
Portfolio of Sin (Lost Love)

Counsellor_Myke · Fantasia
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1 Chs

Lost Love

It's no surprise the ups and downs of relationships, so it shouldn't come as a shock how mine ended.

Though over a couple of months I have always felt it was my fault or maybe not - Just listen and judge for yourself.

She was the most beautiful person I had ever seen - her skin literally glowed. Her brownish black hair extended towards her back and relaxed gracefully upon her shoulders.

Her skin fair and her body serene, seeing her I felt like I was beside still waters. She was beyond me, she belonged to a different world and a different class - old skul.

I was just another guy in the street trying to fend. I lived by the day and sweat was my meal but I was okay.

I did everything I could to survive, from pick-pocketing to sometimes robbing stores and most times my guys and I would terrorize folks who passed by the hood and jigger them to get something- as a means to survive.

People in the streets called us 'lonely bandits' but we were good guys, we only found ourselves doing bad things to good people because of the economic crash of our society.

I never thought about having a woman, not to talk of being in a relationship and I bragged about how heartless I was when it came to such things that my crew nicknamed me 'Tommy Loveless'.

I continued as Tommy Loveless until the day I saw her. She walked through the neighbourhood like she knew where she was going but she didn't - I had been in that hood for sixteen years and I never saw her. She wore a blue Jean and a track suit - it is always cold in December.

I didn't see her face when my guy - Chief - told me we had a knew score in the hood. I thought it was just another day and just another person I could jack. We followed her carefully until she reached the middle of the street - it was about 6 in the evening, the street had fewer people going through. My guys were to stay behind her while I cut her off from the front.

I approached her, held her by the shoulder and said " give me all you've got in that purse...."

She looked up to me with fear in her eyes but even then I could still see it - the beauty that lies behind that fear.

Her eyes were big oval shaped - like an egg. The black spot in her eye shone so bright it was as if you could touch them.

She had pink lip stick on and pink colored shadow under her eyebrow and around her neck was a love shaped necklace.

She was the most peculiar person I had ever seen in my entire life. I stared at her in awe.

She just kept looking at me, maybe she thought I was a danger to her life but I never could ask.

When she saw that I had let my guard down, she ran off as swiftly as she could. I on the other hand just stood there rooted to the spot. I only turned to look at her as she ran.

Days went by and I couldn't take her off my mind, my crew knew there was something amiss and they knew it had to do with the 'fair girl in the street' - as they called her.

Fortunately, Chief - my youngest brother - had followed her home and found out where she stayed - and you know what I did.


It was 10:15 am when I walked up to her door. Chief had agreed to accompany me - as my encourager - should I need encouragement. And I did because about 2 minutes from her house, I totally lost confidence but my 'encourager' was there to help.

She stayed in a small apartment building, though I wasn't sure if she stayed alone - she was too beautiful to be single.

I knocked on the door and I heard an answer somewhere inside the room and after about 40 seconds the door swung open.

It was a little girl of about 6 years old, she looked at me so sternly and then shouted back. "Mom there's a man at the door!"

Her mother came running towards the door, she didn't recognise me at first until I spoke.

"Good afternoon" I said.

She looked at me and it seems in that moment a great wave of memory flooded into her soul and she panicked.

"I'm not here to harm you" I said to her.

She looked at me not being able to speak and with a stutter she managed to say.

" what do you want here."

"Is she your daughter?" I asked.

"Yes she is my daughter, what has that got to do with why you are here?"

" where is her father? Are you with him?"

" no I'm not with him, he left us years ago and I don't want to remember him."

"I remember feeling so relieved when she gave me that answer - maybe it isn't right to be happy over someone else's downfall - but it was his downfall - whoever he is.

I looked at her once more and I said the only thing that came to mind and don't blame me - I'm new to this trade.

"I want to marry you, I want you to be my woman."

Her face filled with confusion but like the angel she was, she only said.

"How do you think that will work? You nearly robbed me the first time we met. Don't you remember that?"