The next man spoke. He had a tired look in his eyes and wore a night cap over messy dark blue hair. "The hero of sleep, top three of the top five." He said drowsily, stumbling as he dozed to the left. A few people laughed as others clapped.

"And I….am Havoc." Everyone looked to the last person as she pulled down her hood, eyes sweeping the crowd. Her hair was fiery, like, on fire. Red eyes and a dress to match. She was glowing. Really, really glowing. "The bringer of destruction and chaos, of good to evil, top two of the top five."

All around him he could hear whispers and gasps of amazement. "One of our teachers is Havoc?" "Havoc is the best!" "I can't believe she's the real Havoc!". Xino wasn't sure who she was. He had never heard of any of these people, but from the sound of it, they were important. The top five heroes, The Flamboyant, Nymphalid, Dormir, Havoc…and who?

"We will all be your teachers through the year, along with a few other heroes you may know of." Nymphalid smiled as she motioned towards the people sitting behind her on the stage.

"Not only will you be taking your regular academic courses at this academy, you will also be taking the most extravagant superhero training you will ever get!" Mr. Flamboyant winked.

"Your homeroom schedules will be…"


"Huh? Oh, oh. Your homeroom schedules will be your superhero training classes, schedules will be passed out in your homerooms. Hopefully everyone received their homerooms beforehand." Dormir dozed off as the other three scoffed and laughed.

"Thank you once again, students, we hope to raise all of you into truly wonderful heroes. You are the next generation of superheroes, maybe some of you will live up to the top five." Havoc concluded, waving for everyone to head to their first classes.

Commotion sprouted up immediately. Students are all talking and worrying about classes, admiring the top five, and making friends. Alon and Leaf stuck close to Xino, trying to guide each other out. Homerooms were divided by dormitory, which meant the trio would be sticking together for their first class. Room 201, class 1-b. It took about five minutes for them to disperse from the crowd, and another five to actually find the classroom.

Xino found himself admiring the art on all the walls, the different looks each classroom held, and wondering what powers he might have. They each entered the classroom, most seats already taken. Students were talking and waiting patiently for the teacher to enter the classroom as the three took their seats. Leaf sat up front, Alon sat towards the middle, and Xino sat in the back corner near the window. The classroom had about fifteen students in total, each an entirely different person. Soon enough, the teacher arrived. Nymphalid smiled as she floated to her desk, sitting on top of it and looking at each student.

"Hello, class." Her voice was gentle and quiet, just loud enough to grab everyone's attention. "This is your family as of today, every single person in this room. And as a family, I think it would be best if we learned about each other. As you know, I am Nymphalid, your teacher for superhero training. Now, let's start from the first row and make our way down." She smiled and beckoned the first person up, to which they skipped to the front of the room and smiled.

"My name is Misty and I have the power of invisibility!" Misty smiled, their gray hair and eyes seeming transparent.

"Hi, I'm Inia. I have telekinesis." Inia's voice was far away but everywhere at the same time. Her eyes were bright blue and she wore a cloak. Her tan skin seemed darker under the light.

"I am Leaf! I control nature, foliage, and animals with just a flick of my hand."

"My name is Reed, I have musical power."

"I am Natalie, I have the power to make anything and everything."

"My name is Loid, I have the power of venom."

"I'm Alon, I have the power to control any type of water."

"Hey everyone, I am Courtet and I am half dragon."

"The name's Mumble, I have the power of explosion."


"Uh, I'll just go next. My name is Riffer and I have the power of teleportation. His name is Riffen and he can control time. We are twins."

"My name is Fonzo and I can take any shape I want."

"I'm Lucifer, I can read minds."

"My name is Jig! I have the power of visions and spiritual speaking."

"I'm Xino."

Everyone waited patiently for him to continue. All eyes were on him, and he wanted to dig a hole and cry. Xino didn't know what his powers were, he only knew that they existed. Nobody told him what made him dangerous or different, just that he needed to be here, Nymphalid smiled and walked over to him.

"And what is your power, Xino?"

"I don't know."

"You've never used it?"

"I never could. My parents left me to live in a blank house with the same schedule my whole life, well, eight years."

"I see…well, let's do our best to figure it out? I'm sure your parents will know so I will talk with them."

"Thank you."

Nymphalid patted him on the head before walking back to the front of the room. Everyone had introduced themself now, each person had a different ability and skill. Xino felt so lame in this classroom, everyone was different while all he could do was paint a nice picture. He had been thinking about that for a while. He hadn't drawn anything since he was six, so why was he so good at it?

Everyone turned their attention back to the front of the room, Leaf giving him a thumbs up. Xino managed a smile and went to look out the window, half paying attention and half day dreaming. Their first day was tomorrow and they would have to start learning more about their specific powers and how to use them individually before they could do any real training.

The bell soon rang and everyone filed out, Leaf and Alon joining Xino at the back. Leaf gave him a pat on the back and exclaimed how much fun they were going to have in that class. They all had different classes for the second period though and had to split up. Xino sighed, a smile making its way to his face. He was hoping for the best.

“A hero isn’t always the protagonist.” -Evergreen

Evaandlillscreators' thoughts