
Portal: When the Philippines Fought Back

Year 2022, as the world recover from its former enemy, the virus that spread across nations, another calamity struck once again. A portal that leads to hell, to disaster, to another world. // Please do be reminded that this novel is an open plot that exceed beyond its center one. A scifi yet fantastic fiction that transpire within the world of Earth yet will inevitably wander through the galaxy. // I am nothing but a simple teenager who answers my own question far beyond what's capable of human mind. Which means, this is all nothing but fictions that came out from my imagination. Thank you for reading!

_Schonheit99 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs


On the other side, enemies of the human was in panic as two of their most crucial line of supply were easily sieged despite fierce preparation.

Even the current commander of the Royal Army can't believe what happen.

"Then, what should we do?!! If we can't recover it soon, our army in another continent will soon fall. These enemy of ours are needed to be taken seriously, you bastards!" A sharp, yet lovely voice of a girl echoed through the room as she scold every one of her retainer due to their own negligence.

The reason it fall is because it lacks not only the manpower, but the chain of command. At that time, the generals who control the two region were captured by their enemy.

Because of the massive force struck towards them, even the Sages weren't able to retaliate.

"Lady Irellet, isn't this the good time?" Lady Irellet, commander of the Royal Army and the Royal Princess of Yggdrasil look at her retainer with surprise look.

She knows what he's talking about.

Since the start of invasion, the princess have seen something she shouldn't have.

People being slaughtered, raped, and enslaved.

But what really trouble her are the words of one of the people they tortured.

"A great retribution will fall upon your soil as our world unite once they know this sickening actions." one of the high government official said as the torturer keep on whipping his body.

"Isn't this a normal situation in a war? Even if we lost we will simply sue peace."

*Laughs hysterically*

"HAHAHAHA, humans are vengeful creature. That's what I know, and surely, we strictly forbid slavery, so once they find out about this, only your God will save you from hell!"

"That's foolish and impossible, slavery will never cease to exist in a society."

"Perhaps. But when the time comes where they will find out, I want you to ask yourself and beg them, slavery is a very foolish thing, innit?

Your kind shall know what kind of enemy you just fought. We have weapons your pathetic sages can't even be compared. But surely, they won't use it since they care for their people so much.

Tell me, you didn't do anything much worse than slavery right?"

Dumbstruck from the threatening words of the prisoner, Irellet simply ask a simple question.

"Then what if we did?"

The guy merely scoff and cough the blood from his mouth.

"Then truly, your God will only save you from their own judgment."

And just like that, the body of the man lay lifeleslly tied in chain.

Irellet still can't forget about that eventful day. Still, her allies keep treating their prisoner much worse at day pass by.

And now, the enemy have shown what they are truly capable of. Capturing the most crucial part of their empire within a week that should take months or even years, or possibly, centuries.

"Can you perhaps contact the enemy commander?"

"Royal Princess..." before she could finish her words, one of the general spoke without giving permission to speak.

"Did I tell you to speak, General Julius?"

"Apologies, but do you really think they will agree to your terms once you contacted them? I'm sure they're as angry as hell right now knowing what we did to their people."

"We do not have choice. We need to negotiate in order to abdicate my foolish brother, if not, just like that prisoner told us, only God can save us from hell."

"Do you believe him, a word from a desperate man trying to escape from death?" Julius look at him with a face as if mocking the princess.


"From the recent experiments, we concluded that they fear especially death, so how can you believe them when they're at their doorstep?"


"We will send thousands of Sage, and I daresay, that's enough to destroy their army. Will that be okay, royal princess?"

Irellet retreated as the commander of the Sage spoke against her idealistic idea.

"But if I was right, We will use my plan."

"Of course, your highness."


Three days later, before the Sages could even reach and recover the lost region, all of them were pulverized and annilihated causing a mass panic once again at the current headquarter of Yggdrasil army located at Tokyo.